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Great leaders now and for the future - 9 August 2021


The Primary School Leadership Awards took place on Monday 9 August 2021 at Elim Church Hall in Porirua, which was filled to capacity. This was the seventh year that the event has taken place and the 61 Primary School students were all recipients of a Certificate from Mayor Anita Baker and a Rotary International badge from Mark Wheeler, the District 9940 Governor.

Children's Commissioner, Judge Andrew Becroft, delivered a powerful message.

Here are some important links:

  • The media release written by Porirua City Council.  
  • A report on the event written by Mike Doig.
  • The speech delivered by the Head Boy of Whitby Collegiate, Alejandro Garcia.

You can find many more photos on our Gallery page here.

Here are the names and short testimonials for each of the students chosen by the primary schools.

Adventure School
Darius Alefosio
Darius is Adventure school's Head Boy for 2021. He is a much loved peer across the school, demonstrating great attributes and values. A well-rounded young adult, Darius can be seen helping out in our school community with sports events such as our Junior Athletics, organising and fundraising events for charities such as Wig Wednesday raising money for charity or Pink Shirt Day where he organised the activities celebrating the differences and uniqueness of all of our local community members. Darius was asked along to the World Vision Junior Leadership Conference this year (with Ashleigh) where he saw what is needed to be a true leader in society. He is inspired to help more people within our community throughout his future years! He is a fantastic role model.

Ashleigh Neal
Ashleigh is Head Girl at Adventure School. She has demonstrated leadership throughout Year 7 and 8. She is able to communicate with a wide range of people in our community across cultures and age ranges. Ashleigh has been an active member of our community, leading the way in raising money for those under privileged in New Zealand, and across the world. She has organised and helped (two years in a row) to raise over $7000 in donations for World Vision. As a result, Adventure School has been the lead school in raising the most money for the 40-Hour Famine. Ashleigh Neal is not afraid to get her hands dirty and help out with our Environment, Tuakana-Teina and a variety of duties across the school. She is a much loved, well-respected member of our School and students across the Year groups adore her.

Bishop Viard College
Eterei Leiataua-Finau
Eterei is a confident, caring and hard-working member of Fa'avae. She is a quiet leader who leads through her actions. Eterei is well-respected by her peers and teachers alike. She has a strong work ethic and always strives for excellence. Eterei has a strong sense of social justice and is a brave advocate for what is right.

Anaru Siohane-Hune
Anaru is a strong leader who leads through his actions. He is a hard worker with an incomparable work ethic. He has high expectations for himself in all areas of the curriculum and always strives for excellence. Anaru is well-respected by his peers and teachers.

Brandon Intermediate School
Siu Ala
Siu is Head Boy of Brandon Intermediate. He is a role model within our school, leads the student council, serves in many areas such as the Breakfast Club and most importantly participates fully in the life of the school. He stands before community at whanau hui, at powhiri and poroporoaki, before his peers and school and gives voice to the ideas and concerns of the student body. Siu conducts himself with Brandon PRIDE. In all his communication, service to the school and when participating in our community he demonstrates Purpose, Resilience, Integrity, Determination and Empathy. He epitomises our school values of Responsibility, Respect, Kindness, Aroha and Service. “Kei ou ringaringa te ao” Siu. Nga mihi mahana.

Seepa Kosetatino-Liufau
Seepa is Head Girl of Brandon Intermediate. She is a role model within our school, leads the student council, serves in many areas such as a Peer Tutor (Tuakana/Teina) and most importantly participates fully in the life of the school. She stands before community at whanau hui, at powhiri and poroporoaki, before her peers and school and gives voice to the ideas and concerns of the student body. Seepa conducts herself with Brandon PRIDE. In all her communication, service to the school and when participating in our community she demonstrates Purpose, Resilience, Integrity, Determination and Empathy. She epitomises our school values of Responsibility, Respect, Kindness, Aroha and Service. “Kei ou ringaringa te ao” Seepa. Nga mihi mahana.

