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Porirua's future leaders make us proud - 11 August 2020


Another great event for the club: well organised, well-attended, inspirational and a splendid showcase for what Rotary can do.

This was the sixth Awards ceremony and the attendance was the largest yet. The Elim Church again proved to be an excellent venue, everything worked as it should, and the audience of parents, teachers, school students, councillors, officials, Rotarians from the Porirua Club and our own, and other friends, was vocal and engaged.

The Awards celebrate the achievements of primary school students who had been selected for their leadership and contributions to school life. This dovetails with the strategic priority of our Council, and the ‘service above self’ mission of Rotary.

Twenty-nine of the thirty-one primary and intermediate schools in Porirua City took part. The two missing schools shall remain nameless.

After a warm welcome by President Bill McAulay, Deputy Mayor Izzy Ford took over as MC and performed this duty with great panache. Mayor Anita Baker then gave a short speech which recognised the work Rotary does in the city.

The major part of the proceedings was the presentation of certificates and Rotary badges to fifty-seven deserving students, by Mayor Baker and Rotary District Governor Gillian Jones.

The students came in all shapes and sizes, some wearing striking outfits, and girls outnumbering boys. Pleasingly, it was evident from the citations that the awardees were often not the most academic, but those who had made their mark in other useful ways. Schools these days place greater emphasis on the ‘whole person’ than I can remember from sixty years ago, and a good thing too.

Past President of Porirua Rotary Club, Paula Williams, thanked Mayor Baker for her energetic support and put the whole event into context, while pointing to the opportunities available to young people through their local Rotary Clubs.

We were then treated to an extraordinarily accomplished address by former winner and now Head Girl at Bishop Viard College, seventeen-year-old Agnes Valasi.

She reflected on how students change, and the opportunities open to them. We will see a lot more of Agnes in the future.

Agnes nearly upstaged our keynote speaker, Children’s Commissioner Judge Andrew Becroft, who illustrated his review of values and virtues with a set of decorated T-shirts.

Our partner school, Rangikura, provided their singing group this year, which was a treat for all.

All in all, a very successful occasion which ran smoothly and on time, thanks to Wendy Betteridge’s meticulous oversight.

Editor's note: Here is the media release sent out by Porirua City Council. The 2020 Award Recipients and their photos are set out below, as is the wonderful speech by Agnes Valasi, Head Girls of Bishop Viard College.

Speech given by Agnes Valasi, Head Girl of Bishop Viard College.

Talofa lava, kia orana, bula vinaka, and warm Pacific greetings to you all.

Thank you to the Rotary clubs for presenting me with this opportunity to speak and a massive congratulations to the award recipients. Your qualities and actions which resonate with that of a leader are being rightly celebrated and I truly commend you.

As previously mentioned, my name is Agnes Valasi, a year 13 student at Bishop Viard College - Head Girl for 2020.

My journey to find what leadership truly meant to me as a young pacific woman was one of self-discovery and many mistakes - all things that I continue to experience to this day. When I was younger, my perception of leadership was influenced by what the dictionary described it as: “Leadership is the action of leading or commanding a group, organization, or country.” To the ears and the minds of the ignorant, this is seen at face value. These words held no weight nor any significance - they were empty. But once you start to read between the lines, the true meaning of leadership is exposed. And so I began to open my perspective to find this true meaning that I craved to understand.

The first realization I had was that leaders can come from anywhere. Every day when I came home from school, I saw my Mum being the leader of my family, working endlessly hard to keep us safe and sound. On Sundays when I entered my church, standing there was my spiritual leader who sparked inspiration in the hearts that filled the pews. And by identifying these leaders within my own life, I understood that everyone has the potential to be a leader. For us, as young people, it shows that no matter what your ethnicity, gender, age, or religion is, there is no limit to what you can achieve and what you can accomplish. Isn’t that amazing? It doesn't matter that I’m a seventeen-year-old, Samoan Christian girl, I don't have any less or more potential for leadership than the next person, it's what you do with that potential that makes you a leader. Being unique is a blessing, never let it become a burden. Allow these differences that make you who you are, transform you into the leader you wish to be. Believe that you can, and make that your reality.

