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Porirua Primary leaders shine brightly


It was all happening at Elim Christian Church on Monday 12 August and captured beautifully by Luke Pilkinton-Ching of Vision Multimedia.

This was the fifth year for the Porirua Primary School Leadership Awards and the students who received awards did, indeed, shine brightly.

Before the awards began, Plimmerton Rotary President, Euon Murrell, welcomed everyone before he introduced the Corinna Singing Group, led by their teacher, Kate Collins. They treated us to a beautiful rendition of the himene, Hareruia. The Group consisted of Aka Pokino, Tristan Patelesio, Pa'i Wilson, Madison Lee, Zion Tulima, Blessment Patelesio, Sam Talilai, Deyva Eli and Dqzahnell Koperu.

Deputy Mayor Izzy Ford took on the mantle of MC for the morning. She had the largest job by far, welcoming students, principals, teachers, whanau and friends and special guests, introducing speakers, reading the names and citations for each primary school student while, at the same time, making sure that the programme ran to time. She explained in detail how the presentations would take place and encouraged all the students to smile for their photos!

Before she began to read the citations and invite the students to come to the stage, she invited Mayor Mike Tana to speak. He mentioned Porirua City's focus on children and young people and the fact that the City supports opportunities like this to celebrate and encourage children to grow and lead as citizens. He applauded the Council and the joint Rotary clubs in Porirua for launching the initiative in 2015 and for holding the event ever since.

Then it was time for Izzy Ford to ask Rotary District Governor John Mohi to join Mayor Mike on the stage to present a Rotary International badge to each student.

These badges symbolise the theme for the 2019-2020 Rotary year - Rotary Connects the World.

As each student was called onto the stage Mayor Mike presented the certificate and District Governor John presented the badge.

The students were called onto the stage, one by one ...

Adventure School
Kayla Wilson

Kayla, while new to Adventure School in 2018, established herself as a leader within her peer group. Teachers noticed her as a hardworking and articulate student. She was elected Head Girl for 2019, welcoming visiting groups and stepping out of her comfort zone to speak in front of large numbers of people. Kayla reaches great heights academically and continues to be a role model to her peers and younger students. She inspires and works well with the youngest students during Tukana Teina. She is nurturing and encouraging when younger students are faced with challenges. Kayla has collaborated with friends to organise an Art Club. She takes on a number of responsibilities within the school and is often found in a hi-vis vest helping students cross the road safely or in the office at lunchtime keeping the school running.

Angus Barrott

Angus has been a student at Adventure since the age of 5. He is a talent on the sports field and puts 100% effort into every task. As Head Boy he speaks at our school Mihi Whakatau, welcoming visitors to our school. He has organised and led school assembly with very little teacher support or direction. Angus models school values and is highly respected, not only by his peers, but at all levels of the school. He is highly capable, takes responsibility seriously and can be relied upon to carry through initiatives. He was the inspiration of ‘Adventure’s Got Talent’. He was able to motivate and inspire his peers to work alongside him and together they have been successful in setting up the framework for a very much loved Adventure School event.

Bishop Viard College
Matthew Dodds

Matthew is currently a year 8 student at Viard who, from the beginning of his Viard journey, has stepped up and offered his services in a variety of different ways within the college - from librarian to an assistant at school Masses. He works hard in class and is always willing to assist and work with others.


Jeovhani Fa'atiga

Jeovhani is currently a year 8 student at Viard who, from the beginning of his Viard journey, has quietly but persistently led from behind. He is always willing to assist his classmates, displays responsibility towards his own learning and is willing to try new things. Jeovhani maintains a pleasant and polite outlook and treats everyone with respect.


Cannons Creek School
V-Eight Enoka

V-Eight is a student with great potential both on the sports field and academically. She is an outstanding athlete and has demonstrated her ability on the netball court, distance running (cross country) and touch rugby. She is a good role model and shares her skills with others by supporting those who need extra work on their sports skills. V-Eight also often helps her peers academically and is good at organising groups where she shares her skills and knowledge with them.

Aliyah Frost

Aliyah is a quiet leader who is able to demonstrate her skills within small groups. She will drive the discussions and direct her peers to get good results. Aliyah can see the bigger picture and knows how to share tasks to achieve the group goal. Her gentle way and organisational skills hold her in good stead. Aliyah has school-wide responsibilities and takes her roles seriously.

