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Weekly Update - Planning Meetings - 5 February 2019







The Speaker said ...

It being committee night, there was no speaker but Mike Doig gave us an excellent exposé on the pros and cons of referendums (or referenda) in general and Brexit in particular. You can see the full text of what he had to say here.

President Donna challenged us to recite the 4-way test and gave an excellent visual presentation on how the 4-way test relates so perfectly to the project that has just been completed at Belola.


Of the completion of the Primary School and Kindergarten at Belola, President Donna says, 'What a huge Rotary achievement! What I like most is the partnership with the community, from the land to the blessings, to the diggings and building and finally to education. What a story for Peace and Resilience on such a traumatic piece of land in the name of the Balibo 5 journalists and the villagers who lost their lives'. Posting this story brought tears to my eyes and it might do the same for you.

There have been a few changes to the details on our membership list. A new list will be published shortly.

Slightly off course, President Donna has received a request from Te Mana O Kupe Trust who do such excellent work in Porirua East. Former Wellington Rotarian, Tricia Walbridge came to talk to us about this last year. They are seeking a new Treasurer who will regularly review the Trust's accounts and provide strategic financial advice. If you interested in accepting this role, or know of anyone who might be, please contact Donna.

This week's happenings

Maisy Bentley, whom we support wholeheartedly and who was one of the outstanding speakers at our Women's Suffrage event on 17 October, is currently planning her trip to New York to bring the voices of young kiwi women to the United Nations 63rd session of the commission on the status of women. This is a very special opportunity. She is YWCA Aotearoa's only delegate and will be connected to women from delegations all around the world from other YWCAs and in a position to learn about women's advocacy and not for profits. She will bring this knowledge to enrich her work here in NZ and Porirua / Wellington. Maisy is a woman to watch as you can see from this article on the Shine website. Her list of achievements is impressive for anyone, let alone someone at the young age of 19. The Board is approaching the District to seek support. The International Committee have recommended to the Board that the club should support Maisy in some way.  Meanwhile, you can make a personal donation on her givealittle page here.

Rotary will be holding the 'Regeneration' New Zealand/Australasia Conference in Christchurch over the weekend of 20-22 September 2019. The venue is Christchurch Town Hall, 86 Kilmore Street, Christchurch, New Zealand 8013. It will be hosted by New Zealand -Australia Rotary Conference and Rotary Oceania. Please let President Donna know if you are interested in attending.

Here's an interesting read from Mana Lions. Their February newsletter is full of information about Eat, Drink and Be Crafty with great photos.  Mana_Lions_February_2019_newsletter 

President Donna has been reviewing our goals for the next five months and is adding three more! Have fun! Make Friends! Review our results! She also reminded us of several events to think about, all of which appeared in last week's Update:

  • A Satellite Club?
  • The Black Mambas movie
  • District Conference
  • Zonta breakfast

The Almoner said ...

Nick Walmsley has healed well from the surgery with appetite, weight etc almost back to normal and is to start a 6-week course of radiotherapy on Monday. He expects to be OK (minor side effects only for the 1st 2-3 weeks and then not so good (internal burn type aches) for the latter weeks). His course will be a ‘zap’ every weekday over that period. All radiotherapy is at Wellington hospital.

Rhonda Walmsley had her last chemotherapy dose a week ago so is currently going through the typical cycle of loss of energy with platelet count down etc. Otherwise, she is fine and should bounce back to better energy levels over the next week. After a few weeks to recover she will have 3 weeks of radiotherapy (every weekday over that period) to finish the treatment process other than longer-term check-ups etc. Both Rhonda and Nick will finish their treatments about the same time and then heal over subsequent months. They are coping well with the daily chores of living which they hope will continue and note, with thanks, the offers of help from several Rotarians. The club wishes them both a speedy recovery.

Terri Turner was admitted to Wellington hospital with a ripped Aorta a week ago. She is being discharged this evening (Tuesday) but is awaiting some major surgery in the next couple of weeks. Her number is 021 1799 893 if you would like to be in touch with her. We’re sure this trip to hospital was not on Terrie’s list of New Year activities and we wish her a speedy recovery.

What's coming up in January and beyond?

Next week, 12 February, Jo Allerdice and Andy Sole will be coming to talk to us about how Little Sprouts got started, how it grew and where it is going. We will also hear from Megan Davidson about her experiences at RYLA 2019.

On 14 February, Mayor Mike Tana will formally celebrate the opening of Stage 3 of Te Ara Piko with President Donna. The time is 3.30 pm, the venue Motokaraka Point. This is a low-key event after which Porirua City Council will be releasing a press release.

On 23 February, Rotary will celebrate its 114th anniversary. You could consider making a special birthday gift to The Rotary Foundation today. When you give to the Annual Fund, you empower Rotarians like you to improve communities close to home and around the globe.

Allan Nichols is very excited about the 2019 Book Fair and encouraged us all to volunteer our time to help in the lead up to this exciting occasion on 30-31 March 2019. The first advertisement will appear in Kapi Mana on 19 February, the second on 26 March. Offerings will build up more quickly as soon as these appear and he needs more help. A roster of three people each day, six days a week is what is required. If you weren't at Rotary to sign up, please get in touch with him to put your name down. President Donna thanked everyone in advance for their involvement in the Book Fair, and particularly Allan and the organising team. Meanwhile, he knew everyone would be excited to know that the venue for the 2020 Book Fair has been secured for the last weekend in March.

The International Committee has organised a great fundraising evening for Tuesday 2 April and Bob Austin exhorted us to support it in every way we can. The movie, Daffodils, will be shown at The Light House, Pautahanui to raise funds for Emergency Response Kits. Yu can find more information about ERKs here.  ROTARY_ERK_information As the movie release is before 2 April, we need to start telling all our friends and rellies to commit to waiting for 2 April so that we can sell 120 tickets before the day. You can find full details about the event here. Planning Meetings in April will move to 9 April.

For all future events, please go to the Events page on the web site.

Comings and Goings

President Donna has heard from Sandie Ryan that she has to resign owing to work commitments. As you know, she is heavily involved in Mental Health. Ken Gardner has also tendered his resignation as he needs to focus on other calls on his time at present.

Parting thought

George Bright gave us this parting thought, 'A goal without a plan is just a wish'.

Who’s on duty for the next month?

Unable to do your duty? Please find a replacement and inform Philip Mottram. If you're a late 'no show' please tell President Donna.
Please arrive at 5.45 pm if you're on Door duty or on Introduction duty to greet the Guest Speaker and be his/her host for the evening.
Need to apologise or bring additional guests? 
Advise the Receptionist at Professionals before 10.00 am on the Monday before the meeting on 233 9955 or email if you prefer.
Please provide the name (and spelling if necessary). The same applies if you're going to be late.





Weekly Update - Planning Meetings - 5 February 2019

Guests are welcome to our Dinner Meetings. 
For apologies or additional guests, please phone or email Phillip Whearty before 10.00 am on Mondays (or before 10.00 am on Tuesdays if Monday is a statutory holiday) on 027 448 9094 or email


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