President Donna said that for the District Governor's visit on 30 October, there is “a dream” that some members will meet on Te Ara Piko where it is hoped there will be a week-long display of light boxes containing crosses of those who fell in the war.
Heads up: Keep 1 November free for a Cluster movie fundraiser to end polio.
Cath Berryman reported that Amandine is currently on holiday with her family. Amandine says “Hello” to everyone and sent thanks again for all the support she received during her year here.
Adrienne Murray spoke about the annual blood pressure testing at Whitby New World on 6 October.
Peter Sinke explained that upgrades for your computer operating system can be bought very inexpensively through Rotary. Because old operating systems cannot always access information it is important that we keep our computers up to date. Contact Peter for more details if you are interested.
Kay Phillips presented this week's Viewpoint. She advocated for the retention of plastic bags based on recent research.
The Almoner said …
John Barber advised members that Honorary Member Spencer Harris had a fall a couple of nights ago. He may need a hip replacement. You will be kept posted on this.
The Outside World
Pakistan’s new vaccination drive, ‘final push’ against polio
Islamabad (AP) – A Pakistani health official says authorities have launched a week-long anti-polio campaign touted as a ‘final push’ against the crippling disease. Its aim is to vaccinate millions of children under 5 years of age. Dr Rana Safdar, the campaign’s national coordinator, says the campaign was launched on Monday amid tight security in 89 districts and towns with a total of 110,000 health workers who will fan out to vaccinate 19.2 million children. He says the campaign will last for four days in some areas.
Polio is still endemic in Pakistan, Afghanistan and Nigeria. But with just three cases reported this year, Pakistan is close to completely eradicating the disease. Pakistan regularly carries out anti-polio drives despite threats from the Taliban who claim the campaign is a Western conspiracy to sterilize children.
This week’s happenings
For those of you who haven't seen it, here's the August 2018 Newsletter from DG Marion Johnston.
President Donna reports that the Belola School project is at 65% of construction and progressing fast. It is now a race between the builders finishing and the fit-out container arriving in Balibo/Belola. They are still confident it will all come together by end of October 2018.
You can find the full pdf of the latest membership list, updated by Graeme Tongs on Wednesday 8 August 2018 on the Intranet.
What’s coming up in August and beyond?
On 14 August, Judy Whitcombe will talk to us about Suffrage 125, drawing on her personal experiences and work, on the role of women in New Zealand.
The Mary Potter Hospice pop up shop will be open on 25 August. There will be a Cluster BBQ all day and we have booked the Cluster Gazebo between 1-4 pm.
On 21 August, Ragne Maxwell, principal of Porirua College, and two of her students will be talking to us. Ragne says that 'the ideas of student leadership and community service are key foci for us this year'.
Our meeting on 25 August will be off-site at Te Kura Maori o Porirua (formerly Waitangirua Intermediate School). We will be called on (welcomed) to the school site as manuhiri (visitors) by the tangatawhenua (people of the place/hosts). A great chance to practise our waiata (song) before the Leadership Awards. The words are in last week’s Update. The buffet meal will cost $25 as usual but most of that will go towards fundraising for the World Waka Ama in Tahiti. Friends and partners are very welcome to join us. Numbers are needed next week. This is an amazing chance to see first-hand how a kura operates.
For more upcoming speakers and events, go to the Events page.
Comings and Goings
President Donna welcomed back travellers Jenny and Ron, Adrienne, who has been visiting her very ill sister, and Bruce who has had a hip replacement.
Parting thought
When you are arguing with a fool make sure he isn’t doing the same thing.
Who’s on duty for the next month?
Unable to do your duty? Please find a replacement and inform Philip Mottram.
Please arrive at 5.45 pm if you're on Door duty or on Introduction duty to greet the Guest Speaker and be his/her host for the evening.
Need to
Advise the Receptionist at Professionals before 10.00 am on the Monday before the meeting on 233 9955 or email if you prefer.
Please provide the name (and spelling if necessary). The same applies if you're going to be late.