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Outgoing President Peter Cox reminisced about his very successful year in office, starting with memories of his induction twelve months earlier when fifteen Rotarians from his old club of Wanganui South had arrived to support him. His grand-daughter brought her dance group over from the Wairarapa to entertain us and Hitira’a Maana Tahau-Hodges had repeated her winning speech from the Porirua Secondary Schools Speech competition and received a standing ovation.

There were many high points throughout the year:

Laurie had arrived in July (and sadly departs on Friday, 7 July.

We supported a number of worthy projects with donations:

  • Our second Cambodian medical student - $925
  • Virtuoso String Orchestra - $3600
  • Zonta/Rotary Celeb debate - $8270 (designated for Te Ara Piko)
  • Special Olympics Mana - $300
  • Mareroa School - $3000 for a water fountain
  • The Shine Literacy Programme - $4000
  • 2 defibrillators

We visited Kapiti, Johnsonville (twice because Laurie was the speaker on the second occasion) and Eastern Hutt Rotary Clubs.

All three of the speech contests we ran were wonderful occasions…we are good at this!

The Primary School leadership Awards were a huge success and I hope it continues.

In early January Rhys Sinke left for France – what a very impressive young man.

The Garden Trail brought in funds for Te Ara Piko – our thanks to Jenny Jackson.

The Annual Book Fair was a great event and our only major source of income for the Plimmerton Rotary Charitable Trust. It was a united effort involving hard work but great fellowship.

Every President wants a big turnout for Conference and twenty-seven of us had fun, and winning The Porirua Cup and the Wanganui South Friendship Shield,

President Peter acknowledged:

  • Philip Whearty – starting each meeting and creating a fun atmosphere - no more run sheet to prepare!
  • Alistair Taylor. The most regular comment he’d received from members during his year was how much they enjoyed the quality speakers Alistair arranged which made for a great atmosphere each week.
  • Chris Garrett – for the weekly newsletter.
  • David Pine – for writing the speaker reviews.
  • Les Callear and his committee – for making early contact with the Transmission Gully people, creating a great opportunity to develop an event and a new income stream for the future.

Peter thanked his Board and said that all had played their part. He wanted particularly to acknowledge the work of Secretary Graeme and Treasurer Bruce who were often not seen by members but doing their job in the background.

‘So’, said Peter, ‘the year has rolled around. We’ve done a lot, but could we have done more? To do more we need more funds in our trust a/c. The challenge confronting Plimmerton Rotary right now is, where is that additional income going to come from? We cannot continue to distribute funds faster than we raise them and we all know that. We can make a difference but it is actions not words that will be required.

‘Our club is well regarded in the community. We have knowledge and we have skills that the community needs. It is how we apply that knowledge and skill that will make a difference.

‘It has been a privilege and it has undoubtedly been fun. Without question, it has been an honour to be your President this past year. It is now time for me to step aside. Thank you for your commitment to Rotary and in particularly Plimmerton Rotary and your support of my Presidency. I won’t forget and I wish each of you good health and look forward with anticipation to Jenny’s year in office’.

Outgoing President Peter received standing ovation.

Before handing over to President-elect, Jenny, President Peter made awards of a Paul Harris Fellow with Sapphire Pin to each of the following who, he said, were doers of good deeds and men who exemplify Rotary’s Service Above Self:

Allan Nichols (PHF 2005)

Ted Nation (PHF 2006)

Peter Lillico (PHF 2003)



Philip Whearty (PHF 2012)

Their individual citations can be obtained from Peter.

President Peter also presented Graeme Tongs with the President's Award.

Memories are made of this

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