Cannons Creek School 
Olipelise Leofo
Olipelise is a calm and steady leader in our school. Throughout her school years she has gained a reputation as a person who can be relied upon not only to ensure that she has managed herself but will also give help to those around her. Olipelise embodies our school values and takes pride in her whanau and culture. She is enthusiastic in all aspects of school life; she is a reliable school councillor, a dedicated student and a loyal friend.

A Bi Vang
A Bi is a warm, natural leader whose desire to learn inspires his classmates around him. A Bi thinks carefully about new and interesting ideas but he also treats all of his classmates' thoughts with respect. A Bi leads the class through showing the values that we think are important in our class - care for our environment and each other, excitement to learn, and a dedication to trying hard.

Corinna School
Clayton Lee
Clayton is a quietly humble person of influence in our school. He is supportive and kind towards all students and has a special way of relating respectfully to others who need help with their choices and their learning. He gives service in the school community with a variety of people in a variety of ways such as School Patrols, Kindergarten Reader, School Librarian, and Whānau Sports Leader. He is a role model for others on how to be the best learner and friend you can be.

Ripeka Rankin
Ripeka is an enthusiastic, self-motivated and hard-working person of influence in our school. She is very proud of ‘knowing who she is, being who she is and showing who she is’ as a Māori learner. She contributes her strengths and knowledge to Kapa Haka, Te Reo Māori lessons and speaks confidently in Te Reo Māori at Corinna Welcomes. She takes on a wide range of leadership opportunities that include; organising and running school events, being a member of the school fale project group, Student Portal administrator, kindergarten reader, and support for Ngā Kakano Whānau (juniors students). She is very supportive of other learners.

Discovery School
Marcus Chapman-Walsh
Marcus is a great year 8 role model and leader at Discovery School. He is a House leader and a member of the student council. He participates fully in school life; representing the school at inter-school and regional sporting events and he achieves academically. Marcus is diligent and he uses his initiative in class. He demonstrates our school values via his actions. He thoroughly deserves to be nominated for this leadership award.

Ellie Jenner
Ellie is an amazing young leader. She looks for every opportunity to help others and to take on new challenges. Ellie displays leadership and commitment to her school through the many responsibilities that she has taken up. Ellie is an Ako Ambassador, promoting tikanga and te reo Maori at our school. In the past, Ellie has helped with the green team, which takes care of our environment. Ellie can be seen helping the younger students at lunchtimes, by organising activities and games for them. Ellie was elected to the student council, and takes this leadership role seriously, giving her best to the role, and offering fantastic ideas. Ellie is an awesome role model for others with her love for learning. In class, she sets an example with her growth mindset, striving for success. Ka pai Ellie!

Glenview School 
Jennyvette Lealaisalanoa
Jennyvette is an enthusiastic and positive member of the school. She excels in classroom learning and in a wide range of sports and activities. She is a positive role model for younger members of the school modeling good behaviour and choices.

Baraa El Masri 
Baraa is a senior leader of our school who teaches others by modelling good behaviour and being actively involved in greater school life. She is proud of her Syrian culture and is a great teacher of Arabic language and culture for others.


Holy Family School 
Oluolu Hune
Oluolu is an excellent example of our school values. Olu consistently shows kindness, and support in and outside the classroom. He exudes respect for all while always being humble which has gained him respect and popularity from his classmates and school community. Olu has an optimal attitude towards his own learning, pushing himself especially when it gets hard. Olu is often called as an ambassador for our school in sports and leads a transition to school programme called Tamaikiki, supporting four-year-olds in becoming part of our school family. Olu is asked for help with different jobs not just because of his size, but because he is reliable and gets the job done. Olu is a humble leader with a bright future. Kei runga noa atu!

Mikayla Lokeni
Mikayla is a very hard worker. She always strives to put a lot of effort into the work she produces. Mikayla is the epitome of Mafana - one of our schools phenomenals which demonstrates kindness and love towards others, especially our juniors. She is always putting herself forward for new opportunities, taking risks and taking part in different responsibilities our school has to offer. Mikayla is a silent leader but excels in her work, always puts others before herself, lends a helping hand all the time and is someone her classmates look up to. Well done Mikayla, you are very deserving of this award. Continue to be being the amazing and inspiring leader that you are.

