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Robbie-Burns-Entertainment - 8 June 2021










So many visitors, many decked out in Scottish garb, for this special evening to celebrate Robbie Burns. Jim and Judy Tulloch travelled down from Northern Taranaki as guests of Kay, Ann and Gary Bennison were there as guests of Graham Wallace, May Bass was there as a guest of President Bill, Adrienne Murray joined us, and Marion Horsburg was our excellent piper for the evening. Honorary members Christine Blick, Ron Lucas, Marie Press and Peter Turner were also there as were members' partners, Brenda Callear, Sue Couch, Glynis Greaves, Velma Knight, Dinah McEwan, Barbara Nichols, Janet Reidy, Carolyn Wallace, and Lorraine Whyte. What an opportunity to party! Graeme and Christine Blick, President-Elect Kay and their team had planned an evening of fun and laughter and so it turned out. 

The speakers said …

Marian Horsburg piped in the Haggis, Jim Tulloch addressed it, and whisky, donated by Philip Whearty, was passed around. It was all executed magnificently. Dinner, with accompanying haggis, over, Graham Wallace spoke eloquently about some of Robbie Burns' history  and proposed a toast to his memory, Graeme Blick proposed a toast to the lassies, and Kay Phillips to the laddies. Bryan Waddle added his voice to the celebrations and Philip Whearty proposed the thanks. The speakers were magnificent and very entertaining and their offerings will appear in a future Update, as will the many photos that were taken on the night. 

But wait, there's more ... Speeches over, Marion took up her bagpipes again and played some Scottish tunes while members danced the Waltz and the Gay Gordons. The evening finished with a rousing rendering of Auld Lang Syne. For those who need a translation - and there were very many occasions during the evening when many members did! - the phrase translates literally to 'old long since' in English and means something akin to 'times gone by'.

What’s coming up in June and beyond?

Bryan Waddle talked about the Porirua Love Local Expo that is happening this Saturday, 12 June. It offers a unique opportunity for the Rotary Club of Plimmerton to engage with the public and showcase the values we stand for. We have a stand indoors at Te Rauparaha Arena which will be open for public viewing from 10 am till 4 pm and we look forward to as many club members as possible visiting the site to join the members who have volunteered to promote the work we do in the community. The focal point of the site will be a new video of Te Ara Piko and an opportunity to encourage locals to share in our work and join the club.

This is a reminder that there will be no formal meeting next week, 15 June. (Jim, please take note!)

The following week, 22 June, four students from Porirua College will be coming to speak to us. They will all speak about their experiences at RYPEN, wonderfully organised, as usual, by David Knight.

You've already seen reference to Changeover (A Touch of Class) on 29 June in previous Updates, as well as receiving individual invitations. This is a second reminder for you to wear your Paul Harris medal and badge/s if you have them. A board has been passed around several times asking you to sign up if you want to go on the bus and, if so, where you want to be picked up. If you didn't do so on the tick sheet please let Peter Sinké know your pick-up point as soon as possible as he and the bus company need to estimate times. The stops are Whitby New World, Mana New World, and Pauatahanui.

To see future events, you can go here.


Secretary Graeme reports that, as of April 2021, 23 members have opted for the digital version of the Rotary Down Under magazine subscription and 19 receive the printed magazine each month. Others receive the printed version of the RI equivalent. There is a small saving to the club where a member prefers the digital version as postage and printing are avoided. If any member wants to change their preference, please let Graeme know, ideally by 20 June and he can make the change in the RDU database. Meanwhile, the club receives a copy of both the printed Rotary Down Under and Rotary (international edition) magazine each month. Members are welcome to ask Graeme Tongs for a copy.

Graeme also mentioned that some members who attended the Rotary network meeting at Porirua Club recently had inadvertently omitted to pay for their dinner. He asked those involved to speak to him about the best way to pay. 

A list was sent round, asking members to tick their committee preference for next year. If you missed it, please let Kay know your preference. 

This week’s happenings

We have received a request from Porirua Rotary to help with their Winter Food Collection supporting St Annes Food Pantry this Saturday 12 June. Unfortunately, this clashes with the Love Local Expo at which we have a stall all day at Te Rauparaha. They are asking for help from 11.00-1.00 and if you feel that you can do both, or perhaps donate some food, please get in touch with Adrienne Murray.

Mana Zonta has sent us their newsletter for June. You can read it here.

Who’s on duty for the next month?

Please note that two meetings in the Roster Schedule have been swapped: The RYPEN meeting (with accompanying duties) has moved to 22 June and the evening with no formal meeting is next Tuesday  15 June - to avoid a clash for all members attending the Inner Wheel Changeover.

Unable to do your duty? Please find a replacement and inform Graham Wallace.
If you're a late 'no show' please tell President Bill.
Please arrive at 5.45 pm if you're on Door duty or on Introduction duty to greet the Guest Speaker and be his/her host for the evening.
Need to apologise or bring additional guests?
Advise the Receptionist at Professionals before 10.00 am on the Monday before the meeting on 233 9955 or email if you prefer.
Please provide the name (and spelling if necessary). The same applies if you're going to be late.


Robbie-Burns-Entertainment - 8 June 2021

Guests are welcome to our Dinner Meetings. 
For apologies or additional guests, please phone or email Phillip Whearty before 10.00 am on Mondays (or before 10.00 am on Tuesdays if Monday is a statutory holiday) on 027 448 9094 or email


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