Corinna School
Sylvain Jose

Sylvain is an enthusiastic and self-motivated learner who is always thinking about how to take his learning further, and how he can encourage other learners. He is kind and respectful and helps out wherever he can. He has many responsibilities across the school and is seen as a person of positive influence amongst his peers. He is a leader in garden club, digital technology, fruit in schools and enviroschools.

Madison Lee

Madison is an enthusiastic, committed and extremely responsible school leader who has taken on a wide range of learning and leadership opportunities. These include school patrols, librarian, school photographer, garden club, school greeter, kapa haka leader and Chromebook ambassador. As a Year 6 in a Year 6-8 whānau, she is an incredible role-model for service to her school community.

Discovery School
Rylee Herewini

Rylee is an outstanding role model as a senior student at Discovery School with her bubbly personality and positive attitude to everything she undertakes. She frequently shows leadership in the way she encourages, assists and mentors her peers, as well as showing empathy when she sees the need. Rylee shows great pride in her role in the Ako Ambassadors’ group and in her contribution to tikanga and Te Reo Māori around the school and in the classroom. She is a Kaikaranga, a kapa haka leader and a member of the student council. She coaches junior netball, helps choreograph Dance Splash moves and she helps with various monitor jobs at school. She is definitely a worthy recipient of this award.

Jessyka Tautau

Jessyka is the type of student who every teacher would love to have in their class. She is kind, caring and always willing to help and support others. Jessyka is very creative and has willingly offered her artistic skills to help teach others in the classroom. Jessyka is a member of our student council. She knows how to lead a group in an encouraging and supportive way. She is part of a team involved with organising fun activities for the whole syndicate and makes a valuable contribution to this group. Jessyka is part of the Ako Ambassadors’ group and helps to promote a love of Te Reo and Tikanga Māori in our school. Jesskya is a very accomplished dancer. She gives up her own time to help choreograph our Dance Splash and assembly items. She shows excellence in everything she does and thoroughly deserves this award.

Glenview School
Esariah Sakaria

Esariah has many roles of responsibility in our school. She has been nominated and voted a house captain by her peers, has played representative basketball and cricket for the school and is an experienced member of the senior kapa haka group that has performed in many formal school ceremonies. Esariah is a positive role model in our school.


Aquashious Marsters

Aquashious has an amazing temperament. She is kind, patient and supportive of others, particularly younger members of the Glenview School whanau. She is an enthusiastic participant in wider school life and has done well to improve her skills, strategies and relationships with her peers and teachers. Aquashious is an amazing PA for a forgetful teacher!


Holy Family School
Siu Ala

Siu is a kind, caring and diligent Holy Family student. He uses his initiative to help and share his knowledge with others. He runs small maths groups to help classmates, he supports younger members in our class with their work and is a positive influence on those around him. Siu steps out of his comfort zone to try new things as he realises that this is how he will be able to learn more and better himself. His good nature, reliability and willingness to try new things and help others has meant that he has relished opportunities to try new things. Quite often Siu has been nominated by his classmates for assembly awards and class awards. He is part of school sports teams, Tama Ikiiki, junior buddies, literacy extension group and the Faleo’o Leadership Team. Siu is the perfect example of a leader - one who leads through influence.

Liai Lefale

Liai is an excellent example of our school values. Liai continually demonstrates service to others through her kind, caring and supportive manner, she exudes respect for all while always being humble which has gained her respect and popularity by her classmates and school community. You will find Liai supporting others with their learning when they don't understand and encouraging them to share and push themselves when they find the learning challenging. She leads by example, having an optimum attitude towards her own learning. Liai is often called as an ambassador for our school and leads a transition to school programme called Tamaikiki, supporting four-year-olds in becoming part of our school family, Buddies for new students and Tuakana-Teina in Squads. Liai also does patrols and willingly fills in for others in their absence and assists the Office Manager with varying tasks. Liai is a worthy candidate for this award.

