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First Planning Night for 2016


The first formal meeting of the year was also committee night, so after an amusing anecdote by President Adrienne about the return of  misplaced teardrops and a lovely meal of ‘fish and chips’ the  membership dispersed to do business.


The Book Fair is on 19-20 March. Drop off points are at The Professionals in Whitby, BP Mana, P&Z Decorating in Porirua. Allan Nichols is urgently requesting helpers and reserves to pick up, sort and pack the quantity of books expected to arrive in the next few weeks. Pick ups will be a daily job. The Book Fair is being advertised on Porirua City Council Facebook page, and members who have their own facebook page are being asked to put it up there.

Exchange Student
We have a French lass coming to our Club in the middle of this year. John O'Connell is seeking more hosts desperately. Please give the matter serious consideration. Three hosts have the student for four months, four hosts - just three months each.



Mana Island Trip
Our exchange student Helena had a unique experience on Sunday when she witnessed the arrival of one hundred Fairy Prion chicks on Mana Island. Read more here.

First Planning Night for 2016

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