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Weekly Update - Tom Bowlers and the Cuts - 4 September 2018







The speaker said …

No external speaker, as it is our night for Planning Meetings, but we were taken down memory lane by Kay Phillips with her 'Introductory Speech' about her childhood in Wanganui. Keep reading >>


President Donna welcomed everyone to Committee night and started with a series of thanks and compliments. She gave a big bunch (quite literally!) of special thanks to Wendy, Phillip, Bill and the team assisting with the Primary Schools' Leadership Awards last Monday. Not only did the schools,  students and guest speakers rise to the occasion but for Donna, a highlight was watching two Myanmar homework kiddies walk across the stage. Judge Andrew Becroft said he had been a Rotary Global Grant recipient and returned to establish the Community Law Centre. By Wednesday the photos were up and individuals named; the Mayor, via the Deputy Mayor Black Fern Izzy Ford, and the Children’s Commissioner's Office had posted on Facebook and this week articles have appeared in both Kapi Mana and Whitby Newsbrief.

A great Cluster sausage sizzle, held on Saturday, for Mary Potter Hospice raised $614 but more than that was the mixing of Cluster clubs under Assistant Governor Adrienne Murray.

A big thank you also went to Marty and all those who attended our meeting Te Kura Maori O Porirua. Marty's korero and mihi were very well executed. He obviously put a lot of work into that. The hongi from the students who recognised us from the Leadership Awards and secondary school speech contest was very welcoming. We wish them well on their journey to Tahiti, especially tracing the journey of their waka bringing their ancestors to Aotearoa. This was a very moving visit to a learning facility in our community. Let’s hope we continue to engage with them well.

Editors Wendy and Kay feel we should also record a special commendation to our President, Donna, for her leadership at the Awards last Monday. In particular, her speech was simply outstanding. Donna gave a fine tribute to some of the amazing work Rotary does and wove the threads of her speech together in a seamless presentation that did us all proud. 

A final note: The quality of the students' performance at Te Kura Maori O Porirua was absolutely brilliant as were the three Le Art students on Monday.

Membership Director, Don outlined the proper procedure to follow when introducing a potential new member - everyone's responsibility. Last year our membership rose to 68, then dropped to 59 and is now on the rise again. Tell Don, Joe, Peter J, Angus or Mike S if you can put forward a name (or two).

The Almoner said …

Best wishes to Phil Reidy who is now home, following his hospital visit.

The Outside World

When District Governor, Helaine Campbell, asked clubs to carry out a signature water-related project in 2013-14, Salvador Rico proposed a cleanup of the Ameca River. 'I always hoped that someday I could go home and do something to turn all the sewage into pristine waters,' says Rotarian and clean-up organiser, Rico.

This week’s happenings

Last week we provided you with links to the reports for Primary School Leadership Awards. In response to popular demand, we have now loaded a Youtube video of Le Art singing the National Anthem. If you scroll to the bottom of the pageyou will be able to enjoy some of the sounds from the day as well. 

If you haven't received your copy of RDU yet, check out the article on page 37 submitted by our own Assistant Governor, Adrienne, on page 37 about 'Overhauling New Zealand's Playgrounds'. Well done Adrienne.

Looking ahead, we are hosting the 'Pop-up Shop' in Hartham Place again this year from 5-11 November.More details will follow. In the lead-up, Inner Wheel members are looking for clean clothes and accessories - anything, in fact, pre-loved that you might want to pass on. It is, after all, Spring!

Meanwhile, the Zonta Club of Mana is holding their own Pop-up Shop from 24-29 September at 17 Hartham Place, Porirua so you might find a bargain thee. The funds they raise will go to empower women and promote self-esteem.

If you're not on the Our Porirua E-Newsletter monthly mailing list and want to be, do let me know. In case you missed the August edition, you can go here.

If you don't have time to read the whole E-newsletter, you may want to read the Chairman's summing up of the Rotary Forum, which AdrienneDonna, and Wendy attended, held on Thursday 23 August.

What’s coming up in September and beyond?

If you missed the showing of the Balibo movie at the Lighthouse in July (as Wendy did) you're welcome to her house on Friday evening at 6.00 pm. Bring a plate and we'll munch before we watch.

On 7-8 September, Wellington Free Ambulance is holding a Onesie Day Street Appeal. Here is the flyer if you wish to volunteer your time. 

On 11 September, Romchalee Kanokngamwitroj is from Save the Children Fund. Romchalee will be speaking about child trafficking in Thailand and Nepal. Child trafficking will be a Rotary Action group like Rages 

On 18 September, Rebecca Holden, a Wellington artist, will talk to us about WW1 art projects. If you click on the link, you will see where she is currently exhibiting some of her artworks.

In addition to hearing from Rebecca, we will also welcome Erin Paterson on 18 September (accompanied by Dr. Tinte Itinteang, MRI Chief Scientific Officer, who will tell us about her internship at the Salk Institute, north of San Diego.

On 25 September we will hear from Mayor Mike Tana who will welcome any questions we may have to ask him.

You can find most of the events for the rest of this year on our Events page.


Peter Lillico used his Viewpoint slot to tell us how the Firewood Project started, about 25 years ago. Like cash for cans and the Book Fair, it's a recycling project and the Club has benefitted financially. It wouldn't have worked without the support of Ian and Terrie Turner and Ted Nation who provide a home for the chopped and split wood before it is sold. Many customers return because they know the sales benefit Te Aro Piko. The project will be on hold for the next two months while Peter goes to Canada with Bev for the International Friendship Exchange. Next year a reciprocal group will come to New Zealand.

Parting thought

Don Johnston gave us two!

About membership - 'Feel the fear and do it anyway'!

And a second from Fred Allen, 'I like long walks, especially when they are taken by people who annoy me'!

Who’s on duty for the next month?

Unable to do your duty? Please find a replacement and inform Philip Mottram.
Please arrive at 5.45 pm if you're on Door duty or on Introduction duty to greet the Guest Speaker and be his/her host for the evening.
Need to apologise or bring additional guests?
Advise the Receptionist at Professionals before 10.00 am on the Monday before the meeting on 233 9955 or email if you prefer.
Please provide the name (and spelling if necessary). The same applies if you're going to be late.

Weekly Update - Tom Bowlers and the Cuts - 4 September 2018

Guests are welcome to our Dinner Meetings. 
For apologies or additional guests, please phone or email Phillip Whearty before 10.00 am on Mondays (or before 10.00 am on Tuesdays if Monday is a statutory holiday) on 027 448 9094 or email


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