Maraeroa School
Alanis Chong-Nee

Alanis is an extremely confident and self-assured young girl. Alanis is not afraid to take risks, and use her voice. She is proud of her identity and this attitude is infectious. She has a real strength for making others feel welcome, included, and valued. She has stepped into numerous leadership positions at our school and can confidently problem solve, and think critically among peers and adults alike. Alanis’ positive and courageous attitude is invaluable to Maraeroa School.

Christie DeThierry

Christie is an extremely focused, motivated student with a wonderful sense of humour. He consistently strives for excellence in his learning and attitude. Christie is a thoughtful and kind friend for all students at our school and he consistently leads by example. Christie excels while always being calm, caring and charismatic. Christie has been an asset to Maraeroa School and we are certain he will use his strengths to grow into a leader in our community.

Natone Park School
Ianeta Tinielu

An outstanding leader in the school with vim, vigour, confidence and distinction, Ianeta is a people person who enjoys making friends and is not too shy to introduce herself. She has represented our school in many ways. She was part of the Porirua City Council Youth Forum, Bothamley Park planting group, Te Awa Iti stream clean up, the opening of the new playground in the Porirua City centre with Mayor Mike Tana (with a handful of other Porirua students), a proud and awesome representative of the St George Under 12s rugby league team and a role model Tuakana at school. Ianeta likes challenges and will endure to beat the hardest of tasks.

Calais Wawatai 

This leader hails from Ngati Porou. He is confident and positive about what he wants in life. He is a role model who will help whoever he comes in contact with and he likes to blend his new learning with the knowledge of other people’s opinions and life’s experiences. Calais respects people for who they are. He lives by the values of the well-known whakatauki 'He aha te mea nui o te ao? He tangata, he tangata, he tangata'. He thrives on inquiry learning and likes to explore. Calais is learning how to utilise his leadership skills to drive his passion of digital technology.

Ngati Toa School
Holli Vallance

Holli manages herself well. She is quiet but competent when interacting with others and is respectful and responsible. She is a capable learner and displays good thinking skills. These key competencies have shone through in class and outside the classroom activities. She is a good role model for students at Ngati Toa School and has been involved in activities such as kapa haka, being a peer mediator and extracurricular activities like Waka Ama and Te Ara Moana. She excels academically and gives her best. These leadership qualities have been appreciated by the school and we know she will continue to be a gift to different communities as she progresses through life. Haere, hei akiakitanga tonu mō te ao. Continue to be an inspiration Holli.

Jaylen Tungatt-Wineera

Jaylen is a willing student and always gives his best. He is aware when help is needed and is very willing to support others in all situations. He often helps in a quiet and unassuming manner, without making a fuss. His helpful demeanour has been greatly valued at Ngāti Toa school and will be a great attribute to share with others throughout his life. Haere tonu ki te manaaki me te awhina i etahi atu. Continue to care for and help others Jaylen. Kia Kaha.

Papakowhai School
Amelia Taatiti

Amelia brings infectious positivity, enthusiasm and leadership to our school. Her love of learning and growth mind-set allows her to work through challenging learning experiences. Amelia always works with diligence and strives to do her very best. A very thoughtful and compassionate individual, Amelia offers continuous support to those around her providing constructive, respectful advice. Amelia is the student leader and founder of our school Polyclub.

Emma Kinsella

Emma is a confident and helpful leader in our school. She always follows instructions and is a fantastic role model for her peers. Emma is a highly dedicated leader in our school, and her commitment to the Enviro Team is amazing. She has been a great asset to our school in reducing our waste and being more aware of how to compost properly. Emma goes out of her way to be helpful, and will complete any jobs asked of her in a timely manner with a positive attitude.

Paremata School
Abigail Lee

Abigail is an outstanding leader at Paremata School. She is patient, kind, and thoughtful, and uses her initiative to volunteer for various jobs around the school. Abigail willingly accepts responsibility for guiding younger students and is always quick to offer her support or guidance to others. Our list of praises could go on and on - Abigail is a pleasure to work with and a well-respected role model, who is truly valued by us all.

Maia White

Maia is quiet but steadfast. She leads by example, not expecting recognition. Maia shows by her every action how to be an excellent citizen; in her school work, in Kapa Haka and the community. Maia has high standards; she strives, always, to improve and she treats everyone the same, with warmth and respect.