Linden School
Zayden Edward
Zayden has greatly developed his leadership and role model skills through being a member of the school council, actively leading the School Haka, being a helpful member of the school patrol team and always being willing to help other students especially in IT and Maths. He sets high standards in his learning and always strives to achieve his best.

Kii Kii Reynolds
Kii Kii is a very unselfish person always putting others before herself. She is always willing to help others often offering before being asked. She has a strong sense of empathy towards others offering support to people who may be upset, sad, or unsure. Kii Kii can be relied on to willingly take on extra tasks at school. She is a member of the school council where she uses her leadership skills.

Maraeroa School 
Ariana McNaughton
Maraeroa School is proud to nominate Ariana for this award as she is the epitome of a Maraeroa learner and leader. Ariana is a determined and quietly confident student who leads by example in every area of school life. She shows great care for all the children and adults at our school in a thoughtful and considered way. Ariana sees the strengths in everybody and has a mature and inspiring way of encouraging others to be their best selves while modelling this through her own hard work and high expectations. She is a respected mentor and role model at Maraeroa School and we know that in years to come she will continue to use her voice and vision to make a positive impact in our school and local community. Congratulations Ariana.

Lucien Tulia
I am proud to nominate Lucien for this leadership award. He is a great example and role model for all his peers at Mararoa School. Lucien approaches all his learning with quiet self-confidence, openness, and a willingness to take risks. He shows care and consideration for those around him by sharing his ideas, and encouraging others to do so. He is always ready to support his peers to express themselves, by actively listening to their ideas, by questioning, and challenging the ideas of his peers and himself. Lucien shows energy and excellence in all his learning. He has a strong identity and voice. He believes in himself and others; this will enable him to achieve success in his future learning. Congratulations Lucien.

Natone Park School
Ezekiel Fuimaono
Ko te pipi te tuatahi, Ko te kaunuku te tuarua From small beginnings come great things Ezekiel is a shining example to all he comes in contact with. He always tries his best when met with the daily challenges in the learning environment. Time is always set aside for him to excel in extracurricular events such as sports, and outdoor activities, EOTC and learning from our visitors to Natone Park School.  Ezekiel is treated like the big brother who the children can look up to, that will assist them and that they can come to when requiring support. He will be sorely missed as Ezekiel is usually the first to arrive at school waiting for his extra tuition in the classroom each morning.

Missouri Maifala
E 'au le ina'ilau a tama'ita'i'. The womans thatch is completed. This proverb reflects one of strength and ability of the tama'ita'i Samoa whose legacy is that of absolute achievement. Missouri reflects the true values of a person who cares and makes every effort to do the right thing. She ensures that she takes on as many challenges as possible to learn and better her prospects for the future. Her abillity to communicate her needs, her wants and her goals to further her learning is an asset. Missouri resonates the Natone Park School values of Hinengaro, Tinana, Wairua, Whanau and Tuakana Teina. A well-deserved effort of taking charge of her learning, making a difference for her whanau and building capacity for the future.

Ngati Toa School 
Miriam Siave
Miriam is an exemplary student who exudes kindness and caring. She is involved in many school activities and takes a lead role in environmental projects at school and in the wider community. She is a fantastic role model to both students and adults alike. Her outstanding leadership qualities, which she has displayed throughout her time at Ngāti Toa School, makes her an obvious choice for this award.

Tiwini Tukukino
Tiwini has been nominated for this award due to his leadership qualities in Kapa Haka. He is a strong, enthusiastic leader who gives his all and is passionate about representing Ngāti Toa School and his iwi with pride. He is a lead speaker in powhiri and formal events and is a very powerful and exceptional haka leader.

Papakowhai School 
Travis Carnegie
Travis is a mature student with a positive, friendly and respectful manner. He is very capable and shows a quiet determination to do well. Travis demonstrates great thinking skills through the way he applies himself to his work and considers different perspectives and points of view. He sets high expectations for himself and we are proud of the leadership he shows in our school. Travis relates well to his peers and is a fantastic role model. He consistently upholds our school values.

