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Weekly Update - Roof over Head of Aged a concern - 5 April 2022

Weekly Update - Roof over Head of Aged a concern - 5 April 2022






The President-Elect's Messages

President-Elect Denise reminded us that the Virtual District Conference will take place this Friday evening and Saturday morning. Registrations are low, and Denise encouraged members to attend if they can. She herself will be zooming in from Sydney where she's going on Friday evening. There are some great speakers and you don't even need to leave your home. It's not too late to register here.

The date for  Club Changeover will be Tuesday, 5 July. and details will follow as arrangements are firmed up.  If you didn't put this in your diary last week, please do so now. 

Denise went on to announce her Board and officers for 2022-2023. She is still firming up some positions but confirmed that the following members have agreed to hold office:

  • Almoners - Rhondda Sweetman and John Barber
  • President's Mentor - Brian Greaves
  • Secretary - Nick Walmsley
  • Treasurer - Bruce Couch
  • Past President and Social Events - Kay Phillips
  • Communications - Phillip Reidy
  • Youth - Colin Whyte
  • Club Service and President-Elect - Tania Woodcock
  • Membership - vacant
  • Community Service - vacant
  • Environment - vacant
  • Partnership with Maori (non-Board position) - Dexter Traill
  • Speaker Seekers - Euon Murrell and Michael Parker
  • Duty Roster - Leigh Corner
  • Facebook - Rhondda Sweetman

And welcome news - both Denise and Dexter tested negative on a RAT test on Wednesday morning!


John O'Connell gave us a sobering Viewpoint tonight about retiring in NZ as a renter. His Viewpoint was that the political party that starts to seriously consider the needs of the ever-increasing over 65s and life-term renters will dominate the next few elections. 

What’s coming up in April and beyond? 

There will be no Friday Frolics this week as it is the District Conference. In future, this will operate similarly to Chris's excellent organisation for Sunday Drinks and Nibbles. Anyone interested in attending the occasional Friday Frolics on the second Friday of each month from May, please advise Kay who will email that group each month, and if there is sufficient interest, set a venue. The original idea was just to have a drink and chat and support local hospitality businesses.

We have a great programme for the rest of this month:

Next week, 12 April the meeting will acknowledge some of our members for the long service they have given to Rotary. As this is a very special meeting partners, spouses and friends are very welcome. Our speaker for that night will be Honorary Member Mayor Anita Baker.  

The following week Dexter Traill and Gareth Derby will be our speakers, talking about The Ombudsman's Role.

The last week in April we will hear Dr. Gavin Knight: 'Private Investigation - Old game, new rules'. This was postponed from an earlier date because of Covid. 

And interested members will have noticed that the Fishing Trip didn't happen as planned and has been postponed until 19 May, weather permitting. Anyone wishing to join in, please contact Ron Lucas.

For future events go here.


Graham Craig gave a detailed update on The Porirua Garden. As most members know, this is situated at the MenzShed located behind a gate as it is a private garden, its objective being to provide food for the Food Banks. Ron and Jenny built five raised beds about 5m x 1m and is a good height to avoid too much bending. They are now filled with soil and compost to stimulate plant growth although the media does dry out quickly so regular watering is important. Cabbage, broccoli, spinach, onions, carrots, and silverbeet plants are growing well and will soon be ready for harvest. Netting has been added to keep out both white butterflies and pukeko. Graham has received a lot of help. Ron bought a kit-set shed and it has been erected with assistance from the MenzShed crew. Malcolm Turner, a past member known to many, is there almost every day and has done a lot of work around the garden. Help will be needed at harvest time and Graham invited members to visit when he is there - every Wednesday, Saturday, and Monday from 10.30 am-12.00 noon. Any member who can spare an hour here and there will be welcome, as would any garden tools that are surplus to members' requirements.

Graeme Blick talked about the work of the Council for Legislation which meets every three years and debates Rotary rules. If Rotary is going to change direction, this is the time for members to vote. There are 92 pieces of legislation being debated but Graeme touched on just two. He will report back to the club in a couple of weeks. 

  1. Zone 8 would like to pass legislation to give us the right to govern ourselves and break away from Rotary International. For this to pass, 60% of our club members need to vote in favour of it.
  2. RI wants to put up the Dues by about 17%. Our District wants to vote against this proposal for obvious reasons.

Barry McEwan and President Kay attended the Launch of the Te Awarua-o-Porirua Streams and Harbour Project. To kick-start the programme over the next five years, the Government is putting in $3 million and PCC $5 million. The major aim is to restore the lifeblood (mauri) of the streams and waterways of Porirua through a programme of riparian planting and weed control. Mayor Anita Baker, Environment Minister David Parker along with local speakers spoke of the reasons why this is needed and how it will happen. This programme aligns very closely with our own Rotary Forest of Peace and Remembrance planting.

This week’s happenings

The Inner Wheel newsletter for April is full of information about their activities.  You can read it here.

Parting thought

Jenny Lucas prefaced her parting thought tonight by saying that she was sure that all of us have driven on our beautiful new Transmission Gully motorway. She hoped that everyone enjoyed it as much as she has, particularly the lack of traffic. Her Parting Thought was, 'We have been patient; all good things come to those who wait.'  

Who’s on duty for the next month?

Unable to do your duty? Please find a replacement and inform Graham Wallace. 
If you're a late 'no show' please tell President Kay. 
Please arrive at 5.45 pm if you're on Door duty or hosting the Guest Speaker for the evening.
Need to apologise or bring additional guests? 
Advise the Receptionist at Professionals before 10.00 am on the Monday before the meeting on 233 9955 or email if you prefer. 
Please provide the name (and spelling if necessary). The same applies if you're going to be late.


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