Pauatahanui School
Finn Fraser

Finn shows leadership through his willingness to give anything a go! He is a Peer Mediator - he gives up his lunchtime once a week to help younger students. He is a very competitive House Captain; he's part of our school kapa haka group where he has taken on leadership; he is a road patroller and is on our School's Student Council. Finn shows leadership and confidence, and he is a good role model for our younger students. Congratulations Finn, for your nomination for being a Young Leader.

Neve Miller

Neve is thoughtful and kind to other students and is always willing to help other people out. Neve is a House Captain, she is a peer mediator, a road patroller, and she is also on our School Student Council. Neve has a very lovely kind and quiet way of leadership. Her leadership is in what she does, and her willingness to interact with anyone else in the class, and school. Congratulations Neve, for your nomination for being a Young Leader.

Plimmerton School
Tyler Knowles

Tyler has been a member of the School Student Council for the past two years, this year as leader. He is a member of the Green Team and a tuakana teina. Tyler is an exceptional role model. He thinks about others and the environment, is honest, respectful, caring and inclusive.



Nala Trist

Nala is a member of the School Student Council and a tuakana teina, and takes a leading role in organising school wide events and fundraisers. She volunteers for many activities and is highly motivated and organised. Nala leads by example with enthusiasm and integrity.



Porirua East School

Ataahua Simeon-Williams
Ataahua is a pleasant and well-mannered young girl who is a pleasure to teach. Ataahua demonstrates our school values of manaakitanga and whanaungatanga. She is a good friend who is kind and fun to spend time with. When we welcome new people to our school Ataahua is often the person who calls them on with a karanga, or leads waiata. When new children start we can be assured that Ataahua will support them and offer her friendship. She is a role model to the younger children, showing them how we expect everyone at Porirua East school to be respectful and considerate. Ataahua shines in her leadership roles. She is an integral part of performance kapa haka. She demonstrates her passion for kapa haka which encourages other children. She is front and centre and responds to all the responsibilities given to her to make calls or remember and demonstrate movements.

Porirua School

Myah Vagea
An exceptional role model at Porirua School, Myah leads by example, has great self-management, and is always keen to be involved in all aspects of school life. She demonstrates manaakitanga through her friendly, calm nature, ensuring she builds respectful and supportive relationships with others. Myah is a well-liked and respected member of the Porirua School community. She always volunteers to participate in ‘enviro’ projects at school and in the wider community to create more beautiful spaces to enjoy in Porirua. We are extremely lucky to have Myah at Porirua School and thank her for all of her valuable contributions to the school and community.

Ana Bulicakau

Ana demonstrates consistent excellence in all areas of her education. She uses her initiative and works hard to achieve her goals. Ana demonstrates manaakitanga through her respectful interactions with the school community and the support she gives her peers in the classroom and the playground. She always volunteers for different jobs around the school and in the community. She is a thoughtful and considerate member of Porirua School, who leads by example and is a positive influence on other students.

Postgate School
Israel Misky

Israel has been chosen for his leadership across all aspects of school life. He is a leader within class, a great role model for the Postgate values. He takes a lead role during Kapa Haka and ensures that those around him know what to do. In the playground he is happy to take part in a variety of games and invites other children to join in. Israel has also taken on the responsibility of ringing the bell for play, lunch and home time.

Avani Aiulu

Avani has many different leadership roles across the syndicate. She is in charge of our syndicate singing, she organizes the songs we are singing and works with teachers to plan the new songs we are going to learn. She is a class representative on the student council and has worked to organize Postgate's Got Talent and school discos. She also works with the junior classes to ensure their voice is heard on the council.

Pukerua Bay School
Joel Roper

Joel exemplifies a student who shows all of our KURA Values; Kindness, Unity, Responsibility, Achievement in both his school work and in how he acts as a Year 8 leader within our school. Joel started soccer sessions for our juniors in his own time. He models excellent leadership skills through our tuakana teina work and is always thoughtful in his engagement with younger tamariki. Joel is achieving highly in maths and strives to get better in all of his learning. Kia Kaha, Kia Toa. Fantastic work Joel. Ma te kotahitanga e whai kaha ai tātau. (In unity, we have strength.)