Carter McKee
Carter is a diligent and conscientious student who puts 100% effort into all aspects of school life and encourages others to do the same. He is a strong and positive leader who demonstrates his skills in the groups and clubs that he is a member of. Carter is a wonderful coach and mentor for other students in sports and in cultural activities. Academically, he performs at the highest level. Carter consistently shows our school values and is a fantastic role model for others. He is a very positive person.

Paremata School 
Madeline Griffiths
Madeline is an independent learner who shares much of her time in helping others. She represents the class as our Parliament leader and is a member of the School Senior Council. Madeline is respectful of her environment and the people around her. She has a natural ability to impact both positively and with aroha.

Makayla Webb
A humble student, Makayla does not advertise her contributions to our school. However, she is always ready to help others and regularly uses her initiative to support her peers and her teacher with day-to-day tasks. Makayla is also a confident user of digital tools and willingly guides those who need help. Outside of the classroom, Makayla supports her school community, conducting her role as a patrol safety person with a strong sense of responsibility. Finally, Makayla generously gives up some of her lunch hour each week to volunteer with the PTA sausage sizzle. She truly is an outstanding role model and leader.

Pauatahanui School
Sofia Boden
Sofia is a kind and caring student who can often be seen looking after the younger students at school, for example carrying their bags down to the bus and looking after any bumps and bruises. She is a road patroller for school and has been for a number of years. Sofia applied and was successful in becoming a student councillor and is part of the Eco Team on Council. She has previously been a Peer Mediator and a Librarian. Sofia will always offer to help out and it is a pleasure to see her mature to be such a positive role model at our school through her actions and genuine, sincere manner.

Anika Myers
Anika is a responsible student who can always be relied upon to take on extra duties around the school on top of her assigned roles. She is a road patroller and a peer mediator. In both these roles Anika will volunteer to fill in if needed. She also takes an interest and provides a supporting role for all aspects of school life, becoming fully involved and willing to share her ideas and thoughts. A recent example of this is a student trip to community gardens. Anika displays leadership through her intelligent and conscientious approach to her learning, encouraging and supporting others.

Plimmerton School 
Hazel Edge
Hazel is a member of the school student council and is involved in organising and leading many events. She is a giver, and volunteers for a wide variety of activities within the school including tuakana teina, office duty, lunchtime activities for junior students and road patrol. Hazel leads by example with integrity and respectfulness. She is honest, caring, motivated, and a role model to others.

Felix Thomas
Felix is a member of the school council and is involved in organising and leading many events. He is a tuakana teina, a road patroller, kapa haka leader, a member of two bands and the artsplash choir. He has helped to organise two football tournaments for junior students at lunchtimes. Felix is always first to volunteer. He is a fantastic role model who leads by example.

Porirua School
Serenity Neru
Serenity has a can-do attitude and a desire to succeed. She has a natural aura that motivates others to follow her lead. If someone needs a hand at Porirua School, you can guarantee that Serenity will step up to help, doing the right thing first time, every time. Serenity is a role model, a leader, and an upstanding member of the Porirua community.

James Tangitamaiti
James is a natural role model at Porirua School. Whether it’s leading the school kapa haka, or assisting with after school duties such as road patrol, James is always willing to lend a hand and help others. He strives to do his best and encourages others to do the same. James is a stand-out student for all the right reasons.

Postgate School
Milla Aiulu
Milla is a respected role model across the year 4, 5 & 6 syndicates. She is a trusted member of our school community and has taken on many responsibilities across the school. Milla shows leadership within the classroom as well as during Kapa Haka, syndicate singing, and syndicate dance.

Ferne Stevenson
Ferne is a quiet leader both within the classroom and across the syndicate. She has started to take on wider responsibility across the school, for example being a reporter for Postgate School News. She works well with children older and younger to help everyone achieve their goals.

Pukerua Bay School 
Ryan Flanagan
Ryan exemplifies the KURA Values of learners at Pukerua Bay School. As a year 7 student he leads by example, both in his independent learning, organising himself and his work expectations, and in group collaborative work where he can always be relied upon to work to the best of his ability, supporting others and managing himself. We look forward to seeing Ryan develop further in his leadership roles as he becomes a Year 8 in 2022.

