Newsletter June 2024
An enormously full month ahead, including Changeover on 18 June. June newsletter.pdf
Newsletter May 2024
A Pink ribbon lunch, bowling, and a Life Flight Appeal - so much to read about this month. May 2024.pdf
Newsletter April 2024
Enjoy the fun photos from the Rack Attack event. April 2024.pdf
Newsletter March 2024
Have a clear out of your wardrobes, ready for the Rack Attack event. March 2024.pdf
Newsletter February 2024
After a lovely break over Christmas, it's hard to believe it is February already. February 2024.pdf
Newsletter December 2023
The last newsletter of the year. Christmas is coming! December_2023.pdf
Newsletter November 2023
Lots of fun stories this month. November 2023.pdf
Newsletter October 2023
The sun has finally come out so perhaps summer is on the way. October 2023.pdf
Newsletter September 2023
Another month of great activities. September_2023.pdf
Newsletter August 2023
Plenty of activities, and subs are due. August_2023.pdf
Newsletter July 2023
Lots of activity leading up to the Changeover. June 2023.pdf
About Joy Creet
On 20 June 2023, Joy Creet became the New President of the Inner Wheel Club of Plimmerton. You can read a little bit about her background here.
Newsletter June 2023
Changeover is approaching on 20 June. Meanwhile, more activities are planned. June 2023.pdf
Newsletter May 2023
Jam-packed with news and photos with plenty of events coming up. May 2023.pdf
Newsletter April 2023
A super busy month ahead with the conference in May to look forward to as well. April_Newsletter.pdf
Newsletter March 2023
We've had a busy month and there's even more ahead with several upcoming events. March Newsletter.pdf
Newsletter February 2023
We are looking forward to another jam-packed month of activities in February. there is lots to read about this month. February_2023
Newsletter January 2023
We had a wonderful end to the year with our last meeting on 20 December. We look forward to an exciting year ahead with the INZ Conference being hosted in Wellington in May. January_Newsletter
Newsletter December 2022
We're looking forward to our final Christmas meeting for 2022. Another fun filled year behind us, with more to look forward to in 2023. December_newsletter
Newsletter November 2022
Lots of news this month as always, with a reminder about the upcoming IWNZ Conference hosted by our District NZ294. It will be a fun-packed Wellington weekend to look forward to. November_Newsletter
Newsletter October 2022
It is great to reflect on the events during September and look forward to another busy month in October with plenty of fun activities coming up. It is wonderful to see some of our newest members getting involved with the social activities that Inner Wheel has to offer. It is a great way to make friendships and connections outside of our monthly meetings. October_Newsletter
Newsletter September 2022
A busy month again, with a Pink Ribbon morning tea fundraiser, and collecting for the Cancer Society. We have a trip to Whitirea Nursing School coming up for our “Try Something Different” and fun night coming up at our next Table for 8 potluck dinner. September_Newsletter
Newsletter August 2022
Another busy month for us, with a very successful movie night fundraiser making over $3,000 for Child Cancer Foundation. Unfortunately, many ladies went down with Covid after the movie night, but most are feeling better now. We had several new leads from potential members resulting from the stand we had at the Women’s Lifestyle Expo event in Wellington. A group of ladies enjoyed lunch at Ruth Pretty for our “Try Something Different” outing. Sadly we farewelled long-term member, Jocelyn Moller, who passed away in July. She will be dearly missed. August_Newsletter
Newsletter July 2022
There was a lot going on last month with the Inner Wheel Changeover, Empowerment Day, and AGM. You can see our new President, Sheryl Perera and her committee already have a full calendar of upcoming events, including a Movie Night fundraiser, which was a huge success and raised $3,000 for Child Cancer Foundation. We have a stand booked at the Women’s Lifestyle Expo in Wellington to promote Inner Wheel. Our ”Try Something Different” this month is a trip to Ruth Pretty for lunch in Te Horo. We had planned on a Dry July morning tea to raise funds for Look Good Feel Better, but sadly that has been postponed due to an outbreak of Covid from the movie night fundraiser. July_Newsletter
About Sheryl Perera
Sheryl Perera is the new President of Plimmerton Inner Wheel for 2022–2023. In the context of the positive 'can do' ethos in Inner Wheel, she plans to emulate the International logo and 'Work Wonders' You can read a little about Sheryl's background here.