The second realization is the importance of vulnerability. We assume that being a leader means to be above others, to control, to be strong. But this is far from the truth. I found that a true leader finds strength in their vulnerability. As a leader, you are seen 24/7 through the eyes of those you represent and it’s so easy to find yourself enraptured by their gaze and pressured to be perfect. But here's a little secret, and this might baffle some of you, but you don't need to be perfect to be a great leader. Vulnerability is about allowing your unique personality to shine despite shadows that might try to drown out your light. It’s allowing yourself to make mistakes and make deep connections with others on a personal level. There is no “I'm above you” because, by letting yourself make those connections, you can peek into their soul and relate to others. That is when people respect you, not because they have to, but because they want to. Yes, the fear of opening up can be immense, but it’s not the be-all-and-end-all. The thing about fear is that you can overcome it, and as a leader, one must have the courage to defeat it.

The third and most recent realization I’ve had is about inspiring others and inspiring yourself. In my interview for the leadership role I hold today, my principal asked me, “What does a great leader make?” I sat there in that office trying to desperately piece together a coherent answer ... but my mind blanked out. At my silence, he answered his question saying, “A great leader makes more great leaders” I had a big "duh" moment because I knew he was right, the pressure was just so intense. A great leader is one who can inspire others to be leaders themselves. They are able to plant that seed of motivation in others because if you are motivated and inspired, you can spread that same energy to the people around you and they too can do great things. You have that ability to light a fire within others that will burn eternally. So do it. Go out there and inspire others. And hopefully today, I have managed to do the same and inspire you to be the leaders we all know you can be.

As of now, I understand that leadership can be so much more than what the dictionary defines it as. And it is. Being a leader is what you make of it. Leadership is not a mold that we are required to fit into; we as individuals make leadership fit us. Be the leader that you wished you had when you were younger and continue to inspire those around you.

Once again, congratulations to the award recipients.

Thank you and God bless.

2020 Award Recipients

Adventure School
Caelan Davidson has been elected as Head Boy because of his positive, holistic attitude towards school life and status among his peers. He positively promotes the values of ‘The Adventure way’. He listens, contributes, understands, is empathetic and tolerant, and can negotiate and compromise. He loves all learning and being with friends. He particularly enjoys the senior Ukulele group. Outside of school, Caelan loves sailing and playing Irish music with his Dad.

Geneve Brody has been elected as Head Girl because of her positive, holistic attitude towards school life and status among her peers. She positively promotes the values of ‘The Adventure way’. She listens, contributes, understands, is empathetic and tolerant and can negotiate and compromise. Geneve loves biking, skating, sport and generally running around. At school, Geneve loves learning, playing the Ukulele, being with friends, and making new friends.

Bishop Viard College
Muriel Iosefa consistently goes above and beyond what is required of her. She is hard-working and diligent and sets very high expectations for herself and all of those around her. Muriel takes up all opportunities given to her and puts in 100% at all times. She is a true leader and an inspiration to all.


Rayshanna Tautu has a quiet but confident style of leadership. She takes up all opportunities given to her and is always willing to try new things. She is kind and considerate to everyone, adults and students alike. She has an excellent work ethic and everything she does is of a high standard. She is a natural leader with huge future potential.

Brandon Intermediate
David Talivai is a Head student of our Student Council. He is a role model within our school, leading the student council, serving as a Peer Mediator, and as a class advocate. He stands before his peers at assemblies and gives voice to the ideas and concerns of the student body with the staff and the Principal. David conducts himself with mana and Brandon Pride. In all his communication, service to the school, and when participating in our community he demonstrates Purpose, Resilience, Integrity, Determination, and Empathy. He epitomises our school values of Responsibility, Respect, Kindness, Aroha, and Service.