Trilby Knill
Trilby leads by example, she quietly does everything needed of her, interacts positively with all her peers and models the prosocial skills that we hope all of our tamariki will develop. Trilby is understated in her leadership, never proclaiming about what she is doing; she just does what needs to be done and this reflects wonderfully on her. Her thoughtful interactions and fantastic manners and demeanour make her class a positive place to be.

Rangikura School 
Alfred Maeva
Alfred Maeva has really pushed himself this year to stand up and take every opportunity to demonstrate his leadership skills. He takes pride in everything he does and perseveres with all tasks and activities until he achieves success. He always arrives at school with a huge grin on his face which is infectious to everyone he is around. He provides confidence to his peers and allows them to shine. Alfred is always willing to help others and to promote our school values Whakaute, Kaitiakitanga, Kairangatira, Ngakau, Whakahī and Manaakitanga.

Peyton Perez
Peyton Perez has demonstrated leadership skills throughout her time at Rangikura School. She epitomises our school values of Whakaute, Kaitiakitanga, Kairangatira, Ngakau, Whakahī, and Manaakitanga. She is dependable and always willing to help teachers, her peers and other students throughout the school, often putting others above herself. Peyton is a leader and member of our schools Student Council, Kapa Haka, Poly Club, Netball, Basketball, Rippa Rugby, Cross Country, Road Patroller, and Athletics teams.

Russell School 
Paul Brown
Paul is a positive leader who serves his school community. He provides strong cultural leadership and is proud of his Samoan heritage. He was a role model by being a school representative in the local Samoan speech competition and is always a willing leader in cultural performances. Paul is a reliable road patrol monitor and quietly uses his initiative if children or adults need support or help. He consistently models all of our Russell School HEART values.

Kenzo Taae
Kenzo is an enthusiastic leader at our school. He is reliable in carrying out a variety of responsibilities and will step up to help where needed. Kenzo provides leadership with his Cook Island drumming and is a confident and reliable road patrol monitor. He is a role model in the way he makes the most of new learning opportunities and uses Russell School HEART values. Kenzo is often patient and caring towards younger students at our school.

St Pius X School
Tania Rinchom-Paull
Tania is an extremely conscientious, hardworking and helpful student, who willingly takes on duties as a senior student. She always participates positively in all activities and puts in her best effort in the wide range of activities offered at school. Tania is a gifted athlete, who can play a wide range of sports very well. She is a great team player and an asset to any team as she always plays fairly and tries her best. She works collaboratively with her peers and supports others if they need help. She is able to work independently and is self-motivated to complete tasks to a high standard. Tania has represented St Pius X on many occasions and we are very proud of her and her achievements!

St Theresa’s School 
Patrick Reiher
Patrick is an aspiring leader. He is a kind and caring student and he shows respect for others. Patrick has shown leadership at St. Theresa’s by modelling our school Spark values. He shows Self-control, Positivity, Aroha, Respect and Kindness. Patrick is a Tech leader at our school and goes out of his way to ensure that he takes responsibility for the job he has been given. He uses his initiative and when he sees a need, he quietly sets about helping. He does this without being asked. Patrick is growing in confidence in his leadership abilities. He has developed positive relationships with adults and children and is very deserving of this leadership award.

Archie Sinclair
Archie is an aspiring leader. He is a kind and caring student and shows respect for others. He is an upstander, often advocating for other people and quietly nurturing younger students. Archie has shown leadership at St. Theresa’s by being a HERO leader; a helper, an encourager, a role model, and an organiser. He is a Tech leader at our school and goes out of his way to ensure that events are running as smoothly as possible. Archie is growing in confidence in his leadership abilities. He has developed positive relationships with adults and children alike. Archie is very deserving of this leadership reward. Not all superheros wear capes!

Tawa School
Bella Burbery
Bella is a Year Six student at Tawa School. She represents the school values of being respectful and responsible in a quiet unassuming manner. Bella has a natural affinity with our students with special needs. She role models to them what is acceptable behaviour and she gently encourages them to work hard and behave well. Bella's leadership in the area is very much appreciated by her teachers. Bella, through her actions, has given the gift of friendship and acceptance to students for whom this might not have otherwise happened.

