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Weekly Update - You be the judge - 18 August 2020










President Bill welcomed John Dean and his Junior Counsel, Letitia Smith, who would be leading the session 'Consider your Verdict' later in the evening. He also welcomed back Rosie Smith on her second visit, Honorary members, Jim and Les, and recent member Philip Mottram on a visit from Palmerston North.


Barry McEwen gave us his Viewpoint this evening. With a short background about his father's experience as a Rotarian in Balclutha when Barry was a child, his Viewpoint was that Plimmerton Rotary should put a plan in place to be shovel ready if things go really bad as a result of Covid-19. 

The speaker said …

This week we were challenged by the two visiting lawyers, John Dean and Letitia Smith. As Mike reports, we were asked, in our groups, to rule on the guilt or innocence of the accused parties in two distinctly different cases. This was an interesting exercise and we thoroughly enjoyed it.

This week’s happenings

A very few stoic members from our club are helping at the Myanmar Homework Club from 4.15-5.30 pm each Tuesday at the Gospel Hall on the corner of Hereford and Champion Streets in Canons Creek. Helpers do not need to be teachers. The ages of the students cover a large range so more volunteers are needed so that each group can contain fewer children of the same age. Please let Donna know if you can volunteer just one hour of your time each week on your way to Rotary.


On Thursday afternoon 20 August at 1.30 pm Barry and Bill will be meeting with City Councillors to decide where we are going to plant our various trees and shrubs on the Plimmerton Domain. Members who are interested in being part of this decision are welcome to come along.

Comings and Goings

Wendy informed members that Deirdre Geyser, a member for such a short time during which she made a very eventful and valuable contribution to the Club, is leaving New Zealand this Saturday before her Visa expires. She's hoping to go to Panama but its borders are closed so she's bound for Norwich, England to spend time with a very good friend until the global situation recovers from effects of the virus.  We hope we will see her in New Zealand again before too long.

What’s coming up in August and beyond?

The new outbreak of Covid-19 outside managed isolation may put future plans in jeopardy. If any of the following events cannot take place, we will notify you by email.

This is a weekly reminder to check out Nick's new Plimmerton Rotary Calendar - mentioned on our Home page.

There's an ongoing invitation on the Events page to volunteer to help with planting and weeding with the Friends of Taupo Swamp. All future dates are set out, the next being this Thursday 20 August from 9.00 am-12.00 pm.

The first Guess Who's Coming to Dinner has been scheduled for this Saturday 22 August at 5.30 pm and will start with the main draw at the home of Allan and Barbara Nichols. Kay has sent comprehensive details to everyone who has signed up for this fun event.

Committee meetings will take place on Tuesday 25 August, moved from 1 September to accommodate the visit to the District Governor.

Details about the plans the visit of the District Governor are beginning to emerge and Bryan Waddle encouraged members to invite friends and family (particularly young ones and those interested in community service!) for a casual, relaxed evening with finger food. Our guest speaker, Peter Miskimmin, CEO of Sport NZ for twelve years, will be a great drawcard for the younger generation, particularly those who are involved with sport. Peter had a long career in sport and sports administration. He's a former Olympic hockey player having played in two Olympics. He's coached at domestic and international level and has served on the NZOC Sports Foundation and Olympic Athletes Commission. With his long association with sport, he is uniquely placed to talk about current and future sports funding and development. This is going to be a special evening to share with District Governor Gillian.

You can find future events on the Events page.

Parting thought

Following the intellectually challenging decisions that members were asked to make on the two verdicts, Phillip Reidy gave us the Parting Thought from Jawaharlal Nehru, 'Please remember that law and sense are not always the same.'

Who’s on duty for the next month?

Unable to do your duty? Please find a replacement and inform Graham Wallace. Names shown in red indicate changes from those posted last week.
If you're a late 'no show' please tell President Bill.
Please arrive at 5.45 pm if you're on Door duty or on Introduction duty to greet the Guest Speaker and be his/her host for the evening.
Need to apologise or bring additional guests?
Advise the Receptionist at Professionals before 10.00 am on the Monday before the meeting on 233 9955 or email if you prefer.
Please provide the name (and spelling if necessary). The same applies if you're going to be late.

Weekly Update - You be the judge - 18 August 2020


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