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Gallipoli with an Assisted Mobility Pass


Turkey 2015

Angus in MayFollowing closely on his return from Gallipoli, Angus regaled us with stories of his experiences. He is kindly letting us publish his speech verbatim and you can find it here.


It was good to see President Chris. We've missed him and were glad to welcome him back among us.

Next week's meeting
Murray Sherwin, CEO of the NZ Productivity Commission will be talking to us about the role of the Commission. Phil Reidy reminded us that Changeover, combined with that of the Rotary Club of Porirua Sundown, will take place at Pataka on Saturday 4 July. You can find details of this and other upcoming events in the Programme.

Almoner's report
David Knight informed us that Brian Paget is recovering at home from a hip replacement and expects to be back at the Club in about two weeks.

GiveaLittle logoHave you told all your contacts that our GiveaLittle process is now complete? It's on our Home page and also on the Home page of Te Ara Piko. It's a really easy way for everyone to donate. The words above, and the logo on the right are both linked so you can click on either and see what Phillip has written.

Potting Plants at the Nursery
PlantingAnother reminder that Peter Jackson needs some help potting plants from 10.00-12.00 pm on Thursday 28 May. 250 plants need to be re-potted and he'll gratefully accept support from all club members who can spare some time to help. Please contact Peter if you can help. Peter Sinke mentioned that Ian and Terrie Turner's property had suffered in the recent floods and that he would welcome offers of help from club members to join him in giving them a hand.

The Great Zonta-Rotary Celebrity Debate
DebateA board will go round next week so talk to your significant other and all your friends and make sure you apply to come while there are still tickets. So keep the date of 14 June free and start inviting your friends and directing them here for details.


Gallipoli with an Assisted Mobility Pass

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