President Euon welcomed everyone, especially Pam Dittmer from Melbourne, Cris, currently in Foxton, Philip Mottram who is busily packing before moving to Palmerston North later this month, Kay's visitor, Jan Haworth from Havelock North, and various partners. Euon confirmed that we will be returning to our venue next week.
The Speaker said ...
Bryan Waddle introduced Sareta Fraser, our guest speaker. and a member of Kiwibank's 15-strong External Fraud Investigation team. As you can see from Mike's report entitled Phishing, Smishing and Vishing, she talked about the perils facing the whole community from online, telephone, and door-to-door scams.
One of our newer members, Ann Scannell, gave us her Viewpoint today. It's called, 'Sometimes shit happens'. She says, 'We do not have control over the world we like to think we have. What we have control on is how we view things.' You can it here.
This week's happenings
The small committee (and friends) in charge of the Porirua Primary School Leadership Awards has decided that the 2020 event will go ahead as planned. It will be held on Monday, 10 August 2020 at Elim Church, Porirua from 10.00 am-12 noon. If you would like to join the organising group who are now somewhat under the pump to be ready in time, please let Wendy know.
There have been several changes to the membership list, all of which will be revealed in the latest copy which will be in the Intranet shortly. In the meantime, one of note right now is a change of email address for Graham Wallace to You might like to note that change now.
June is Rotary Fellowships Month which is a bit symbolic now that we have reached Level 1 and can enjoy the company of family, friends, and other Rotarians. If you haven't seen the District 9940 Bulletin for June, here it is.
Applications are now open for RYLA 2021 which will run from 27-31 January 2021. This year it is being run by the Rotary Club of Hutt Valley. RYLA is a five-day residential programme to develop lower North Island young leaders between the ages of 18 and 24. You can find more information here. Please let Donna know if you know a young person who would benefit from this amazing programme.
Donna reports that she assisted with work at Taupo Swamp, together with sixty volunteers from the community over the morning of 6 June to weed 2,000 natives around the stream. She commented that it was lovely to meet new people from our community to chat and continue lifting the blackberries, brambles, and Deadly Nightshade. Within two hours it was possible to see the spaces created for another 2,000 manuka and kanuka planting. President-Elect Bill, took the Rotary volunteers on a wander to give an overview of the Rotary forest where 5,000 saplings will be planted to lessen the impact of the flooding. She encourages more Rotarians to volunteer to help on Thursday and/or Saturday mornings through Winter and Spring to make another Rotary impact on our community. There's a short video on the 'Friends of Taupo Swamp' Facebook page which you can watch here.
Graeme Tongs has provided the approved Minutes of the February, March, and April Virtual Meetings for both the Board and the Charitable Trust. You can find these in the usual place in the Intranet.
Mary Potter Hospice is urging us to think of them if we have something in our home or workplace that we are no longer using or loving. Check it out here.
Plimmerton Inner Wheel's June Newsletter is now up on their page and you can read their news here.
Euon reported that there is obviously something in the water in Palmerston North as Philip Mottram will not be the only member leaving the club to move north. Deirdre is also moving there shortly to stay with her son. Both Philip and Deirdre will continue to be involved remotely with the Primary School Leadership Awards. Richard Sherwin has also decided to leave the club at the end of the year. He will, however, still be involved with the Pathway.
As you can see below, Graham Wallace has accepted the job of organising the roster for the next Rotary year. Grace and door duties are back so please check your duty for the next few weeks. Also, if you're planning to be away, it would be very helpful if you could give Graham plenty of notice as rosters are done a month in advance.
The Almoner said ...
There is now a date for Ian Catherall's funeral service and it's good to know that there are no restrictions on numbers. It will be held on Thursday 18 June at 11.00 am at St Barnabas Church, 106 Mana Esplanade, Paremata and all are welcome.
What's coming up in June and beyond?
Next week, 16 June, we will return to Mana Cruising Club. There will not be a guest speaker and we will enjoy an evening of fellowship with a Viewpont, a drink, a chat to catch up with each other and a cooked dinner! The following week, 23 June, we will hear what Cris has to say about his year (and a bit) in New Zealand which has certainly been eventful. We will keep him in our thoughts as he returns to Chile where daily cases of the virus are still in the thousands.
Our last meeting of this Rotary year is Changeover on 30 June when President Euon passes the baton to President-Elect Bill. Details are still being organised.
Parting thought
Rhondda Sweetman gave us a topical and appropriate quote this week from Martin Luther King. He said, 'A riot is the language of the unheard'.
Who’s on duty for the next month?
Unable to do your duty? Please find a replacement and inform Graham Wallace (who has kindly taken over from Philip Mottram).
If you're a late 'no show' please tell President Euon.
Please arrive at 5.45 pm if you're on Door duty or on Introduction duty to greet the Guest Speaker and be his/her host for the evening.
Need to apologise or bring additional guests?
Advise the Receptionist at Professionals before 10.00 am on the Monday before the meeting on 233 9955 or email if you prefer.
Please provide the name (and spelling if necessary). The same applies if you're going to be late.
Euon reminds members that it is the role of the person saying Grace to host Cris for the evening.
Note from the Editor: Thanks Philip for doing such a great job with the roster over the past year. It's been a pleasure to work with you.