Area Governor Kay Phillips gave us a brief introduction to the role of the Area Governor.
District 9940 had 65 Clubs when I joined Rotary in 2001. Now we have 40 Clubs and two Rotaract Clubs. Total membership has dropped from approximately 3000 to 1259. We had a series of Clusters which have been renamed as Networks. Currently there are seven networks each one with two Area Governors who are part of the District Board. The Networks in District 9940 are: Coast, Wellington, Hutt, Whanganui/Rangitikei, Manawatu, Taranaki and Wairarapa – each with 5 - 8 clubs.
Plimmerton is part of the Coast Network and our membership comprises:
- Levin
- Kapiti
- Plimmerton
- Tawa
- Mana Tangata - which has six chapters each with a Chairperson. Our Network includes Otaki, Waikanae and Porirua Chapters.
Your Area Governors are Liz Koh and me. We have been asked to commit to a three-year term as AGs. Incidentally, I am also on the District Membership Committee so can act as a go-between there too.
The role of the AG is to be the connection between District and Clubs. AGs are responsible for championing Rotary’s and the District's objectives, culture and compliance. AGs are a support service for Clubs with information and any support Clubs think they may need, for example with the vote on whether we take part in the Regionalisation Project. In our Network Liz and I wish to foster interaction between the Network Clubs e.g. the Network Quiz. We now receive Club bulletins so we can alert Clubs to activities which may be of interest to them. One person in each Club receives the others’ Bulletins too.
In addition to having planning meetings together, Liz and I run meetings every six weeks for Club Presidents or their representatives - alternating between face-to-face and Zoom meetings. Some presidents who cannot attend ensure their club is represented by someone else at our meetings. The purpose is to share club activities, share District information, discuss issues any of the Clubs may have and act as a conduit for information Clubs may wish to present to the District Board.
We will also be visiting each Club and Chapter at least once a quarter. We are intended to act as hosts when the District Governor visits clubs and District Governor Marilyn attended our last Network meeting partly in order to set dates for her visits.
We are a little slow getting going as Liz was very ill for several months and is now overseas but very much wanted to be part of the Network activities. She and I have been working closely together and will share our next visit to Plimmerton.
Adrian Gregory, District Secretary, now sends most information to AGs and for our Network I send his emails to all Network Presidents and Secretaries. Adrian is attempting to include a number of notices in each email to reduce email numbers. Unfortunately we are still receiving a few being sent directly to Clubs and even all members.