Tuesday 23 July 2013
President Ron asked each Director to set out their Committee’s direction for the coming year. As a rank and file member it’s sometimes hard to know about everything that’s going on in the Club. But the list of projects that each Director told us about was impressive. It’s a list, so you might find it boring, but just imagine the difference we’ll make if we accomplish all this.
Children’s Christmas Party at the Police College
Grant a Wish
Speech contest for Porirua schools
Farm trip
RYPEN for Aotea and Porirua Colleges (Porirua Sundown deals with Mana College)
Science/Technology Forum
NZ Business week
Mock interviews at Aotea and Porirua colleges
Club Service
Organising speakers
Having fun
Members’ Children/grandchildren’s Christmas party
Visits to other clubs
Quiz nights
Casino evenings – Melbourne Cup Day
Fireside meetings (committee nights)
Support other committees
Use all available media promotion techniques
Community Service
Book Fair
Parking fundraiser at Kennel Club
4-WD event
Firewood project
Zippity Credit Card – a Peter Sinke idea
Pathway plantings
Food Bank and Toot4Tucker
Village project playground for adults
Clean up inlet
Raise target to $100 pm
District Grants – Fiji project
Foundation Grants
Seeking funding from Trusts
International Youth Exchange
Randall Shaw memorial prize
Assisting with refugees
Recruitment – 22 prospects
Retention – buddy system
Target industries or occupations
Sponsor a Rotaract club
There is a Planting working bee at Ration Point on Friday 26 July. Meet at the Nursery at 9.15am. Contact Peter Jackson on 235 8204, or email peter.jenny.jackson@xtra.co.nz.
Dianne McGavin has lots of broken glass amongst her roses after the Southerly storm last month. She cannot weed or prune until it is picked up. It is a huge task for one person. Those who are able to give her a hand contact Dianne on 237 7739 or email mcgavins@clear.net.nz to arrange a suitable time. Gloves and a kneeler are needed.
Bill Moller is still in Ward 5 at Kenepuru, improving and looking forward to visitors.
Angus Langbein is in Wellington Hospital having had a hip replacement. He will probably be there for a few days and welcomes visitors from today.