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Weekly Update - The DG Drops In - 20 October 2020










President Bill gave a warm welcome to DG Gillian Jones, her husband Kevin Prestney, ADG Kath Beattie, and former member Philip Mottram. Also welcomed were Honorary members Les Austing, Chrstine Blick, and Jim Dearsly.

The speaker said …

As Bill says in his excellent report, 'it's always a pleasure when our District Governors make their annual visit and bring us up to date with Rotary matters at local and international level' and Tuesday evening was no exception. 


Bryan Waddle gave us a satirical Viewpoint tonight with his tongue firmly in his cheek!

This week’s happenings

Porirua Rotary has sent us a poster about the Rotary Peace Walk that will be held at Aotea Lagoon on Saturday 7 November from 8.30am. The date has been chosen as it is the date the weekend after the tree planting for the Rotary Forest of Peace in Plimmerton. Peace is an avenue of Rotary International, but Porirua Club will also be using it to acknowledge all that has gone on this year and the impacts to everyone's self in every aspect of their lives. This walk will be thought-provoking, relaxing, happy, sad, and stress-free. Rotary banners will be up outside the main gates at the Rose Garden end where early morning walkers will be welcomed. The walk is around the oval and the walk will last as long as you want it to last!

Just in case you didn't receive the October District Bulletin directly, here it is.


Kay reported on the Love Local Expo where both Plimmerton Rotary and Plimmerton Inner Wheel had booths. 5,000 people went through the Expo during the day and quite a number of people stopped to look at the video of Te Ara Piko and to chat. Kay and the team signed up half a dozen people who expressed interest in the club. 

There are heaps of events coming up between now and Christmas. Make sure you read the next section thoroughly! And do turn up to help with the planting on Saturday if you can.

What’s coming up in October and beyond?

This is a weekly reminder to check out our Plimmerton Rotary Calendar which you can now find on the right-hand side of our Home page below the four photos. If you use your mobile phone to access the Club's web page, turn your phone sideways so that the items that appear in the right column on a pc are visible.

The next planting day at Plimmerton Domain will be this Saturday 24 October. Volunteers got 1,000 plants in the ground by 10.45 am on 17 October bringing the total to 2,500 over three planting days. If you didn't read about this last week, here's the link again. This is the plan for Saturday:

  • We will be following on with work in Area 3, where Ron and Jenny Lucas have marked out and drilled a further 500 + holes, great work 'Team Lucas'. 
  • This week we are planning to plant the last of the 1,000 plants for 2020.
  • The Porirua City Council will be dropping off the plants on Thursday 22 October so our thanks go to the PCC team.
  • On Saturday the 8.30 am team (please sign onto our onsite list or use the Covid 19 app) will lay out the plants according to the PCC plan. We will need 6-8 volunteers for this task.
  • This is turning out to be a great collaboration between us, Conservation Volunteers NZ, Porirua Rotary, Resident’s, FOTSC, and PCC staff.
  • The 9.30 am team will again carry on with the tasks of trimming the holes (and digging some more) before planting the laid out plants.

Barry passed round a 'Are you keen' list at tonight's meeting. If you were not at the meeting and are able to help, please turn up on Saturday.

This weekend, 23-26 October, is the Golf and Garden Weekend to Hawkes Bay. Kay has organised activities for the twenty-six attendees which will include golf, garden trails, and wine trails.

Next week, 27 October, Dr. Helen Woolner, a returning Plimmerton Rotary scholar, will be our speaker. She attended Porirua College and then left in 2000 to attend He Huarahi Tamariki (HHT). She stayed at HHT for 4 years before venturing off to Victoria University of Wellington VUW) to undertake a BSc degree. Helen will tell you her story in more detail tonight.

The next Drinks and Nibbles will be held on 1 November. You will notice that the date has been changed because of the Rotary visit to Hawkes Bay. Chris will send details of the venue nearer the time.

Allan Nichols reminded us about the Melbourne Cup night on 3 November. It will be an early start so please arrive at about 4.00 pm as the race starts at 5.00 pm. Members of Mana Cruising Club and Tawa Rotarians will be joining us as they did last year. It is also a partners' night and there will be amazing prizes, especially for the most fascinating fascinator for the ladies as well as something for the men as. As usual, there will be a chocolate wheel, proceeds from which will go to Polio Eradication. Donations of prizes for the Chocolate Wheel will be very welcome. World Polio Day is observed internationally in late October to honour the birthday of Dr Jonas Salk who led the development of the first polio vaccine, so this fundraising event is timely. Allan asked for donations of prizes, say, $10-$20, so that the club can raise as much as possible. You can find more details on the Events page. Phillip has produced a lovely poster which you can find here.

On Sunday 22 November we can take part in the 2020 GOPI Clean-Up of the Pāuatahanui Inlet. Please rustle up your friends and neighbours and register at Browns Bay Car Park at 10.30 am. Here is a poster that will tell you all you need to know. As usual, the event will be followed by a family sausage sizzle at 12.00 noon.

Chris Garrett reminded us about the Mary Potter Hospice Charity Golf Tournament that will be held on Friday, 27 November 2020 at Judgeford Golf Club. Here is the flyer. Chris will appreciate any help you can give him and his team in finding Hole Sponsors at $350 each and Raffle prizes, as well as sausages and bread (not being donated this year) for the BBQ.

You can find future events on the Events page.

Parting thought

Chris Garrett's Parting Thought tonight came from Brian O'Driscoll, who captained the British and Irish Lions for their 2005 tour of New Zealand. 'Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad.' 

Who’s on duty for the next month?

Unable to do your duty? Please find a replacement and inform Graham Wallace.
If you're a late 'no show' please tell President Bill.
Please arrive at 5.45 pm if you're on Door duty or on Introduction duty to greet the Guest Speaker and be his/her host for the evening.
Need to apologise or bring additional guests?
Advise the Receptionist at Professionals before 10.00 am on the Monday before the meeting on 233 9955 or email if you prefer.
Please provide the name (and spelling if necessary). The same applies if you're going to be late.

Weekly Update - The DG Drops In - 20 October 2020

Guests are welcome to our Dinner Meetings. 
For apologies or additional guests, please phone or email Phillip Whearty before 10.00 am on Mondays (or before 10.00 am on Tuesdays if Monday is a statutory holiday) on 027 448 9094 or email


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