Grace Fountain
Grace is a Year Eight student at Tawa School and has been a peer mentor for a student in her class with special educational needs. Grace is able to break through communication barriers to establish a lovely, two-way relationship with a peer who had not experienced this before. Grace is empathetic and encouraging. She is kind, respectful and responsible, things we value at Tawa School. Her leadership and role modelling are done in a quiet manner, not for recognition. It is lovely to be able to recognise her through this award.

Te Kura Maori o Porirua 
Prin'sess Eketone 
Ko Ngati Ruanui te iwi. Prin'sess is a Year 8 student at Te Kura Māori o Porirua. She enjoys  Kapahaka and has performed in regional competitions. She will be performing in the Kapahaka National competitions next term, in Nelson. Prin'sess is a quiet achiever and leads her peers from behind. She is always supportive towards others and is a great role model to her younger peers. Prin'sess is unsure of her career aspirations for the future as she would like to try a range of different careers and experiences. However a nurse is an occupation she finds interesting. Ko te amorangi ki mua ko te hāpai o ki muri - kōira ko koe e Prin'sess.

Te Maiohi Tua 
Nō Ngati Awa, Ngai Tuhoe, Ngā Puhi ia. Te Maiohi is a popular student amongst his peers. He has demonstrated leadership abilities in Sport and Kapahaka. He came second in the regional leadership award at the last regional kapahaka competitions. Te Maiohi is an accomplished swimmer and continues to achieve highly in this area. He will be representing his kura at the Aimes Games next month. Te Maiohi's aspirations for the future are to compete in the Olympic Games in swimming and his career aspiration is to become a pilot. Mā te kahukura, ka rere te manu.

Titahi Bay Intermediate School
Alexi MacCormick
Alexi MacCormick joined Titahi Bay Intermediate as a year 7 in 2020, straight from Scotland. Since joining Titahi Bay Intermediate, Alexi has involved herself in as many activities and experiences as she can. She is part of the school Kapa Haka, band, choir and netball. She gives back to her community through volunteering for road patrol and has demonstrated her leadership skills by hosting and presenting her work to the school community during our trophy night. Alexi always has a smile on her face, takes on any opportunity given to her and is a caring and considerate person.

Isla-Mia Tukukino
Isla-Mia displays leadership qualities that are motivated by manaakitanga, Te Ao Māori and her passions for her culture and the arts. Knowing that her success also benefits her whānau, kura and community, she persists with challenges and ensures she does her utmost best to complete them to the best of her ability.

Titahi Bay North School 
Cruz Nordstrom
Cruz is a student who has an excellent attitude towards all school life and all those around him. He is the type of person who others go to for help as he is only too willing to help others. Cruz treats others fairly and makes positive choices in everything he does. He is respectful and courteous and extremely well-mannered. Cruz applies himself well to work and is motivated to complete all tasks to the best of his ability. He can organise and take on leadership roles confidently and shows pride in what he represents.

Apiata Rowlands 
Apiata has displayed his leadership throughout his time at Titahi Bay North School by leading our Whaikorero at school powhiri, and supporting students by modelling the school values,. He has played a number of school sports over the years, and leads our school haka and waiata. Apiata is well respected by both students and staff.  

Titahi Bay School
Toby Benson-Tofts
Toby is someone who always leads by example as well as encouraging those around him to make the best choices. He knows what is expected of a leader in our school and always lives up to this. Toby thinks about what is best for others and makes decisions that benefit those around him. He often puts the needs of others before his own. Toby will work hard to make sure those who often don't succeed as easily as he does, or get as many chances to do things as he does, are prioritised above himself. He has given up break times and gone out of his way to work with a young students who really struggled with the transition into school. Toby completes jobs asked of him to required standards and with a minimum of fuss. He is a delight to work with and shows true integrity with all that he does.