Mikayla Aitogi-Wilson is a Head student of our Student Council. She is a role model within our school, leading the student council, serving as a Peer Mediator and as a class advocate. She stands before her peers at assemblies and gives voice to the ideas and concerns of the student body with staff and the Principal. Mikayla conducts herself with mana and Brandon Pride. In all her communication, service to the school and when participating in our community she demonstrates Purpose, Resilience, Integrity, Determination, and Empathy. She epitomises our school values of Responsibility, Respect, Kindness, Aroha and Service.

Cannons Creek School
Aliyah Frost is a diligent, reliable and determined leader in our school community. She has proven to be a student that cannot only be relied upon to be doing the right thing but will also help others to strive to improve and make progress. Aliyah is someone who always looks to see what she can improve in her own leadership skills and help those around her to also take on areas of responsibility.

Eh Nay Kaw takes on many responsibilities within our school and does these without hesitation or complaint. He is a student who can be relied upon to help others, encourage positive behaviour and look for opportunities to make improvements. Eh Nay Kaw is a well-liked and respected senior student in our school.

Corinna School
Praise Lamsam is nominated for this award because of her enthusiasm for learning and the way she perseveres when learning is tricky for her. She is highly motivated to try new things and seizes every opportunity to take her learning further. For example, she is a keen member of the school garden club, a strong kapa haka performer, and a school librarian. She is a canteen consultant who develops and tests healthy menus for Corinna School whanau.

Jahzelle Schuster has been nominated for this award because she is a very positive and enthusiastic learner who can learn alongside anyone. She is a loyal and supportive learning buddy for a wide number of students. She takes learning opportunities that are out of her comfort zone and perseveres to extend her learning. She participates fully in all learning experiences. Jahzelle is very strong in her cultural identity and shares her language, songs and Siva with the school. She participates confidently in Polyclub. She is a very capable librarian and speech-maker at school events.

Discovery School
Jake Gribben is a wonderful year 8 role model at Discovery School. He demonstrates leadership skills in both his interactions with other students and staff as well as with his organisational skills. Jake is an extremely reliable and efficient monitor and he shows resilience and perseverance in his learning. He has excellent communication skills and great manners. The Discovery staff are very proud of Jake; he has a bright future ahead of him!

Sophie Kloppenberg is the type of student that any teacher would love to have in their class. She is kind, caring, and always willing to help and support others. Sophie is very creative and has willingly offered her artistic skills to help teach others in the classroom. As a member of our student council, Sophie knows how to lead a group in an encouraging and supportive way. Sophie cares about the environment and is one of our Enviro Leaders at Discovery School. She has an important job of inspiring others to take care of our surroundings. Sophie is a member of the Ako Ambassadors’ group that helps to promote a love of Te Reo and Tikanga Māori in our school. She shows excellence in everything she does and thoroughly deserves this award.

Glenview School
Taloi Tealei was nominated and voted by her peers to be a house captain. This job has many responsibilities where she leads by example and interacts and supports younger members of the school. Taloi is an excellent student who is already an accomplished musician and vocalist.


Joe Tanielu is an articulate young man who has an impressive vocabulary and a passion for science and his Tokelauan culture. Joe has improved in confidence in the arts, particularly drama, and has worked hard to improve his physical skills and coordination in basketball and cricket.


Holy Family School
Nikolah Teofilo always shows initiative in everything she does. She is the epitome of one of our school values, Mafana, and is caring and displays love. She is always supportive and makes an effort to include everyone and instill positive attitudes and behaviour. She a leader who you can trust and count on. She is always willing to represent the class, our senior syndicate, and also our school in all areas. She strives to the best of her abilities and is always willing to share her knowledge and experience with others. Nikolah is a phenomenal leader who is, and continues to be, a positive influence on others.

El-Shaddai Petau is a very humble and caring member of Room 5. He displays leadership skills in all areas. He is a confident person who is willing to help, support, and share his ideas and knowledge with every member of the class, not just his friends. He often steps out of his comfort zone and challenges himself even if he makes mistakes, as he knows he learns best this way and this is good modelling for others around him. El-Shaddai is always early at school so that he can be a part of the road patrol team. I have seen his humble and caring personality shared with the junior class students during playtime. El-Shaddai is a good leader as he leaves a positive impact on others around him.

