July 1 is the date each year that the Rotary clubs new Presidents take on the role for the year to 30 June the following year. This year the Rotary Club of Plimmerton President is Adrienne Murray, a long-time resident of Whitby having lived here with her husband and now adult son for over 20 years.
Adrienne’s working background is as a Human Resource specialist, and whilst now retired she still works with individuals and small companies who are looking for assistance. Adrienne has said that now she is able to give her time as a volunteer which fits neatly with the Rotary way - Service Above Self.
Having only been a Rotarian in this area for five years it was a relatively quick route to Presidency. She has been Club Secretary for four years and the District Secretary for two years.
Adrienne states, ‘Ours is a community club where the majority of our members are retired or nearing retirement. All the members want to give back to the community that they live in, using the resources that they have available; time, skills and raising money for quality causes primarily in our own community.
‘I have chosen “Community Matters” as the theme for the year. We have been in discussion with other local Rotary clubs – Porirua Sundown and Tawa, and are looking at ways that we can work together. The Council is another group that we need to keep close ties with as there are projects that they are working on that we can contribute to’.
Some of the projects that Plimmerton Rotary is working on are the Te Ara Piko Pathway around the Inlet – a long term project which, at completion, should provide a pathway right around the Pauatahanui Inlet.
We organise the Porirua Primary and Secondary school speech contests, provide support for lower decile primary schools to achieve their own projects in the school, and are planning for an all-accessible playground in the city which will have easy access and equipment for children of all abilities.
Rotary also provides support for teenagers in the area to attend leadership programmes, science, business and confidence courses.
And of course there is the need to fund these projects. The annual Book Fair at the Kennel Club which is held towards the end of March each year, and later this year a new event, the 'Pauatahanui Garden Trail' on 29 November, are two major funding projects. Needless to say it will be a very busy year and one which Adrienne is looking forward to.
If you are interested in coming along to any of our meetings please look at our website and select a speaker evening that you would be interested in coming to. Instructions on how to book can be found on the right hand side of the home page.