Vice-President Bill standing in for Kay (in absentia) led the meeting and welcomed the two guest speakers, Gina Sweetman, Planning Consultant with Sweetman Planning Services, and Stewart McKenzie, Manager, City Planning and Environment at Porirua City Council. He also welcomed guests of Ron and Jenny Lucas, Chris and Joy Ward, Sue Couch, Les Sweetman, and Honorary Members, Christine Blick, Ron, and Peter Turner.
The speakers said …
Mike writes that there is a lot, probably too much, going on in the planning world. Tonight's speakers were Gina Sweetman and Stewart McKenzie. Gina is the younger daughter of Rhondda and Les, and does a lot of work with, and for, our city council. They both knew their stuff and were forthright in their views. You can read Mike's report which includes a copy of their presentation, here.
Dallas New gave us the Viewpoint tonight. She asked, 'Do we need to convince ourselves to slow down and examine the breadth of information we hold before allowing our brains to jump to an opinion. Our society depends on us being able to slow down, think and respond rather than react.
What’s coming up in October and beyond?
Where does the time go? Next week we roll into October so 5 October will be Planning Meetings.
The Golf and Garden weekend will take place from 8-11 October and all those going will have heard from Chris Garrett direct.
This is advance notice that Friday Frolics was to have taken place next Friday, 8 October. With many members away in the Wairarapa, President Kay is cancelling the event this month.
In the meantime, you can go to the Events page or the Rotary Calendar at the top of the right column on the Events page, both of which will be kept right up to date. If you want to make changes or additions please contact Wendy for the Events Page, Nick for the Calendar for Tuesday nights, and Kay for the Calendar for social events and other activities.
Bill mentioned that there are two more planting days planned in Taupo Swamp this year. Both are from 9.00 am - mid-day, the first on Thursday 14 October and the second on Saturday 30 October. These will be on Porirua City Council land adjacent to the Plimmerton industrial area. For more information, please speak to Bill.
Parting thought
Michael Parker gave us the Parting Thought tonight. He said, 'Years of experience and a little reading have taught me to avoid making complaints, criticism, and condemnation before walking a kilometre in the other's shoes. Note: to achieve this it is obligatory to remove your own shoes first.'
Who’s on duty for the next month?
Unable to do your duty? Please find a replacement and inform Graham Wallace.
If you're a late 'no show' please tell President Kay.
Please arrive at 5.45 pm if you're on Door duty or hosting the Guest Speaker for the evening.
Need to apologise or bring additional guests?
Advise the Receptionist at Professionals before 10.00 am on the Monday before the meeting on 233 9955 or email if you prefer.
Please provide the name (and spelling if necessary). The same applies if you're going to be late.