Zoe Wilson

Zoe has shown a willingness to reflect on her learning dispositions and has shown maturity both in her manner and in her class learning. Zoe continues to strive to improve both in school and in her favourite hobby of horse riding. It has been wonderful to see Zoe emerging as a senior leader who is ready to take all of the opportunities on offer to her.
Kia Kaha, Kia Toa. Congratulations Zoe. Poipoia te kakano kia puawai. (Nurture the seed and it will blossom)

Rangikura School
Latrishana Fa'apo

Latrishana is an outstanding leader with her motivation and encouragement of others. She is a people person and through positive and true relationships has earned the respect of both her peers and adults alike. She inspires others with her work ethic and behaviour at school. Ua mitamita Rangikura ia te oe.


Musharraf Hussain

Musharraf leads from the front in all he does. He always steps up to try new things showing he is courageous and brave, inspiring others to do so in positive ways. A mature sensible student, Musharraf's sense humour and kind ways are what makes him a leader of the future.


Russell School

Jan Aye Lia

Jan Aye Lia is a very quiet, well-mannered person who participates and contributes fully in school life. She will get on with tasks quietly, completing work to a high level. Jan Aye Lia sets herself goals and shows perseverance in achieving them. She is a team player always ready to support others and is able to discuss and reason with her peers to confirm her point of view in a respectful manner. Jan Aye Lia is kind and helpful to peers and adults alike. We are very fortunate to have her as a member of our school community.

Galway Panapa

Galway has a warm, friendly presence. He is a team player who shows great leadership qualities in class and school-wide. Galway is honest and hardworking. He steps up when required, representing our school in sports and community events. Galway demonstrates all aspects of our H.E.A.R.T values and is a positive role model for the younger students in the school. He is a leader in cultural performance and does not shy away from responsibility. He stands proud and confident for his dual heritage - Tokelau and Cook Islands. Galway is a great sportsman. He is able to bring his leadership skills to the sports field, resolving heated situations in a calm and respectful manner. We are proud of Galway and know that one day he will make a great leader for our City and indeed for our Country.

St Pius X School
Lucy Williamson

Lucy is a positive leader at St Pius X School. She is involved in leading many aspects of school life. She has many different jobs around the school including road patrol, medical monitor, absentee book and prayer table monitor. She is often asked by the little children at our school for advice or help which she always gives. Lucy is actively involved in sports including netball, ballet, jazz, tumbling, hockey and is learning to play the piano.In the summer she is involved in little nippers on Sundays and is training to be a surf life saver. Lucy is responsible, reliable and always willing and able to help others. She leads by her example of living a faith-filled life.

Jack McCulloch-Childs

Jack is a humble leader who is always willing to go the extra mile at St Pius X School. He has many responsibilities that involve him in setting up activities, and being responsible in various things like being a milk monitor, librarian and he is a technical expert. Jack always helps the little children if they are hurt. He is a positive person who is most reliable in all he does both at school and home. Jack excels at sports and commented that he thoroughly enjoyed being part of the Te Ara Moana Trust programme where he was nominated as person of the day for his willingness and helpfulness. Jack shows leadership through his encouragement and support of others.

St Theresa’s School 
Flynn Croasdale

Flynn, like Mary MacKillop, ‘never sees a need without doing something about it.’ He is always willing to help and serve others, and he shows initiative in the way he works in the spirit of tuakana teina across the school. Nothing is too much trouble for him. Flynn is a Cultural leader at St Theresa’s. He shows leadership in Powhiri and Sasa, often stepping out of his comfort zone. His leadership contributions are valued throughout the school, and he is well-deserving of this Rotary Leadership Award.

Harrison Croasdale

Harrison is a HERO; a helper, encourager, role model and organiser. He uses his initiative in helping other people and taking the lead where necessary. Harrison often shows responsibility without even being asked, especially when helping with our Playpod. He is a reliable and responsible Technical Leader and is our go-to person for all things technical. His contributions have been noticed throughout the school. Harrison is well-deserving of this Rotary Leadership Award.

