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It's good to keep up to date with the young people who've left us with a lasting impression.

Donna found this on Jan Logie's Facebook page and it's good enough to share.

"Today I had the great privilege to present the community awards at the Wellington Pride Awards. The junior award went to Gemma Lovewell a pretty inspiring girl who has initiated some great fundraising projects and participated whole-heartedly in many more. She's won awards for her poems and set up reading initiatives in her school. All by the age of 10.

The senior award went to Maisy Bentley who has pushed through mental health challenges to be one of the founding board members of Kai for Kids and she set up the first GirlVossNZ in the Wellington region amongst many other things. She will be representing NZ at the UN Youth Assembly later this year. Maisy also won the grand prize.

Porirua Proud!

It was also pretty amazing to meet last year's winner Awa Puna from Kapiti College as I've admired her quite a while now.

The world is in good hands with leaders like these".

We couldn't agree more with Jan and we'll continue to follow Maisy's progress with interest.

Wellington Pride Awards

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