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Planning for the future


Tonight's meeting was one of fellowship and networking before members left to attend their various committee meetings to discuss their future plans. There were also several notices.

Rotary Leadership Institute
This training opportunity is open to all Rotarians. Session 2 is to be held in Levin on Sunday 28 August. (It is not necessary to have attended session 1). The cost is $20; President Peter has more information.

District Conference 2017
We already have 25 registrations for the Conference in New Plymouth - a remarkable number at this stage. Accommodation for these early birds is booked at the conference venue.

UN Youth scheme
Maisy Bentley of Aotea College will join us on 13 September to talk about her 2017 trip to Europe, and will visit us again afterwards to describe her experiences. She has been selected as one of 22 people around NZ to represent the country at UN Youth New Zealand’s Global Development Tour, which will be in January next year.

District Directory
President Peter still has a few of these for any member who would like one.

Garden Trail 2016
The second Garden Trail will take place on Sunday 27 November. Ten of the gardens will be ‘new’. Volunteers will be required again on the day to make sure everything goes smoothly; watch this space.

Celebrity Debate this Sunday
There are a few tickets left, and ticket holders may wish to organise themselves into tables of eight: see Wendy Betteridge.

Next week's speaker
Grant Baker, Chair of Porirua Harbour Community Trust, will be speaking to us. Here's the link to the PHCT web site

Youth-focussed meeting on Tuesday 6 September
Our exchange student, Laurie Boytard, will introduce herself before dinner, and rocket-builder Jack Davies (a student at Samuel Marsden, Whitby) will be our main speaker. Members are encouraged to bring young family members and friends to this meeting.

Planning for the future

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