Samuel Marsden Collegiate School
Cerys Southward-Ellis

Cerys is a proactive person who is not afraid to stand up for what is right. She questions the status quo but accepts when things can't change. Cerys is one of our most supportive students. She is always positive and encourages others wherever she goes. Cerys always offers to help and assist teachers and fellow students in any way she can. She is thoughtful and conscientious. Well done!

Caelan Taylor

Caelan has exceptional leadership qualities, maturity and a helpful spirit. He upholds all the school values. He is thoughtful to students and teachers. Caelan is a quiet leader. He looks for opportunities to serve others. Caelan volunteers to help and support wherever he finds the opportunity; often staying behind to help pack up the classroom. He is a great friend to all those around him. Caelan is so awesome!

Te Kura Maori o Porirua
Te Ohomairangi Putiputi Matakātea

Ko Te Arawa, kō Muaupoko, kō Te Atiawa, kō Tūkorehe, ko Ngāti Kahungunu ki te Wairarapa ōna iwi.
Te Ohomairangi Putiputi is a leader in various activities within the kura. She recently represented our Kura in a regional speech competition held in Waikanae. She is currently training for the World Waka Ama Championships in Hawaii, 2020. Her interests are kapahaka, sports (specifically Waka Ama and netball) and hanging with her friends and whānau. Te Ohomairangi is working towards achieving Level 1 NCEA Te Reo Māori this year. She is a great leader for her younger peers at Te Kura Māori o Porirua and is inspirational in demonstrating perseverance, commitment and to upholding our Kura values - Rangatiratanga, Kaitiakitanga, Whai Wāhitanga and Whanaungatanga.

Tiahorangi Keepa

Nō Ngāti Kahungunu tōna iwi.
Tiahorangi demonstrates a passion for Te Reo Māori me ōna tikanga. She is a studious worker and demonstrates self-motivation in all areas of her learning. She is a great supporter of her younger peers and has been trained in a programme that helps assist students who require extra support in reading and writing. Tiahorangi is working towards achieving Level 1 NCEA Te Reo Māori this year. Her interests are travelling with her whānau, being with her friends, learning new things and helping others. She consistently upholds our Kura values of Rangatiratanga, Kaitiakitanga, Whai Wāhitanga and Whanaungatanga.

Titahi Bay Intermediate
Georgia Ellis

This young lady is very talented in many fields – musically, outstanding actress, public speaker, you name it, she can do it. She is highly motivated, enjoys challenges and continues to be a humble and supportive leader in our school and community. She knows when to lead and when to let others lead. Congratulations to a well-deserving Georgia Ellis.


Pirihira Balt

A leader in the making – Pirihira is a humble student who has great confidence. She quietly walks alongside and supports others in the school community and contributes to all aspects of school life. She is motivated to give all challenges a go and continues to be successful in her lifelong learning journey.


Titahi Bay North School
Maiarangi Waipara

Maiarangi is a very caring and supportive young lady, who displays quiet confidence and a lovely wairua in all circumstances. She is thoughtful towards others and this is displayed in everything she does. Maiarangi is willing to take risks and learns from her challenges and mistakes. She is a confident leader who seeks knowledge. She is eager to learn and will often help and teach others. She is a strong, positive tuakana whose beautiful wairua will filter down to all of our teina over time. She is a Physical Active Leader within our kura. She is currently doing NCEA Level 1 Te Reo Māori. She has represented Wellington in softball and ISA in baseball. She also carries out leadership roles within our classroom. Ka pu te ruha, Ka hao te rangatahi. (Maiarangi was unable to be at the Awards).

Titahi Bay School

Sky Ruha
In the last few years, we have all watched Sky mature into a dependable leader at Titahi Bay School. Sky has always had an awareness of how our school community operates, and when helping teachers with jobs, Sky shows intuitiveness. Requiring minimal instruction, Sky understands what needs to be done, and completes jobs efficiently. She will never say no to a job. Understanding the importance of relationships, Sky takes it upon herself to learn the names of our staff and students. She greets teachers in the playground and helps young students when they are hurt or lonely. I don't know if she realises the positive impact she has on the many people she connects with. She makes people feel special. Heavily involved in our school culture, Sky is a confident leader in Kapa Haka. She is a Buddy Patrol and has been a lunchtime companion and friend to our ORS students.