Newsletter June 2022
As usual, we have had another busy month. Collecting for the Life Flight Trust, lots of sewing and knitting, and a very enjoyable cruise with Rotary. Several of the members had a great time golfing and shopping in the Wairarapa. June_newsletter
Newsletter May 2022
We have had another busy month the highlight being the Rose of Friendship challenge with the Tawa Club. It was a very enjoyable game of indoor bowls, good food, and lots of friendship altogether a great night. There is a pattern to knit teddies for the Ukraine Refugee children and information about the new Children's Hospital. Also our new Committee for next year. May_newsletter
Newsletter April 2022
Our newsletter for April is full of information about our activities - Neonatal knitting, a new way to make silky pillows, and a visit to the Big Slab in Paraparaumu; information about the upcoming District Empowerment Day, AGM, and Changeover. Congratulations too to our National President Dot Anderson-Lee who has been elected to the International Inner Wheel Board. April_Newsletter
Newsletter March 2022
It was the usual busy month with Tasty Tuesday and knitting for the Neonatal Unit. We inducted a new member and a couple of members attended the National AGM in Wellington. The Women's March Magazine had a great article about Inner Wheel and all we do and was a great read. Unfortunately, some activities have had to be postponed or deferred until later in the year because of the virus but we will keep going while we can. March_newsletter
Newsletter February 2022
We celebrated International Inner Wheel Day with our annual Pizza and Plonk. Thanks to the Reidys for their lovely garden in which to hold our celebrations. There is information about International Inner Wheel day, how it started, and photos from other clubs around NZ celebrating. Lots of upcoming events to start off the new year. February_newsletter
Newsletter January 2022
We had a very busy December. Several members were busy helping with the gift wrapping at the North City Shopping Mall and others went to visit Yvonne Groom to see her wonderful Christmas Decorations. A number of members visited Julia and Phil Mottram at their new home in Palmerston North and we had a lovely Christmas party at the Boating Club. January_newsletter
Newsletter December 2021
We were fortunate enough to have Murray Edridge from the Wellington City Mission come to talk to us in November. He gave a very inspiring talk and the ladies had collected many hygiene products for his "supermarket". The District Meeting at Upper Hutt went really well and although we had a few technical issues everyone enjoyed the fun and friendship. The bring and buy stall made quite a lot of money to go towards the two sewing machines we are hoping to buy for a village in Milawi through Days for Girls. The sewing ladies have been busy again and the book group enjoyed a lunch in the city. December_newsletter
Newsletter November 2021
We have had another busy month. The Craft group spent some time sorting out Peggy squares to make into blankets for the Neonatal Unit. A team of ladies helped with the Pink Ribbon Street Appeal and we held a bring and buy stall to raise funds for the District Project - Days for Girls. The District is hoping to buy sewing machines for a village in Malawi. November_2021_Newsletter
Newsletter October 2021
We enjoyed our own WOW evening even though WOW has been cancelled for this year, which is a pity. We all enjoyed a wonderful Pink Ribbon Lunch, raising funds for Breast Cancer. October_Newsletter
Newsletter September 2021
We have had another busy month and are hoping to be able to hold our meeting in September. Our speaker for August was Susanne Hindley from Days for Girls and some members went to the Rotary Primary School Leadership Awards. We have had a morning tea for new members, collected jammies for the Wellington Children's Hospital, and had a "Brew in your Bubble" where our President Michelle Atkins invited us all to a zoom meeting on 1 September traditionally Inner Wheel Walk and Talk Day. September_Newsletter
Newsletter August 2021
Lots of news in the August newsletter - a Facebook message from our National President Michelle Atkins and an invite to Whitby's 50th Anniversary; information about fundraising for Days for Girls and also the Spring Charity Ball to raise funds for a local milk bank. Pink Ribbon lunch is coming up at the end of the month. August_Newsletter
Newsletter July 2021
Another busy month with our own Changeover and then the District Changeover. We had fun at the Expo raising the profile of Inner wheel and there is news from our new International President. July_Newsletter
Pink First: Stronger Women - Stronger World
This is the International Inner Wheel theme this year. The new President for 2021-2022 is Anne-Marie Garrett and you can read a little about her background here.
