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Dealing with APD - 30 May 2023

This week’s speaker was Natalie Bryan, whose son Jackson suffers from Auditory Processing Disorder, or APD. Natalie is a multi-tasker who runs a tiling business with her husband, is a life coach, has two children, and recently has become an author and illustrator.

Jackson’s condition was first noticed when he was traumatised at a particularly noisy family day out. Essentially, APD means that sounds received by the ears are scrambled in the brain and lose much of their meaning. It varies in its effect and severity. Symptoms include tiredness and poor memory retention, and can lead to loss of self-confidence and behavioural problems. Up to 6% of children may be suffering from APD.

There is no cure for APD, but the brain can be trained to lessen its effects.

APD sufferers need support, and supporters need networks. Natalie decided to write, illustrate and publish a book (“JC the Bumble Bee”) in 2022 to describe Jackson’s journey. It lists resources available to the parents of APD sufferers. 

Natalie played an audio simulation of what APD feels like, which was disturbing.

Natalie is an accomplished speaker and asked the club to help publicise and spread her new book to those who may need it. 

She was kind enough to share her presentation which you can find here. JC_bumble_Bee_Presentation.pdf

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