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Maike's South Island Experience


Maike's South Island Experience


Our Exchange Student Maike gave us an excellent photo presentation of her recent South Island trip with 21 other exchange students currently staying in Rotary clubs around the North Island. Many of the things she did must be on our Bucket Lists! The group did kayaking in the Abel Tasman National Park, walking with crampons on Fox Glacier, tramping the Routeburn Track, biking the Otago Rail Trail and Whale and Dolphin Watching at Kaikoura. What a fantastic time!  No wonder it is the highlight of their year. 

Thank you Maike for a presentation well done.



Peter Lillico briefed the Club on the possibility of Easter 2014 at Ruapehu. A lovely long weekend away with the opportunity of bringing along some grandchildren. Give it some thought and let Peter know early next year. Email

Deputy Almoner Bruce Couch reported on Gordon’s amazing progress. He is home and welcomes visitors but do phone first and not too early.   Good wishes to Susie Hunt – Maike is looking forward to seeing you back at meetings. Terrie and Ian – our condolences on the sad loss of your ‘son’ Greg.

The Club AGM took place with its usual brevity, then President Ron circulated a follow-up Survey about Club communications and the website. After a six months trial of the new system it is being assessed. The results of the survey are being collated and the information will be disseminated next year, with decisions made as to how club news and views will be broadcast.

The meeting ended in an entertaining way with a Christmas Quiz put together by Richard Sherwin with money collected going to the Food Bank. A lot of research was done by Richard for the quiz  - Val had wondered what he was up to with the amount of time he had been spending at the computer!

The Next Meeting is 14 January 2014 – ‘Ted’s Boating Experience’ which is weather dependent (we will meet at the Mana Cruising Club if the weather is unsuitable to be on boats).  An email will be sent out a week earlier to gauge numbers for catering purposes.  


Message from Gwyn about the Book Fair:


“We are now only three months away from our Book Fair that will take place at the NZ Kennel Club on Saturday 22nd and Sunday 23rd March. Once the holiday period is over it will be upon us in a rush!

This is the same weekend as Conference; therefore there are divided loyalties - but those attending can help us out on the Friday morning before departure and again from 4.00 pm Sunday. These are the times we need everyone on deck!

Currently a flyer is being printed that will be included in the Porirua rates demand at the beginning of February. From that time we will be busy each day collecting books and sorting - we need 10 able-bodied retired volunteers to take responsibility for one day per week, spending a couple of hours collecting and sorting. Two collectors for Saturdays could be from the working members of the club.

We have been receiving book donations through the year - in one case over 4000 fiction largely in mint condition. As a result, we already have over 500 boxes sorted and stacked - around 20,000 books! We finished with just over 1000 boxes last year - so it looks as if it will be an even bigger event this year.

We need more customers - so for the first time with approval of the Tawa Club we will be distributing 4500 flyers with junk mail in their township immediately before the sale.

Our urgent need at the sale will be for able bodied people to set up from 8.00 am to mid-day on Friday and from 4.00 pm to 8.00 pm on the Sunday for clearing away.

Geriatrics with bad backs, hips, knees or other impediment can still contribute by sitting at the cash table between 8.30 and 4.30 each day!

The end of sale discards have been tragic in past years - so if anyone would like to arrange donation of these books after the event to schools, hospitals and prisons please speak up!”

  Seasons Greetings, Travel Safely!



Maike's South Island Experience

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