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Weekly Update - There but for The Grace of God - 31 January 2023









President Denise welcomed our speaker for the evening, Detective Inspector Darrell Harpur.

The speaker said …

You can read Mike's offering about Darrell's talk here. Darrell is a crime-fighter and a long-time friend of President Denise and Dexter. 


Colin Whyte gave us the Viewpoint tonight. He said that the world is still very much dependent on hydrocarbons for its energy needs and is likely to be so for many years to come however new technologies are being developed and will start to have major impacts in the next 5-10 years. Don’t panic and exile the oil & gas producers, we need them for the time being and we need the money they are putting into R&D and the industries that they are providing energy to so they can invest in R&D.
There is currently a place for all Energy sources with perhaps coal being the first energy source to be scaled right down but even that source is critical to many developing countries and certainly to NZ to keep the lights on until new technologies become widely commercialised.

What’s coming up in February and beyond?

Next week, 7 February is the first Committee Night of the year. There will be lots to discuss and lots to volunteer to help with. Denise will be sending out a note to all Directors asking for ideas for the 50th Anniversary

Phillip announced that there will be a special showing at The Lighthouse to celebrate Valentine's Day on 14 February, starting at 5.30 pm. There will be a small amount of Rotary business with each Director presenting their future plans. Other details, including the choice of movie, will be forthcoming shortly. 

Remember to offer help to Chris Garrett for the Golf Tournament on 10 February. There's bound to be something you will be able to do.

You may have received a personal invitation to spent an evening with former RI President, Ian Riseley. In case you didn't, you can find the information you'll need here

Allan reminded members about the Pop-Up Shop starting with the set up on Friday 24 February and running for the following week. Please continue to offer your help. He wants more items to sell and will 'take anything'! Members can take items to Allan's garage or, if desperate, Allan will pick items up. 

Phillip Rhodes and friends are staging a concert on Friday 24 February at St Andrews on the TerraceTickets cost $85 each. Please click on this safe link to take you to the Events Pronto website where you can buy tickets.

Euon is still hoping for some speaker suggestions so please see him if anyone comes to mind. Meanwhile, you can see all future events here. 


President Denise made the sad announcement that Peter Jackson has resigned owing to the impact of his declining health. We will keep him involved and thank him for his strong contribution to the Club.

Denise spared a thought for those affected by the recent flooding, especially those in Auckland.

Vice-President Kay reminded members that the District Conference this year will be from 17-19 March at Southwards with some very interesting speakers. She suggested that members might form a group , given that the venue was probably the closest a District Conference was ever likely to be to Plimmerton. This link will take you directly to the District website. 

Phillip notified members that Todd Digital have decided to wind up the Ethify project. They will, however, be sending $896 to the club, being contributions from members' monthly bills and $1,000 as a special payment because we provided ten people to join the project in the first fifty. Denise thanked Phillip and Mike for their hard work in trying to get the project off the ground. 

Ann Scannell used to have a land line that worked but a mobile that didn't at her home. The situation has now reversed so, if you want to get hold of Ann, please ring on her mobile. 

And President Denise is also having a few technical difficulties with email addresses (something to do with lost passwords?) Please email her at work @acc. or ring or text her if you want to make sure that your message isn't lost in the ether. 

Finally, but most importantly, Dexter and Peter are conspiring to start a musical ensemble and would like to know who might be interested in joining in. Dexter will be providing more information soon, but in the meantime, talk to him if you're interested. 

Parting thought

Peter Sinke gave us the Parting Thought tonight from Dr Seuss, 'Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened',

Who’s on duty for the next month?

Unable to do your duty? Please find a replacement and inform Leigh Corner.
If you're a late 'no show' please tell President Denise.
Please arrive at 5.45 pm if you're on Door duty or hosting the Guest Speaker for the evening.
For apologies or additional guests, please phone or email Phillip Whearty before 10.00 am on Mondays (or before 10.00 am on Tuesdays if Monday is a statutory holiday) on 027 448 9094 or email The same applies if you're going to be late.


Weekly Update - There but for The Grace of God - 31 January 2023

Guests are welcome to our Dinner Meetings. 
For apologies or additional guests, please phone or email Phillip Whearty before 10.00 am on Mondays (or before 10.00 am on Tuesdays if Monday is a statutory holiday) on 027 448 9094 or email


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