Maraeroa School
Maraeroa School is proud to nominate Ayesha-Storm Asiata for this award. Ayesha is a courageous young girl who uses her voice to evoke positive change in our school community. Her thoughtfulness and genuine care for the success of all is admirable. Ayesha leads by example and never leaves anyone behind. Her peers and teachers have so much respect for her, which she reciprocates every day. She is focused and motivated in her learning, in Kapa Haka, and in sports, and faces challenges head-on. It has been a pleasure to watch Ayesha grow into her leadership role this year; she has positioned herself as a strong young leader and future change-maker in Porirua. She epitomises our vision of learners who use their voice for change, actions to make a difference, and are proud of their identity.

The joy, humour, and enthusiasm Kupa Lihone brings to a room is obvious. He is secure and confident in himself and has a strong, curious voice that he uses to find out all he can about anything and everything. Kupa leads by example; he has high expectations of himself and these expectations rub off onto those around him. Over the past year, Kupa has also demonstrated his leadership and mana through kapa haka, and is a real asset to Maraeroa School’s kapa haka group. One of Kupa’s strongest qualities is his determination to overcome obstacles and to persevere when things get tricky. Kupa embodies all our school values and is the epitome of a proud Maraeroa CREEK kid.

Natone Park School
Phomozah Tanuvasa is a very quiet yet vibrant student who enjoys attending school and extending her knowledge of learning. A leader who expresses her presence through example and ensures that she is always on task and performing to the best of her ability. She represents her whanau and community in a variety of ways - educations, sports, activities and her aiga. These qualities all contribute to the person Phomozah is today. Mai ni amataga laiti e tupuna mai ai mea lelei.

Manaia Tanerau is a rangatahi who has expressed resilience in his learning. He has ensured that he sets himself up for the future of success. Manaia is a role model who gives his best to those around him and excels in his day to day learning pro-actively demanding good quality education that will benefit him and his future aspirations. A young man who wants to do well in life. Ko te pipi te tuatahi, ko te kaunuku te tuarua. From small beginnings come great things.

Ngati Toa School
Emiliia Laavasa consistently aims to improve and achieve high-quality standards in all that she is involved in. She is very focused on her own learning and develops her knowledge and skills to a high level. She is quick to take responsibility, to share and assist others, enlightening them and showing them the ways to understand and manage tasks. Emiliia is responsible, humble, reliable, considerate, and helpful. She is creative and artistic. Emiliia is a strong role model as a student leader in caring for our local environment. She is fully committed to any project she is involved in, and uses her initiative to step in and do what needs to be done. Emiliia leads by example - a true dependable leader now, and for the future.

Hine Temo-Naera is very focused, thoughtful, and determined to achieve her best. She consistently leads by example, living strong values and expecting them from others. Hine is quick to help support others of all ages, and she shares her knowledge and multiple skills in her quiet and calm way. She is always striving to make the world a better place and to improve our environment. Hine has contributed as a leader in Dance, the Visual Arts, and as a motivating leader in Kapa Haka. She guides others to believe in themselves and what they want to achieve. Hine is a responsible and caring team member, and a positive, dedicated, and inspiring leader, now and for the future.

Papakowhai School
Anna Betham possesses an outgoing and bubbly personality. Her friendly and cheerful nature has led her to become a well-respected leader in our school. Anna enjoys taking on extra responsibilities around the school and she can be commended for her involvement in initiating the Poly Group for 2020. Anna handles the challenges and successes that come with leadership in a mature manner. We enjoy witnessing Anna’s personality shine through in her learning and value the way she can be trusted to complete tasks to the best of her ability.