Ryan Hemsley

Ryan is seen by his peers as being a leader in the way he conducts himself and models the school's KURA values. He shows initiative and is always looking for new projects to introduce. He is passionate about the environment, and also has a strong community spirit. Ryan has happily taken on the responsibility of working with an ORS student at the school three times a week doing Enviro work related to the worm farm. When doing this he is patient, considerate and mentoring towards the student.
Ryan's leadership skills continue to grow as he progresses on his educational journey and he will always be able to use these skills to benefit others. A true leader never worries about what the job is they are asked to do and Ryan is one of these leaders. He just wants to help others and make our school run better.

Wellington Seventh Day Adventist School

Xinia Edpalina
Xinia is a confident student who willingly and enthusiastically takes part in the wider life of our school including playing roles on the student-led Naked Lunch and Waste Audit Committees, and creating and sharing slide shows challenging other schools to care for the environment. This led to Xinia and her partner Christina winning the Take Action project competition. In small group situations she supports other group members, remains focused and encourages others to do likewise. Xinia carries out any task given to her in a responsible and trustworthy manner.

Wendy Va'afusuaga

Wendy is a gentle, humble, trustworthy leader who assumes roles with a servant heart. She cares deeply about students and is a role model to all her peers. In the wider life of the school she is an able leader and role model, leading assemblies and school-led church services, playing roles in the student-led Naked Lunch and Waste Audit Committees. She eagerly volunteers to do jobs around the school and to assist staff.

Windley School

Hayden Patu
Hayden is well-respected and quiet leader. He has a positive energy around him and a positive attitude about life which is contagious. He uses initiative and shows commitment to any set task and brings others along with him. Students are drawn to him because he’s kind and caring and a friend to everyone.


Reaneeta Manila

Reaneeta consistently shows good leadership and is an exemplary role model. She is confident, honest and has integrity. Reaneeta always tries her best to role model the expectations of her whanau and school. She is calm and resilient in delicate situations and will apply her skills in a respectful way.


When all the recipients had returned to their seats, Steve Haddock, President of Porirua Rotary took the stage to thank the Mayor for his support of the event and reinforced Rotary's congratulations to the attendees. He mentioned the many future possibilities for leaders through Rotary, many of which were mentioned in the leaflets which were handed out at the door.

He then introduced Rhianne Tarau, a Year 13 student from Mana College. This is what she had to say:

'Kia ora, malo e lelei, Talofa Lava and many greetings to you all.

'I want to say a big thank you to the Rotary clubs for inviting me to speak to all of you today. I would also like to congratulate all the young leaders in the room who received an award this morning for displaying leadership qualities and being role models in their communities.

'My name is Rhianne Tarau and I am a year 13 student at Mana College. I am a member of the senior student leadership team and I am a current student representative on the board of trustees.

'Personally, leadership for me is not always about leading others but also seeking to inspire others about what you love.

'I believe I have learned two important things about leadership: Firstly, leaders don't always have to be the loudest person in the room and secondly, you need to take the opportunities that are given to you - even when they are really hard or even scary. What this means is you should always try new things, push aside your fears and take that leap into the unknown.

'When I think about myself, I see a quiet, reasonably shy person who is comfortable in the things and situations I know well. But … I have always taken up opportunities offered to me these have enabled me to grow as a person and have frequently taken me out of my comfort zone. For instance, a year ago, I could never have imagined standing here speaking to you - but, here I am ...

'Over the past 18 months, I have taken up many opportunities such as being selected as a student representative on the board at Partners Porirua and elected as a student representative on the Mana College Board Of Trustees. I am also a STARS mentor looking after year 9s. As part of the senior student leadership team, I have helped organise school-wide events such as anti-bullying week and I have MCd the Porirua youth awards ceremony last year. To be honest I did find some of these challenging but ...I tried my best and I believe that is one of the most important characteristics of a good leader - to keep trying even in the face of challenges.

'What I have learnt about myself over time is that I have no limitations or barriers that can stop me from reaching for the stars. I know I can step out of my comfort zone and try my best at the challenges and opportunities that are put in front of me and that I can be a leader in my own way.

