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Weekly Update - Mary Potter Hospice - 4 April 2023










President Denise welcomed Malcolm Bruce, Chair of Trustees of the Mary Potter Hospice for the past nine years. She acknowledged the initiative that Chris Garrett demonstrated with his efforts to fundraise in support of Mary Potter Hospice over the years. She estimated that he has raised about $60,000 with events such as the Prime Minister's breakfasts and the Golf Tournaments. 

The speaker said …

Denise invited Malcolm to speak. He told us that Mary Potter's vision is to provide equitable access to palliative care for all people. He said that 8-900 people are supported each year with 2-300 people in the Hospice at any one time, sometimes over a period of 4-5 months.  The area covered extends from Seatoun to Waikanae. There are 180 staff (or 120 FTEs) and 600 volunteers. In addition to the doctors and nurses, there are, of course, Occupational and Physio therapists and many other professionals. This year they have a budget deficit of $1 million which is unsustainable and the Board is challenged by how they can run the business as well as provide the best possible care. The premises themselves are getting old in Newtown. However, a new CEO took up a position 12 months ago and the Hospice is in very good heart. Malcolm offered his grateful thanks to the Club for all the contributions they have donated over the years. 


Bruce Couch gave us his Viewpoint this evening. It was that teachers need to receive significant increases in salaries and resources - way better than the current offer - to make sure that all our grandkids and their kids will receive the best education they need and deserve. Otherwise, he said, a poorly educated population will result in a poorly performing country. 

What’s coming up in April and beyond? 

Next week, 11 April, will be a surprise evening for most members. Kay has organised an evening of entertainment - merriment even! Please bring spouses, partners and friends. This will be a good night and a worthy finish to the Easter break. 

As the Update doesn't always go out until the end of the week, this is just a reminder that the weekend of 21 and 22 April will be busy with the Orphan's Club meeting on Friday 21 April at 5.30 at the Co-op in Whitby and the pot luck film evening at Allan and Barb's at 6.00 pm., on Saturday 22 AprilAllan reported that about 46 people have 'subscribed' and there is still space for more. He will be sending out an email next week letting proposed attendees know what 'plate' they are being asked to provide. And remember to have a $20 donation ready to give to the victims of Cyclone Gabrielle. 

Future events are here, as ever. There have been a number of changes recently so please check if you have already put dates into your calendar. There will be no meeting on Anzac Day - Tuesday 25 April.


Peter mentioned that one of the speakers in the ceiling is not working and he hopes to persuade the Cruising Club to remedy this as soon as possible. 

Graeme has been sorting through literally hundreds of personal photographs and had noticed how many had brought back memories of the fellowship that he and Christine had experienced over the years. He remarked that 80 people had attended the dinner on the Saturday night of the District Conference and that a quarter of these had been Plimmerton Rotarians. He and Christine will be attending the Gala Dinner on 23 May and he hoped that as many members as possible would be there too. 

Chris brought us up to date some just some of the entertainment that will be available at the Gala Dinner on 23 May. There will be drinks and nibbles, accompanied by a Virtuoso String Quartet, a delicious sit-down meal accompanied by a singer (who sounds like Michael Buble), some reflections from the last 50 years and, finally, entertainment by Dexter and his musicians. All in all, a great evening is being planned.   

Wendy told of the pleasure she has been experiencing as she has gone through the highlights reported by Club Presidents for the past 50 years. Even more pleasurable, in the past couple of weeks, have been  the anecdotal stories she has been hearing from members as they elaborate on some of these highlights and she can't wait for other members to follow suit. Please give Wendy a ring and arrange a time to tell your stories. 

Phillip reported that there have been 52 confirmed registrations for the Gala evening, and this doesn't include our American guests. Another 100 invitations were sent out this week. A past member has reportedly indicated that s/he might return to the Club! Chris Gollins had expressed disappointment that he will be in Italy on the night and, of course, other potential guests may also be away.

This week’s happenings

As people are travelling more again, maybe it's time to join our merry band of helpers at Porirua Gardens with our weekly harvesting. It usually takes less than one hour per week. It's often on a Tuesday or Wednesday at 9.00 am but this is weather dependent. As one of our very few active projects, it would be great to have wider Club support. Or, as Kay says, just come on over to the MenzShed to have a look and see how what an excellent project this is. 

Parting thought

Mike Scott gave us the Parting Thought this evening wondering who said, 'Isn't it funny how, day by day, nothing changes, but when you look back, everything is different'?

Who’s on duty for the next month?

Unable to do your duty? Please find a replacement and inform Leigh Corner.
If you're a late 'no show' please tell President Denise.
Please arrive at 5.45 pm if you're on Door duty or hosting the Guest Speaker for the evening.
For apologies or additional guests, please phone or email Phillip Whearty before 10.00 am on Mondays (or before 10.00 am on Tuesdays if Monday is a statutory holiday) on 027 448 9094 or email The same applies if you're going to be late.

Weekly Update - Mary Potter Hospice - 4 April 2023

Guests are welcome to our Dinner Meetings. 
For apologies or additional guests, please phone or email Phillip Whearty before 10.00 am on Mondays (or before 10.00 am on Tuesdays if Monday is a statutory holiday) on 027 448 9094 or email


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