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Rotary Rules


The governing council of Rotary International met recently in Chicago. Pat Waite, a member of Tawa Rotary Club and a former District Governor, attended the meeting on behalf of local clubs.

Speaking at Plimmerton Club on 17 May, Mr Waite explained that the international council made some important decisions which would affect all 2 million members worldwide. “For example, traditionally, every Rotary Club in the world has met once a week over a meal. From now on Clubs will be able to choose to meet less frequently than weekly, and if they want to have a shorter meeting over a coffee in a café then that’s OK as well.”

In future it would be possible for members to create a “virtual” club which would meet electronically. “This is seen as having appeal to younger generations of members and will help Rotary to survive and thrive into the future. It was also decided that a new class of membership called ‘associate member’ will be created for people under 35 years of age, who will pay a lesser levy than other members.”

Another major discussion was to choose an international project to eventually replace Polio Plus, Rotary’s highly successful worldwide project to eliminate polio from the planet, a goal that had almost been achieved, with only a few small areas remaining where the disease persisted. It was suggested by many delegates that the next international project should be based around water supply – the provision of clean water to every part of every country in the world.

Perhaps the most significant change was to the eligibility criteria for becoming a Rotary member, which would apply in every country in the world. After much debate the council resolved that to be eligible for membership, people would in future need to display the following characteristics:

Adult men and women who demonstrate good character, integrity and leadership, possess a good reputation within their business, profession and/or community; and are willing to serve in their community and/or around the world.


Rotary Best Speaker Awards
It's coming up fast. Be ready to support these absolutely amazing young speakers and make sure you bring your hanky. Julie McLagan and her team have been working incredibly hard to make this happen and you can see the details on our Events page, together with a video of last year's regional winner, Michael Pulis (thanks to Peter Sinke).

The 2016 Conference that was: Nelson May 6 - 8 
What a great weekend. Well worth the trip. Read the blog here that describes the key note speakers. Exchange student Helena had a great time. Remember that in April 2017 we have the opportunity to go as a team to New Plymouth for the next District 9940 conference. Planning for the conference is well advanced, with an exciting speakers’ programme. Access information about the 2017 conference here so that you can save money with an early bird booking!

Virtuoso Concert - playing their way into a better future
You can find all the details for this event on Saturday 2 July. Send an email around to all your contacts with the link - - so that they have all the details they'll need, and can read the story too. Of course you'll probably want to use word of mouth and telephone calls as well, but sending a link is sometimes quicker and gives the concert much greater exposure.

Inner Wheel May newsletter
This is now up on our site. You can either go to the Home page and click on Inner Wheel towards the bottom of the right column, or you can just click here (if you're not feeling adventurous!). You'll read about their Pink Ribbon luncheon at Carol Woodfield's home on Friday 27 May (in 'Carolyn's Contemplations'). We are all warmly invited.  Pink_Ribbon_Invitation  Also in 'Carolyn's Contemplations' you'll see that their changeover will take place in lieu of their June monthly meeting - at lunch time on Saturday 11 June at Paremata Boating Club (see if you can spot the deliberate mistake on the invitation!). We are also invited to this. Make sure you apply to the appropriate person in each case if you'd like to go to either event.

Special Event Invitation
We have received an invitation to a Special Event on Tuesday 7 June, our normal meeting night. This is obviously going to be an evening with a difference so be prepared to have fun! Have a look at the invitation and decide whether you'd like to bring a guest.  special_event_invitation

Sergeant’s Session
Bill McAulay ran an amusing and challenging sergeant’s session quiz on the theme of ‘Politics’, raising a tidy sum for the Foodbank.

District Changeover
A reminder that this will be held on 26 June at Tawa Rotary. Contact Peter Cox if you would like to attend. Details were in last week's Snippets.

Our Club Communications recognised again
Our leading-edge website has been noticed again, by ‘Rotary Down Under’ magazine, and ‘Rotary International’. Our resident guru Wendy Betteridge has been interviewed and will feature in RDU in June and in The Rotarian later in the year.

Police vetting
Because of our various activities involving young people, all members must go through the police vetting procedure. Graeme Tongs will issue the forms to members over the next few weeks. The vetting has a three year life.


Te Ara Piko
Philip Reidy gave the club an update on progress with the latest phase of the project. There has been a flurry of meetings with our partners in the project, the City Council, DoC and Whitby Newsbrief. Tenders close on Friday for the next stage of the work, which will start in the middle of the new section, for safety reasons.

Firewood project
Brian Waddle is organising a working bee to bag and sell kindling on Saturday, 28 May at the Jones Deviation site. Contact Brian if you want to help.


Rotary Rules

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