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Weekly Update An Exchange of Friendship - 26 March 2019







The Speaker said ...

President Donna introduced Graeme Blick who talked about 40 years of mapping in partnership between the USA and NZ in Antarctica (making good use of his blue balloon to demonstrate various aspects of the potentially catastrophic results of global warming). In 2002 Graeme was awarded the American Polar Medal for services to mapping in Antarctica and Mount Blick has been named after him. Graeme's knowledge of the area is extensive and we could have listened for hours - and wished there would have been enough time for questions, but that's for another day ... The pdf file of his presentation is truly enormous but you can find his photos if you go to this link.


President Donna extended a very warm welcome to our visitors from District 5020 in the Pacific Northwest of North America and Vancouver Island off the coast of British Columbia,  Duane and Patti Edwards and Geoffrey Crooks and Elizabeth Morris from Washington State, USA, and Don and Cheryl Rugg, Gill and Chris Campbell, and Dale and Janet Dorward from British Columbia in Canada. Their hosts, David and Velma Knight, Wendy Betteridge, Carolyn and Graham Wallace, Peter and Bev Lillico and Peter and Jenny Jackson have enjoyed two special days with their guests. Other guests, honorary members, members of Inner Wheel, and Plimmerton Rotary friends, too numerous to mention on this occasion, were also welcomed.

Comings and Goings

Introduced by Wendy Betteridge and inducted into the club by President Donna, it was a pleasure to welcome Gwen Hoople as a new member. Steve Lawton from Port Nicholson Rotary Club, with whom Gwen works, came to support her which was particularly special following our close association with Port Nicholson who followed Plimmerton in organising RYLA. Unfortunately, Gwen's husband, Doug, was unable to join her on this occasion.


Following the recent tragic events in Christchurch, Deirdre Geyser gave us an insightful Viewpoint into cultural differences and concluded by saying that our focus in New Zealand is on the commonalities that bind us as 'humanity', all the while respecting the differences. 

This week's happenings

All clubs' first women presidents in District 9940 have received personal invitations to the celebration of 30 years of women in Rotary for a wander along the waterfront and picnic lunch on 6 April. All Rotarians, friends and family are invited too.

Johnsonville Rotary's speaker on 8 April is Kath Henderson who will be speaking about 'the Wahine Disaster and my observations'. Kath was one of the last survivors to be pulled from Wellington Harbour. She will mention aspects that are not in the official records. Johnsonville meets at 5.50 for 6.15 at the Johnsonville Club Restaurant, 1 Norman Lane, Johnsonville.

Maisy Bentley has returned safely from New York where she says she gained lots of exciting new mentors, connections, inspirations and new knowledge of issues, solutions, organisation and programmes that she can't wait to bring back with her. We hope she will come and talk to us soon. It was an amazing whirlwind week including meetings with the Secretary-General, special youth meetings with UN women, Executive Director, Chair of the Commission, the UN youth Envoy and more ...


President Donna thanked Les Austing for arranging the great community event at the Whitby Bowling Club last week.

In addition, she thanked Peter (and Alison) Cox for arranging for Rotary volunteers to collect for the Red Puppy appeal and the visibility it brought to the club.

Allan Nichols reported on the current status of the arrangements leading up to the Book Fair. He said that everything is well organised but if anyone had some time to spare on Friday during the day or on Sunday afternoon, please let him know. Pizzas and drinks will be available at the end of Sunday's travails.

Last week was World Race Relations Day. The Race Relations theme for 2019 is 'Our people, our cultures, our languages'

The Outside World

Led by Dale Dorward (who would have guessed that he's an auctioneer?!), our visitors from the United States and Canada gave us a fascinating overview of their Rotary lives 'back home'. You can read about some of the background of all the members of the visiting team (which the Exchange organisers were good enough to send to us in advance), and you can see their presentation here.  D_9020_Presentation 

President Donna thanked all our Friendship Exchange Rotarians and guests. 'It does help us to belong to the world as a Global village and understand world Peace', she said. As the Dali Lama said. ‘Through kindness, through mutual understanding and through mutual respect we will get peace, we will get happiness, and we will get genuine satisfaction.'

What's coming up in March and beyond?

We have received a cool invitation from the Porirua Multicultural Society to support and watch the combined Kapa Haka group of Tawa College and Porirua College perform as part of their Race Unity celebration event being held on Thursday 28 March at 5.45pm at Cobham Court in the Porirua City Centre. If you can manage to attend this event, please wear your Rotary shirts.

Next week, 2 April is our movie fundraiser, Daffodils, at The Light House. There's still time to sell a few more tickets to fundraise for Emergency Response Kits. Donna thanked the International Committee for organising the event. Bob Austin says that 80 tickets have now been sold but more are still available. Christine Blick and Ian Murray are preparing the nibbles, based on a 50s and 60s theme. There will be a raffle so please be ready to give generously.

9 April will be a Forum, followed by Committee night. At this stage, the items on the agenda include feedback from the Board and discussion points, a possible donation to Christchurch Rotary Clubs for Kia Kaha Christchurch ((Stay Strong Christchurch), a possible defibrillator on Mana Island and possible support for funding for ROMAC for 7-8 surgical procedures in the Pacific nations and training of nurses with a global foundation grant.

For all future events, go here. More will be loaded shortly.

Parting thought

Donna's parting thought was a quote by Paul Harris, founder of Rotary International. 'Friendship was the foundation rock on which Rotary was built and tolerance is the element which holds it together'.

Who’s on duty for the next month?

Unable to do your duty? Please find a replacement and inform Philip Mottram.
If you're a late 'no show' please tell President Donna.
Please arrive at 5.45 pm if you're on Door duty or on Introduction duty to greet the Guest Speaker and be his/her host for the evening.
Need to apologise or bring additional guests?
Advise the Receptionist at Professionals before 10.00 am on the Monday before the meeting on 233 9955 or email if you prefer.
Please provide the name (and spelling if necessary). The same applies if you're going to be late.

Weekly Update An Exchange of Friendship - 26 March 2019

Guests are welcome to our Dinner Meetings. 
For apologies or additional guests, please phone or email Phillip Whearty before 10.00 am on Mondays (or before 10.00 am on Tuesdays if Monday is a statutory holiday) on 027 448 9094 or email


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