Allise Taurima
Allise is a go-to person in our school for any jobs that need doing. No job is too hard for her. She comes to school early every day to help set up for school lunches, cover Road Patrol for others as well as her own shift, and anything else teachers need doing before school. She has worked as an extra person on duty this year in our Junior Playground helping out younger students to join in games, solve social problems and comfort them when they are upset. Allise works tirelessly with our youngest students, and is often sought after by them when they have a problem. She can be relied on to make sensible choices and do her best in any situation. Thank you for all you do for our school.

Wellington Seventh Day Adventist School 
Azriel Alatimu
Azriel is a student leader. He is an excellent role model for other students. He is always well-mannered and cheerful. He has empathy for younger children and older people. He interacts well with people of all ages and backgrounds, showing genuine respect. Azriel leads out in assemblies with confidence and dignity. He offers to help where he sees a need. This young man will go far!

Ania Latu
Ania is a hard working student who shows great service to others. She is always willing to help and support adults and students in and outside of the classroom setting. She is a keen helper in the garden during her own time. She shows growing leadership skills, leading out in class items during performances and school programmes. Ania gets on with school life with a big and beautiful smile every day.

Whitby Collegiate School 
Louisa Egley-Turner
Louisa is a fantastic young leader who gives 100% to everything she does. All of her teachers are delighted by her diligence and positive attitude. In her capacity as House Captain, Louisa has proven herself as responsible, and someone who uses her initiative in the service of others. This includes helping to organise school assemblies, being a school guide and working behind the scenes in the numerous extracurricular activities she takes part in. Louisa is an excellent example of servant leadership in action.

Alma Steinfeld
Alma is a very talented and effective young leader. Her teachers have all been impressed by her confidence and willingness to lead. She is a talented sports person who is also creative and holds a deep understanding of complex ideas. She responds constructively to feedback, and is always searching for ways to contribute to her school community. In her capacity as House Captain, Alma has proven herself as dependable and someone who has the respect of her peers.
Windley School 
Matthew Mafuolo
Matthew has applied himself diligently to his work and extracurricular activities as well as supporting school events, and carrying out set tasks with confidence. Everything about Matthew is ‘of service’ to others, his peers, class, school and family, demonstrating this with respect and positivity. Overall a positive role model, hence the reason for this nomination.

Joshua Wolff
Joshua, works diligently across all curriculum areas building up a repertoire of skills and knowledge. He is caring, honest and hardworking and has shown leadership particularly when working alongside other students in set activities requiring group effort to achieve the best possible outcomes. Joshua’s leadership work and initiative have seen him take on specific roles in and out of school; fundraising yearly to support guide dogs, 40-hour famine, and organising school events. During the absence of the school librarian during Level 2 lockdown he managed and organised the library and more recently, his submission to Porirua Council. Overall, presenting in assemblies, production work, and usual services in school, Joshua gives everything 100%. 

Porirua Barber Shop Quartet, #hashtag, performed for us.

Melena’a Moala – Lead singer
Pualele Camera Foma’I – Baritone singer
Faivalu Faivalu – Bass singer
Deziah Amaru-Erskine – Tuner singer
Eline Avia – singing teacher

The first song they sang was Hutia Te Rito to the tune of Auld Lang Syne. and they wrapped up the event by singing ‘The Fight Song’.

These are the College students who attended support the primary leaders. Many of their photos will appear in the Gallery.

Aotea College
Joseph Ulugia Ah-Sini, Head Boy
Jemma Brisk, Head Girl
Max Weinstein, Deputy Head Boy
Croshan Lepou, Deputy Head Girl

Bishop Viard College 
Fay Nafatali 
Siose Lokeni 
Oliver Tyrell-Toru 
Laumua Tamala-mani

Mana College 
Maddy Vai-Little, Head Girl
Ysobel Soloman, Deputy Head Girl

Porirua College
EJ Roebeck, Head Boy
Audrey Tea, Head Girl
Lima Leaupepe, Deputy Head Boy
Megan Akavi, Deputy Head Girl

Whitby Collegiate
Aifili Patelesio
Laken Masoe
Emily Mccormick
Bailey Symons

Tawa College Interact Club Members
Raihan Dalwai
Tamara Ruaporo-Ngatuakana
Jenaya Peterson

Great leaders now and for the future - 9 August 2021

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