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Duffy Books at Rangikura - 8 April 2021


Thursday 8 April dawned fine and sunny and Rangikura Primary School is an ideal venue to visit on such a day, with stunning views out to Mana Island.

Four Rotarians, Mike, Phillip, Anne, and Wendy, were greeted most beautifully by four students, Eve from Level 6 and Bella, Kayden, and Caleb from Level 5. They charmed us with their welcome and seemed genuinely interested in how we were, what we planned to do with the rest of our day, and told us how much our visit made their day.

We sat at the back and watched in wonder as the hall filled up with quiet and well-mannered children who all seemed to know exactly where to go.

The purpose of the Assembly was to hear from Jo Holley from Duffy Books in Homes who had travelled down from Auckland for the sole purpose of presenting every single student with a book, chosen especially for them.

Jo is an actress, live interviewer, prominent entertainer, and events professional. She is the Duffy Books Ambassador and has been to 650 schools so far. She soon had everyone in the hall (including us) eating out of her hand.

Jo had spent some time ‘teaching’ the children how to perform in front of the cameras and she guided two volunteers as they enacted a short story with a prepared script. The children loved it.

The books were then handed out to class stalwarts who came up to the front to collect the appropriate box for their classroom.

The smiles said it all!

Jo even took the trouble to come to the back of the room to speak to us as the children filed back to class, and to thank us for our contribution to the Programme. The Club's involvement with Duffy Books was initiated by Euon Murrell in his year as President.

It was a very worthwhile experience. 

Duffy Books at Rangikura - 8 April 2021

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