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Weekly Update - 200 years of Rotary - 12 May 2020








President Euon welcomed everyone, particularly some partners, to the meeting.


Colin Whyte gave us the Viewpoint tonight. He bemoaned the fact that three trips overseas business had already been cancelled this year and substituted with Zoom meetings in addition to numerous Zoom meetings with clients and underwriters. Although useful, he said it's just not the same. 'Reading body language is harder', he said, 'and you miss out on a lot of interactions'. One could believe that technology is going to become the norm. His view is that technology and video conferencing is a poor distant cousin of face-to-face meetings and that business travel will bounce back.

The Speaker said ...

District Governor Nominee, Mark Wheeler, joined the meeting remotely and was introduced by Tania. He gave a very thorough introduction to the 2021 Rotary Centennial Celebrations that are being planned worldwide, particularly, in our case, in Australia and New Zealand. You can read Mike's report and see Mark's presentation here

This week's happenings

It's a great pleasure to notify members that Deirdre Geyser has been invited to join the Board of e-Learning Porirua Trust and has been welcomed to the last two virtual meetings. You can see the constitution of the Board here.

For those of you who didn't receive the District 9940 Bulletin for May, here it is. It mentions the 2020/21 Learning and Development On-Line Zoom presentations on 16, 23, and 30 May and tells you how to join in.

Ian and Terrie Turner have moved. You can find their new contact details in the Club Members' Directory on the Intranet page. Searching for 'Terrie' will probably be your best option. Their new details will appear in the next edition of the membership list.


With the Government directions for how to behave during Level 2, Euon expressed doubt about how to deal with future meetings when we return to Mana Cruising Club and said that the Board is currently working things out when the rules are known. The Board is aware that Changeover is looming. He asked members to share news of what had been happening in their various bubbles.

  • Donna Reed reported that she has caught up with the District Youth Committee and sorting out the finances of the International Youth Exchange. The Youth Committee is busy with odds and ends.
  • Phillip Reidy reported on the current situation with Te Ara Piko and has submitted a short report which you can read here.
  • Euon had developed a cold and sniffle so he had presented for a Covid test which he said was not all that pleasant. He was told to self-isolate until the result was known and had been given the all-clear. 
  • John McConnell reported that Cris is still happy with the Darrahs in Foxton but decisions will have to be made about where he goes when the family returns home.  There are currently no plans about how to get him back to Chile.
  • Bryan Waddle is finding out what it's like to be temporarily unemployed. He knows that the public will still want sport when the pandemic is over and that cricket will come back though possibly without any travel. He's finding out how to cut lawns and do the gardening!
  • Bill McAulay reported that no progress had been made on the Taupo Swamp project during the lockdown but he's expecting it to restart soon. He says it is all looking good although a bit of weeding is needed.
  • Nick Walmsley has been getting in touch with family and friends in other countries with lots of video calls connecting members of his family who may not have been in contact with each other for years. The lockdown had all been very positive from that point of view.
  • Joe Perera's house is in chaos in the midst of kitchen renovation with builders everywhere.

The Almoner said ...

Chris Garrett reported that Beryl Bright was deeply distressed that she hadn't been able to be with George when he died. The date for his funeral will be known when restrictions are lifted and Chris is sure that she would appreciate it if Rotarians can find some way to attend, even at a distance.

What's coming up in May and beyond?

Chris Garrett will be speaking about his recent experiences in New Orleans on an International Friendship Exchange. You can see the virtual speakers coming up for the following two weeks. Further information will be posted in due course.

Parting thought

Peter Jackson gave us the Parting Thought today. 'Everybody knows how to raise children except the people who have them'.

Who’s on duty for the next month?

If you are unable to attend the meeting, please let Professionals know in the usual way as Philip keeps a record of attendance for the club (whether we meet physically or not).
If you know in advance that you are unable to do your duty, please find a replacement and inform Philip Mottram in the usual way.
If you're a late 'no show' please tell President Euon so that he can make a late change in the programme, particularly, of course, if you have a duty.
Please join the meeting at 6.30 pm.
As a courtesy, please notify President Euon if you would like to invite additional guests.

Weekly Update - 200 years of Rotary - 12 May 2020


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