Newsletter June 2021
We have had another busy month, helping with the Life Flight Trust Chopper Appeal, visiting the museum, and holding a movie fundraiser for Ovarian Cancer. We donated money raised from selling the Entertainment Book to the Wellington Free Ambulance and inducted four new members. There was, of course, the Conference in Queenstown which we all enjoyed. Keep reading >>
Newsletter May 2021
This month several members went to Fielding to the District Meeting on 10 April. A great day of fun, friendship, and brainstorming. The following weekend members joined Easter Hutt Club to celebrate their 41st Anniversary. We helped with the Red Puppy Day Appeal and the Parkinson's Appeal and also donated money to the Life Flight Trust. The Indoor Bowls evening with the Tawa Club was a real fun night. Keep reading >>
Newsletter April 2021
We've had another busy month. Several members went on a guided tour of the Karori Cemetery which was really interesting, and a group went to the Wairarapa for a golf/shopping trip. Several of our ladies helped with the Red Puppy appeal and the Women's Refuge and Hospital received Gift Care Packs. We also inducted a new member in March. Keep reading >>
Newsletter March 2021
We had a busy March. Several members went to see the WOW Exhibition in Te Papa and we also had a lovely day trip to Eastbourne on the East-West Ferry. The Bookfair café went well and we raised a large amount of money for the Life Flight Trust. Keep reading >>
Newsletter February 2021
We celebrated International Inner Wheel Day this month. Keep reading >>
Newsletter January 2021
We had a lovely Christmas party and helped with wrapping presents in the North City Plaza. Keep reading >>
Newsletter December 2020
We have had a busy month collecting bra's for Zonta which go to the women in Arohata prison. The speaker was from the Salvation Army about the Good Shoppe and visiting the Nairn Street Cottage in Wellington. The District Meeting went well with a great collection of toys for the "Kits for Kindy" - kindergarten in Vanuatu. We also inducted a new member. Keep reading >>
Newsletter November 2020
We have had another busy month. Outings to Te Papa and Walk and Talk with the South Wairarapa ladies. We held our annual WOW evening last meeting which made for lots of fun and laughter. We have some very talented ladies who came up with some great ideas. A team of members also spent a day at the Love Local Expo promoting Inner Wheel. Keep reading >>
Newsletter October 2020
We have had another busy month helping Mary Potter Hospice with their Street Collection and Rotary with the planting of the trees. An article about Days for Girls is very interesting, a new member inducted and information about our new District Project, 'Kits for Kindys'. Keep reading >>
Newsletter September 2020
We have had another very busy month. We held a Pink Ribbon Lunch and raised a large amount of money for Breast Cancer. The ladies have been busy making silky pillows and wheat packs for the Cancer Society and we also collected on Daffodil Day. Neonatal knitters have been hard at it and many ladies produced masks for the unit for visitors. Keep reading >>
Newsletter August 2020
We've had a busy month. Firstly we were finally able to have the Changeover which was a great night. The following weekend we hosted the District Meeting. A great day of fun and friendship as all the business side of things had been done on-line before the end of June. Keep reading >>
Newsletter July 2020
We enjoyed being able to get together and finally have a meeting after the lockdown. It was so good to see people face to face. The National Changeover took place in Wellington at the end of June and Dot Anderson-Lee is now our National President. Keep reading >>
Lead the Change
This is the International Inner Wheel theme this year. The new President for 2020-2021 is Brenda Callear and you can read a little about her background here.
Newsletter June 2020
Dinner meetings, book and craft clubs are active again. Changeover plans have been pushed forward a month to ensure we can celebrate together. Keep reading >>
Newsletter May 2020
We had a lovely message from our International Inner Wheel President who has been sending messages throughout the lockdown. Our new banner is also on display. Keep reading >>
Newsletter April 2020
We're very fortunate to have celebrated our 30th anniversary with a dinner at Judgeford Golf Club on 17 March. Many members are now in lockdown but have managed to keep themselves busy and, with Julia's help, have visited some wonderful places on line. Keep reading >>
Newsletter February 2020
Holidays were a chance to socialise with Pizza and Plonk and then the Mana Island guided tour, where we saw the (concrete) gannet colony where freshly painted gannets wait for mates from across the Tasman? Keep reading >>
Newsletter December 2019
We approached the end of the year with some urgency to complete projects. Wheat packs were sewed and delivered, the Angel Tree presents for prisoners' children were purchased and wrapped. We even found time for a day's outing for shopping and enjoying a member's spectacularly decorated Christmas trees and home. Keep reading >>
District Magazine November 2019
With Brenda Callear as the Newsletter Editor for District NZ294, and Carol Woodfield as the District Chairman, Plimmerton Inner Wheel are well represented in the District this year. Brenda has sent the November Magazine which, as usual, makes interesting reading. Keep reading >>
Newsletter November 2019
It was a busy month focusing on completing neonatal rugs from donated Peggy squares, sewing Silky Pillows to help patients after surgery for Breast cancer, and supporting the Bras and Nickers collection for Arohata prison. Keep reading >>
Newsletter October 2019
We had a fascinating time visiting Stonehenge Aotearoa with the South Wairarapa club, learning about celestial navigation, astronomy and astrology - a highly recommend excursion. Many members attended the Wearable Arts Show in Wellington, supporting the Neonatal Trust, and then showcased their own efforts at the club night - what fun.