Ruby Simkin brightens up our school each day with her warm nature and fun sense of humour. During group activities, she always works well with others. Ruby shares her ideas and thoughtfully listens to the opinions of her peers. Ruby is a role model for our school rules and encourages others to do the same. As a leader, she demonstrates manaakitanga and her interactions with other students are always very positive. We enjoy watching Ruby grow in confidence in everything she does as a leader in our school.

Paremata School
Jessica Best is a quiet, and well-respected member of the team at Paremata School. She is patient, kind, and thoughtful with everything she does and everyone she works with. Jessica can be relied on to be friendly and polite - she always makes the time to ask how people are and what they have been up to. Jessica also uses her initiative to make herself useful at every opportunity. She is quick to notice when someone needs help and will offer her support or guidance to others without hesitation. Jessica is a pleasure to work with and a well-respected role model, who is truly valued by us all.

Eamonn Gallagher has a positive ‘can do’ approach to leadership. As a member of the student council, he listens to others, contributes his own ideas, and negotiates the way forward in a variety of projects. Eamonn can always be relied on to lead by example. He is kind, respectful to others, and shows with every action how to be an excellent citizen; in his schoolwork, in the playground, and in the community. Eamonn has high standards, enjoys challenges, and is a self-motivated learner. In all aspects of school, Eamonn is a pleasure to work with.

Pauatahanui School
Amber Sceats is a year 8 student from Pauatahanui School. She was selected as House Captain by the students in her house, which is indicative of the leadership that other students across the school see her as having. She is articulate and brings a positive energy about all she does. Amber also has volunteered to be a Peer Mediator and this is a role that comes naturally to her, through her kind nature. She can often be seen helping out the younger students at school. She makes valued contributions in class and is a role model through her actions in the senior school. She is part of a Kapa Haka group and will volunteer to lead the group or school when required in this. Amber is a respectful student towards staff and students alike, and as a school, we are proud to be nominating her. Congratulations.

Alicia Judd is very kind-hearted and always willing to help out with anything she can. She puts her hand up for anything and everything at Pauatahanui School. She is currently a road patroller, peer mediator, and she’s on the student council. Alicia is a hard worker and shows leadership in a quiet, positive way. Everyone around her is influenced by her commitment to her work and her striving for success. Younger students always feel comfortable approaching and talking to Alicia, and look up to her for guidance. Thank you for everything you do Alicia, it is noticed. Believe in yourself; you are amazing Alicia, and we are proud of you at Pauatahanui.

Plimmerton School
Gaby Verran has been a member of the student council leadership team for the past 2 years. She is a road patroller, a tuakana teina, librarian and a school ambassador. Gaby goes that extra mile uses her initiative and gives up her own time to organise many activities. Gaby leads by example, demonstrating our school values. She is highly motivated, organised and inclusive.

Daniel Woodside has been a member of the student council for the past 2 years, this year as part of the leadership team. He is a school patroller, librarian and our school tech expert. Daniel leads by example consistently demonstrating our school values. He is honest, respectful, and always willing to help and support others.


Porirua East School
Fusi Williams takes a lead role our Kapa Haka group. She practises in her own time, and ensures she is prepared. Fusi welcomes people to our school with her karanga as part of powhiri. She looks for responsibility, and asks for it. Fusi is kind and caring. She has many roles and responsibilities, which she takes seriously. She is a wet-day monitor, a kindy reader, and a librarian. Fusi is a role model for the younger children. She volunteers for everything that is happening. She can be called upon at short notice to speak for the school, or lead waiata. Fusi is a kind person who likes to have fun but also takes learning seriously. She has an inner strength that allows her to know right from wrong, and call out wrong when she sees it.

Tyler Abbot is emerging as a reliable, trustworthy leader at Porirua East School. We know he will continue to contribute in positive ways wherever he is. He is demonstrating this year that he is prepared to take risks and participate in activities that he finds challenging. His leadership roles include leading karakia, speaking at powhiri, librarian, wet day monitor, kindy reader, and ICT expert. Tyler is proactive when he is aware of tasks to be completed around the school and in the classroom, he doesn’t wait to be asked. He represents our school values of manaakitanga and whanaungatanga in the way he interacts with his peers, younger children, his teacher, and other adults. His quiet, yet determined manner when he is supporting others is appreciated by his peers and teachers.