'During the July holidays, I attended the NASA Space Camp Programme in the USA for two weeks. I know; I could not believe it myself! A maori wahine from Porirua went to America on a plane with a bunch of strangers to try and get one step closer to her dreams. Crazy, I know. However, sadly I did not walk on the moon. But ... Imagine this, seeing all of these astronaut suits in glass cases that you thought only existed in movies or pictures and giant rockets outside the buildings that once went to the dark world of outer space. I even saw a moon rock. I never thought in my entire life, I could get excited over a little rock but let me tell you, I did. I even took a photo of that rock, so I could remember that exact moment.

'My team and I got the opportunity to actually feel like we were on a mission to launch a shuttle into space when we took the roles of an EVA officer and a mission specialist. I learnt how things can go wrong on missions, especially when I felt the panic flooding over me as red lights were flashing on and off the screens. For me, I have never felt so much panic in my life, until I saw all those flashing lights popping up. But I also learnt how to overcome these problems and how to keep calm and think about the solutions

'Another thing I have learned from this trip which I see is the most important thing is that even if you fail at something don't see it as if you’ve done something wrong but rather take the learning out of it for the next time. One example of this is when I had to fly a plane in a simulator. Well, I thought, yep, I’ve got this, it can't be that hard, right! But I was wrong I crashed that plane four times which for me was embarrassing. Personally, I didn't want to try again but I thought no, one more time I’ve got this! And guess what; I landed that plane with the biggest smile on my face. I also felt proud of myself because if I had not taken that other attempt I would not have landed that plane and would have only remembered that I crashed it four times.

'In conclusion, try to take any opportunities you are given. You never know when those same opportunities will be given again, and who knows, you may enjoy them!

'Remember you don't have to be the loudest person to get your message across. Try other ways to spread your ideas and even when things go wrong or you fail, just keep trying, stay calm and think about how you can learn from the situation. See it, not as a failure but rather as something you can improve on.

'Again, I would like to congratulate all of you for receiving awards this morning. Keep leading in your schools. Keep showing others that you can be a leader, that you can step up and inspire others and that you show the qualities of Service above Self.

'I hope to hear many stories in the future about everything you are doing, and I know that you will all go on to become even greater leaders as you grow up'.

We were very fortunate that the Children's Commissioner, Judge Andrew Becroft, who spoke at the Awards last year, agreed to come again. Talking mainly to the younger members of the audience, he gave an inspirational talk about three things (wearing three different t-shirts to accentuate his theme). He talked about having a dream, about being persistent and about RESPECT. 

It was another memorable year, not only for the recipients but also for their principals, teachers, whanau and friends and for the 24 secondary school students who came to support the primary students.

These Secondary School students from our six colleges came in numbers to support the primary leaders. Several 'impromptu' haka rang out as students collected their certificates. Not all of the students were caught in these photos, but they give an idea of how much we owe to our senior leaders in our city who are prepared to take time out to show their support.

Aotea College

Julia Koumphonphakdy
Isabel Ayora
Benjamin Tovio
Isaac Bloomfield


Bishop Viard College with their primary students

Johnny Gaina
Otea-Joseph Iareta
Aaiti Maiava



Mana College

Rhianne Tarau, who gave a speech on leadership
Alex Johnson
Kohi Waru
Zacch Te Tau
Hazell Best-Miller


Porirua College

Tiresa Fomai
Madonna Tui
Pualaga Tuai'aufa'i
Taupe-Jack Lomax


Samuel Marsden Collegiate with their primary students

Thomas Couchman
Tannith Potgieter
Ryan Bain
Sophie Miller


Te Kura Maori o Porirua with their primary students

Rangiwhakapikia Heihei
Winiata Park
Korihimihiata Te Angina
Tairoki Tahau-Hodges


As a fitting end to a memorable occasion, the Corinna Singing Group concluded by singing a final Maori song, Purea Nei, while the words in English appeared on the big screen.

Scattered by the wind
Washed by the rain
and transformed by the sun.
All doubts are swept away
and all restraints are cast down.

Fly O free spirit, fly
To the clouds in the heavens.
Transformed by the sun,
with all doubts swept away
and all restrains cast down,
yes, all restraints are cast down.



Porirua Primary leaders shine brightly

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