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Weekly Update - A Man on a Mission - 28 February 2023









President Denise gave a warm welcome to our speaker for the evening, Simon Aing. She also welcomed Bruce Phillip's brother-in-law from the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Russell Hicks.

President's comments

Denise shared the planning for the Event 50 team carried out by herself, Phillip and Tania. On the eve of entering our 50th year of service to our community, she offered greetings to our present and our future, especially remembering past members. There are now 1.5 million Rotarians globally and over 35,000 clubs. She reminded us that Rotary International celebrated its 118th birthday on 23 February. So that we could all get some idea of the initial planning that is going into this special year of service. Following the meeting, there have been a few changes to the initial draft plan which Denise showed to us and the revised plan will be sent out to everyone soon. Several members have already agreed to lead specific groups; others will be tapped on the shoulder shortly!

The speaker said …

Our guest speaker this week was Simon Aing. Simon has put together a vision which encompasses groups of low-cost homes, and shared energy supply among other things. He points out that the concept might also be used as an alternative to the retirement village. You can read Mike's report here


Mike Doig was 'The Person Behind The Badge' this week and gave us a fascinating insight, mostly into his education and working life. We count ourselves fortunate that we have members who can tell us about their fascinating backgrounds and you can read the full story here

What’s coming up in March and beyond?

The Pop up Shop is proving very popular and Allan and his team have already collected just over $2,000 for Wellington Free Ambulance. Rhondda has obviously been very successful with her marketing on Facebook. The Mayor visited. bought a large picnic basket, and posted photos on her Facebook page too so there were soon lots of visitors from the Council. Those on duty had great fun exploring the offerings, trying on some of the clothes and finding treasures here and there. The real punters couldn't help but join in the fun and laughter. There's still time to visit until 4.00 pm on Friday. It's pity you're already too late to buy this delightful jumper which you may see one of our members (who shall be nameless) wearing to Rotary one evening! Don't miss out though - there's plenty more.

Allan needs our help on Friday from 2.00-5.00 when he will begin to take what's left to its next destination so please turn up to help him. On Saturday he also needs help from 8.00 until lunch time, and Bruce has agreed to take a trailer along at 7.30 on Monday morning to remove the stands for the clothes. Well done team! 

Next week, 7 March, is Committee night and there will be lots to discuss, particularly about planning for the 50th Anniversary on 23 May. and beyond

And this is advance notice that the meeting on Tuesday 14 March will be at the Bowling Club, tolling up from 5.00 pm onwards.

Rotary International President, Jennifer Jones, is inviting you to join thousands of other dedicated Rotary members at this year's Rotary Convention from 27-31 May 2023 in Melbourne, Australia. As is the case with our own District Conference from 17-19 March 2023 in Kapiti, it is unlikely that it will ever be closer. You can register here.

As ever, you'll find all future events, and the Club calendar, here.


As part of the preparations for the important function on 23 May, please let Kay know the names of people you remember who used to be involved with our Club and who may like to receive an invitation.

Thanking Nick for providing them, Minutes of the Board and Charitable Trust for November 2022 are in the Intranet. 

Parting thought

Bob Austin gave us the Parting Thought tonight. He said, 'Never stop doing your best because someone doesn't give you credit.'

Who’s on duty for the next month?

Unable to do your duty? Please find a replacement and inform Leigh Corner.
If you're a late 'no show' please tell President Denise.
Please arrive at 5.45 pm if you're on Door duty or hosting the Guest Speaker for the evening.
For apologies or additional guests, please phone or email Phillip Whearty before 10.00 am on Mondays (or before 10.00 am on Tuesdays if Monday is a statutory holiday) on 027 448 9094 or email The same applies if you're going to be late.

Weekly Update - A Man on a Mission - 28 February 2023

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