Porirua School
Terrance Taitapanui is a role model and a leader at Porirua School. He works hard and always helps others when they are in need. He is a kaitiaki to his classmates, quietly supporting them to feel positive about themselves and to always try their best. Terrance carries out many small acts of kindness without seeking acknowledgment and uses his sense of humour to make his classmates smile. He knows it is important to always speak respectfully to others and shows patience and respect when working with others. Thank you for all that you do Terrance, the world is yours!

Leroy Barnes-Su'a is an upstanding member of Porirua School, he is a natural leader and a role model to those around him. He consistently demonstrates integrity and self-management skills, both in the school and out in the community. Leroy's positive can-do attitude is infectious; he welcomes challenges head-on and encourages others to try their best. He is trustworthy, reliable, and honest. Leroy shows respect to his peers, and in turn, he has earned the respect of the students and teachers at Porirua School.

Pukerua Bay School
Mackay Thomson is a Year 8 student who exemplifies all of our school’s KURA Values, Kindness, Unity, Responsibility, and Achievement. Mackay has represented the school in nationwide Maths, Speech competitions, School Fundraising and leads by example both in class and across the school. Mackay is a student who has supported his peers in both their learning and socially, by consistently modelling the values of the school. It is a pleasure working alongside Mackay as he is always challenging himself in his learning and he recognises that education is a pathway that he manages. This whakatauki best represents Mackay Mā te kimi ka kite, Mā te kite ka mōhio, Mā te mōhio ka mārama Seek and discover. Discover and know. Know and become enlightened.

Sacha Kilmister is known for her superb running, her tireless training, and desire to achieve in all athletic endeavours. But it is her thoughtfulness and willingness to think of others that separates her from those who are just physically able or competitive. Sacha is a Year 8 who does not seek the limelight and is humble in everything she does. From sharing with her class, prizes that she has won, to encouraging younger students in sports and learning, Sacha is a fantastic role model and I hope she realises just what a positive influence she is in her school. It has been wonderful seeing Sacha develop confidence in herself this year This Whakatauki best sums up one of the strengths that Sacha exemplifies. He taonga rongonui te aroha ki te tangata - Goodwill towards others is a precious treasure.

Rangikura School
Luke Stade is a positive role model who consistently demonstrates leadership. A member of our school council for the last 2 years, he is always willing to go the extra mile to achieve success. Luke is a natural leader among his peers, willing to promote others to 'shine' ahead of himself.


Manaia-Rain Vardey is confident in a variety of situations. She is an active participant and leader in Kapa Haka, student council, and netball - including putting her team through fitness drills while waiting for their coach to arrive. She is a keen volunteer, often identifying independently what needs to be done. Manaia-Rain displays resilience when faced with challenging circumstances and her perseverance to complete tasks makes her a role model amongst her peers.

Russell School
Koreti Poai has shown exemplary HEART leadership in so many areas including as a road patrol warden. She is a willing helper and organiser of the duty roster for other responsibilities in the school. Koreti coaches the junior students in such a positive way; she has taken a lead role in Samoan language week by sharing her culture in so many different ways - including dance and then doing a slide show on this to share with others. Koreti was a finalist in the Samoan language speech competition this year. She is reliable and inspires others.

Hiraina Rua is a reliable road traffic warden, helps within the class (uses her initiative), is supportive of children with special needs, supports other cultures by participating in their dances etc., during our language weeks, and is a reliable office monitor. Hiraina takes risks in her learning this was evident during the lockdown, which was a challenging time for a lot of learners. She persevered and stayed engaged. We are proud of her; she is a great role model for our younger children.

