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Joy Creet takes over - 20 June 2023


Joy Creet becomes the New President of the Inner Wheel Club of Plimmerton and says ...

I joined Inner Wheel shortly after retiring in late 2020, after a varied career in Education, including Special Education, Deaf Education, and Tertiary Education. I found myself retired in a new suburb and had not made any connections with people locally as my job involved weekly travel. Inner Wheel sounded like the ideal way to make friends and to contribute to the local community.

I was born in Australia and moved to New Zealand in 1960 with my family at the age of seven. We settled in Christchurch and moved to Nelson when I was in Year 8 (Form 2). 

After leaving school at 16 I had a series of transient jobs in factories, shops, hospitals, kitchens, and hotels.  I treasure my time in those years as very special as they reinforced for me the importance of fairness, and that who you are born to be can often determine your prospects, even in New Zealand. 

I am married to Doug Shaw, and we have two grown children, Ben and Ella, and three grandchildren so far, the youngest of whom lives with us, so we are kept very busy. 

I am enjoying the busyness of this new role and to having a close relationship with Plimmerton Rotary Club. 


Joy Creet takes over - 20 June 2023

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