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A bumper year

By Wendy Betteridge
Posted: 24 March 2014

Ready to goAfter months in the planning, preparation and very hard work, magnificently organised by Gwyn Akeroyd and his team of helpers, the first day of the weekend of 22-23 March 2014 and the Annual Plimmerton Rotary Book Fair dawned bright and sunny. A large group of Plimmerton Rotarians were ready to open the doors.

Eftpos readyRotarians at the Eftpos and cash tables were also ready, and willing, to take everyone’s money. Life Education Trust and community projects supported by Plimmerton Rotary were both hoping for a bumper year to boost much needed funds.

HaroldHarold made an appearance and delighted the little Crowdschildren.

People crowded round the tables and made their selections from the amazing variety of books and DVDs. Some of those who came on Saturday were so delighted with their bargains that they vowed to come back again on Sunday as well. And on Sunday, the bargains were even better. 

Inner WheelIt was thirsty work meandering through the aisles and fossicking through everything on offer so the Inner Wheel café was just the place to spend a welcome break.

One little girl bought her 20c books one by one and kept returning with her purse full of pocket money, earned from working in her parents’ garden. Although only four, she Counting the moneycounted her money out and spent it wisely, amassing quite a number of books to take home and enjoy.

Reading in peaceAnd some of the littlest kids were just happy to be wheeled around while their parents did all the browsing and buying and left them to read in peace.

After a thoroughly worth-while weekend, the total proceeds were a little over $20,000. Both Life Education Trust and many of Rotary's community projects will benefit.

Plimmerton Rotary is very grateful to everyone who visited the Fair and bought books and hopes to welcome an even bigger crowd next year.

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