St Pius X School
Georgia Collins is a special person with a sparkle in her eyes and a warm and welcoming smile. Georgia has proven herself to be a caring leader who shows the values of our C.R.E.W. in all that she does. She has been a leader at St Pius X School in many aspects of school life including karanga for Kapa Haka and powhiri, school assemblies, and school productions. Georgia willingly gives her time to others and is most helpful to both the staff and students. She is a reliable and responsible person who always follows through and does what she says she will. She has excellent interpersonal skills and builds positive relationships with others. She willingly takes on the role of leader of a team, but can easily be a team member too. Georgia is a natural leader who inspires others.

Joshua Toelupe is a strong but gentle leader and role model at St Pius X School who embodies the school's C.R.E.W. values. He is kind and caring towards others. Joshua is a natural leader who has an excellent character and is most reliable and responsible. His leadership is evident in many areas: assemblies, prayer, pasifika dances, and compere at our school concerts and presentations. He has strong interpersonal skills and has a witty sense of humour. He is a naturally friendly person who develops positive relationships with others. Joshua has a generous nature and willingly gives his time and attention to whatever needs doing at school and at home and in his church community. Joshua is truly a role model in his words and actions.

St Theresa’s School
Over the past few years, Isabel Taylor has been a stand out natural-born leader. She notices what needs to be done and who needs help without being asked. She leads from the goodness of her heart and not for public recognition. Nothing is too much trouble for Isabel. This year she has tirelessly worked to achieve her Leadership badges. She shows initiative, has great organisational skills, checks in with her coach and quietly leads other students. Congratulations, Isabel, you are well-deserving of this award. We appreciate everything that you do for us at St Theresa's School.

Hunter Tomlinson (who couldn't be with us unfortunately) leads by always modelling the right thing to do. He is a quiet achiever, who can be relied on to stay on task and get the job done. Hunter is a very able tech support person and tray monitor. He also supports others in their digital learning and is open to new learning, particularly in NZSL. Hunter positively acknowledges other people’s achievements and is genuinely pleased for them. He displays our school SPARK values, of self-control, positivity, aroha, respect, and kindness, leading by example. We are grateful for everything you do Hunter at St Theresa's.

Te Kura Maori o Porirua
Te Awe Mapara kai tuna pakupaku. Maia Waitakaro Harding is a highly motivated student academically, socially, and physically. She always leads by example with a positive attitude in whatever she does. Maia Waitakaro has strengths in sport, science, and literacy. She is currently working towards achieving NCEA Level 1 in Te Reo Māori.

Poroumata o te aio, Te Ataakura o te aroha.Te Ataakura Te Iwi Ngaro Kupenga is a quiet leader but is confident to lead others in a range of situations. She is a high achiever academically and sets challenging goals for herself. Te Ataakura has strengths in literacy, specifically reading. She is a competent kapahaka performer and has performed twice at a national level. She is currently working towards achieving NCEA Level 1 in Te Reo Māori.

Titahi Bay Intermediate
Austin Arnold-Mackie has been involved in many of the extra-curricular activities that are moving student life forward at Titahi Bay Intermediate. He has excelled academically and is an outstanding example to his peers. Austin brings great initiative to all areas of school life. He is a great actor, public speaker, and leads his peers well. Without a doubt, Austin represents the very best of his kura and his value to our community is exceptional.

Gypsy Tyrrell is an outstanding student and leader. She is willing to take the lead in group settings and she does this in a supportive and collaborative manner. Gypsy takes a diligent approach to her achievements with great success. She continues to show admirable resilience in a rapidly changing environment. She is valued and respected by her friends and peers.

Titahi Bay North School
Sidd Winder has continued to achieve outstanding results in all realms of school life and has proven to be a valuable role model for others. He presents himself with confidence and maturity and leads with integrity and fairness. Sidd is a conscientious worker who consistently sets high standards. He is thorough and meticulous with the presentation of set tasks and is often able to initiate his own research to go beyond what is required. Sidd accepts a wide range of responsibilities both in and outside of the classroom environment. He is a confident speaker and is great at recognising and negotiating issues as they arise. He is an active participant in many cultural and sporting activities and continues to display exceptional leadership qualities.

