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Weekly Update - Liz Koh steps up - 25 October 2022









President Denise gave a warm welcome, acknowledging Tokelau Language Week whose theme is "Halahala ki vavau, kae ke mau ki pale o Tokelau" meaning "To plan for the future is to understand the past." 

She welcomed Area Governor Liz Koh and thanked both Liz and Kay for the work they do in this role. Liz spoke briefly about the work that is being done on a District Strategy, asking what sort of organisation we want to be. Communication is a major issue, Rotary International to District, District to Clubs and members to the community. How can we improve our communication and how can we fulfil our duty to do projects that fit within the Rotary International Areas of Focus? She asked how we, as members, see the role of the Assistant Governor and what can she and Kay do to fulfil our expectations?

The speaker said …

Luckily, Liz Koh had in her handbag the notes for a talk she had given to Tawa Rotary on the subject of retirement planning, and she was able to deliver the same talk to us at short notice as the scheduled speaker was a no-show. As Mike reports, "and very good it was, too." 

What’s coming up in October and beyond? 

Guess Who's Coming to Dinner will be happening this very Saturday evening, 29 October. Allan provided a final reminder and, if you missed his exhortations, you can remind yourself of all the details here.

And on Sunday 30 October we will continue the social activities with Drinks and Nibbles at the home of Graham and Annette Craig.

The socialising will continue right up to next Tuesday, 1 November with fun and frolics on Melbourne Cup and Casino evening. Remember to bring cash! You can find all the details here.

Chris confirmed that the Annual Golf Tournament will take place on Friday 18 November. Twelve of the eighteen holes have already been sponsored and it will be a great day. Mike Scott will be managing a Sausage Sizzle from 10.00-4.00 and volunteers are sought to drive drinks trolleys around the course to dispense to provide liquid refreshment. Please provide prizes (a car for example) to Chris. All major items will be auctioned at the end of the day by talented auctioneer, Euon Murrell.

As usual, you'll find all future events here.


Bill spoke about Supporting the Environment, one of RI's Areas of Focus. The last planting day will be on 9 November and Bill needs help to lay out the plants and trees on 8 November at 9.00 am as well as on the 9th itself. We will have a big group from AIG Insurance on the 9th who will be supervised. It only remains for 900 plants to go into the ground to conclude the three year planting programme for the Rotary Forest of Peace and Remembrance

Kay mentioned that plans are afoot to resurrect the Plonket Shield, a cricketing contest between a team from our Club and that of Kapiti Rotary. This will probably take place towards the end of January either on a Saturday or Sunday. It will be held in Kapiti as they are the holders of the trophy. The team will be mixed and Kay looks forward to expressions of interest from potential players.

Bryan Waddle  was asked to predict the outcome of the T20. He resisted giving a prediction, saying that it was easier to predict a Lotto result. Anything is possible, he said, especially after New Zealand's superb performance a few days earlier. He surmised that New Zealand may come close, but England will be the side to beat and India might well be the other finalist. 

This week’s happenings

Work continues apace at Porirua Gardens. Some of the MenzShed members kindly started assembling the Propagation Bed that Whitby New World donated to us. It is larger than expected and won’t fit in the corner by the shed so we have placed it backing up to half the gate.

Karori Rotary Club is almost ready to deliver Christmas Puddings. All they need is an email request and a delivery address. Please place your orders directly by email with Douglas Langford.

You will find all the information you need in the attached flyer. Rotary_Christmas_Pudding_Flyer_2022 

There are heaps of spaces to fill in the Christmas Wrapping Schedule that Porirua Rotary is organising. Wendy will print the schedule and bring it to Rotary for the next few weeks so that you can choose a slot (or three) to help to support this fundraising venture. She and Kath Beattie have the  'live' schedule which they will update each time someone volunteers. Please give your time generously - it's a fun activity and (trust me) you don't have to be an expert wrapper to volunteer!

Plimmerton Inner Wheel President, Sheryl Perera, has asked the women in our Club to support the request from the Changemakers Resettlement Programme to volunteer to mentor women in Porirua who are registered on their "Turning The Curve Driving Programme". You will find all the details in this poster. TTC_Poster 

Almoner's Report

Just a note to wish Rhondda all the best. She has passed all the required tests (including one for intelligence - which she undoubtedly knocked out of the park) and goes into Hospital on Monday before the operation on Wednesday. Fingers crossed.

Parting thought

Mike Doig gave us the Parting Thought this week with a quote from William Faulkner.  "Life is a process of preparing to be dead for a long time". 

Who’s on duty for the next month?

Unable to do your duty? Please find a replacement and inform Leigh Corner. 
If you're a late 'no show' please tell President Denise. 
Please arrive at 5.45 pm if you're on Door duty or hosting the Guest Speaker for the evening.
Need to apologise or bring additional guests? 
Advise the Receptionist at Professionals before 10.00 am on the Monday before the meeting on 233 9955 or email if you prefer. 
Please provide the name (and spelling if necessary). The same applies if you're going to be late.


Weekly Update - Liz Koh steps up - 25 October 2022

Guests are welcome to our Dinner Meetings. 
For apologies or additional guests, please phone or email Phillip Whearty before 10.00 am on Mondays (or before 10.00 am on Tuesdays if Monday is a statutory holiday) on 027 448 9094 or email


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