Newsletter September 2019
We presented the proceeds from our Movie fundraiser to 'Look Good Feel Better' and were invited to observe the start of their classes where beauticians work with the women to help them feel their best during their cancer treatments. The Whitby Days for Girls team provided an informative evening on their role to help girls around the world. Keep reading >>
Newsletter August 2019
Our movie fundraiser for 'Look Good, Feel Better' (LGFB) was highly successful. Also, our speaker last month was truly amazing! Majed spoke from the heart and shared her experience of fleeing from Syria. August_Newsletter
Together We Can
This is the International Inner Wheel theme this year. Yvonne Thomson is looking forward to her year as President and feels confident as Plimmerton Inner Wheel is thriving with a healthy membership of 63.
District Magazine June 2019
Plimmerton Inner Wheel is well represented In Inner Wheel circles, with Meryll Evans as the New Zealand Inner Wheel publicist, Carol Woodfield as the Chairman of District 294 (with thirteen clubs from New Plymouth and the Wairarapa to Wellington) and Brenda Callear as the District Editor. District_Magazine_June_2019
Newsletter June 2019
The last newsletter for this Rotary year and what a pictorial feast it is. June_Newsletter
Newsletter May 2019
It's been another busy month for Plimmerton Inner Wheelers. Check out the two important events coming up. May_Newsletter
Newsletter April 2019
A great result from the Inner Wheel Book Fair Café in support of Life Flight Trust Wellington. $1,505.55 raised thanks to the generous contributions from members. And the outings this month were great fun too as can be seen from the photos! April_Newsletter
Newsletter March 2019
We're planning a fun outing to the Wairarapa and are accepting an invitation from the Inner Wheel of Tawa to a 'Women's Expo event' with the proceeds going to 'Look Good Feel Better'. March_Newsletter
Newsletter February 2019
Whatever else is contained in this month's newsletter, and there's plenty to read about poem at the very beginning says it all. February_Newsletter
Newsletter December 2018
We had a wonderful outing to Akatarawa for a concert and BBQ and we're looking forward to our Christmas meeting. Check out Michael Moore's painting on Trade Me and help us to raise funds for KaraHands. December_Newsletter
Newsletter November 2018
We are very grateful to Plimmerton Rotary for sharing the Pop-Up-Shop with us. It is a successful enterprise. November_Newsletter
Newsletter October 2018
How appropriate was our theme - Empower and Evolve – in relation to our speakers Kim and Rebecca from WELLfed. Two young extremely passionate about their desire to help other women and, as a result, our Pop-up-Shop proceeds will be shared with WELLfed and Virtuoso Strings. October_Newsletter
Newsletter September 2018
Their next event coming up is the visit to the WOW rehearsal on 26 September. If you want to go out to dinner first, details are in this newsletter. September_Newsletter
Newsletter August 2018
A club in very good heart with a long list of activities and events in the pipeline. August_Newsletter
Newsletter July 2018
A celebration of Changeover, lots of events coming up in July, and a list of the new committee and their responsibilities. July_Newsletter
Going from strength to strength
Incoming President, Janet Reidy, says the Inner Wheel club is in heart with a membership of 65 and a waiting list of prospective members.
District NZ294 Magazine for June 2018
With Plimmerton Inner Wheel member now responsible for the District Newsletter, here is Brenda Callear's first edition. District_NZ294_June
Newsletters prior to this and the previous years can be found by clicking on the appropriate link below.
Newsletters 2017-2018
Newsletters 2016-2017
Newsletters 2015-2016
Newsletters 2014-2015
Newsletters 2013-2014