Kennedi Box is a perceptive, sharp, quick individual with a high aptitude for learning. Kennedi's personal strengths are impressive. Kennedi is just the kind of driven, engaging, and curious student that helps make our kura a lively environment and safe place to take intellectual risks. We are a dual medium school and Kennedi is in the immersion Māori whanau here - Te Whānau o te Kakano. As a tuakana she has been required to take on leadership roles amongst the whanau. This is a big responsibility in terms of tikanga and kawa, which Kennedi has stepped up to and taken on with quiet care, determination, and resolve. Whaia te iti Kahurangi ki te tuohu koe me he maunga teitei.

Titahi Bay School
Tane Mill has been a leader in our school for a very long time. He knows our KURA values at school and models these at all times. He is a leader on the sports field and promotes fair play. He is a leader in the playground and always helps others make good decisions. He is a leader in the classroom and again operates in a very positive manner, striving always to do his best. We are delighted to nominate Tane as he will also be a leader when he leaves our school.

Sarah Leach is a leader in our school and she does this in a very quiet manner and just carries on every day being a positive role model around others. Sarah lives our school values, is exceptionally kind to others and she always includes others. Sarah leads before she is asked to do something, she just knows that certain things have to happen at school and she is proactive in her leadership. We know that Sarah will leave our school and continue to be a leader.

Wellington Seventh Day Adventist School
Lesieli Finau is a quiet leader who can be trusted to fulfil a required role with diligence. Lesieli regularly leads school worship and plays an active role in Kapa Haka and Tongan traditional dancing performing with grace and dignity. Whilst doing this she is an able teacher of others. In the classroom, she is a trusted member who will lead a small group in a way that enables all to achieve and be on task. Duties are also done in a trustworthy and efficient manner assisting the classroom staff and lightening their role. She has been an able member of the Waste Audit Committee assisting the school with their Take Action Project of reducing waste - in particular, plastic waste with the aim of helping to improve the quality of our Porirua Harbour.

Hadessa Saena has stepped up and taken more responsibility during her senior years. She has been a member of the Student Leadership Team, sharing ideas and working to make improvements for her peers. Hadessa has taken leadership roles in cultural events. She is always willing to help others, staff, and students, and anticipates others’ needs. Hadessa supports the smooth running of assemblies and chapel by helping with IT. One of Hadessa's particular areas of strength is caring for younger students.

Whitby Collegiate School
Jack Payne is an outstanding student leader who has shown a willingness to serve his school community as a student representative for our School Council and Sports Council. He is a young man of integrity and understands the value of hard work. He is also a student who puts our school values into action at all times and is dedicated to going above and beyond to think about others' needs and to support his peers who are going through challenging times. He is an excellent role model who demonstrates servant-leadership in all aspects of school life.

Darcie Skidmore-Stone is a well-rounded student who has shown dedication to always giving service above herself. She is a member of our student council and participates in various extra-curricular activities including drama and singing groups. Darcie is highly regarded by both staff and students and has been a positive role model who demonstrates at all times resilience, respect, and empathy for others and a willingness to serve her school community often offering to help at events. She shows initiative and a maturity beyond her years. Darcie has every potential to be a future leader of Porirua and is always open to embracing change and being part of a group who can bring about change for the benefit of others.

Windley School
Saja Al Laham shows integrity in her work and the positive relationships she makes with people. She communicates well, always leading by example, and encourages others to do the same. She puts others first, volunteering her time and service around the school. Saja has maintained her own cultural values and has broadened her experience and knowledge by taking on leadership roles in our school Kapa Haka with respect and care.

Pinati (PJ) Manila is well respected and an exemplary role model. He is honest, confident, and committed to learning and school. He communicates effectively and will encourage others to follow and lead by example. PJ involves himself in all aspects of school life in particular sports and cultural activities. A great team player, reliable, and a valued member of our school community.

Porirua's future leaders make us proud - 11 August 2020

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