The speaker said …
This was a purely social get-together to welcome the New Year so there was no speaker - just lots of great conversations. Those who came enjoyed a relaxed and relaxing time .
What’s coming up in January and beyond?
We are invited to Plimmerton Inner Wheel's Pizza and Plonk on Monday 25 January 2021 at 4.30 at Ration Creek Orchard. Bring your own plonk and get ready to have fun. Please let Janet know if you are going and deposit $15 into the Inner Wheel Bank account.
We will enjoy our first official meeting of the year on Tuesday 26 January at the usual time. Our speaker will be Dr Anna Sullivan who will talk to us about the Christchurch earthquake on 22 February 2011.
RYLA 2021 will be taking place from 27-31 January at Silverstream. We are sponsoring San Dekker who, we hope, will be able to speak to us briefly, hopefully at next week's meeting as she has recently moved to live in Whangarei. Wendy is giving two presentations at RYLA next Wednesday and you are welcome to the BBQ dinner on Friday 29 January. Let Wendy know if you would like to go.
The next Drinks and Nibbles will be held on Sunday 31 January from 4.00-6.00 pm. Chris Garrett will let us all know nearer the time where we will be going.
On Waitangi Day, February 6, we are sharing a marketing stall with Porirua Club, at the City Council Festival Day at Te Rauparaha Arena. Please let Kay know if you are able to help with set up, time on the stall, or packdown. Many thanks.
The Book Fair Revival will take place from 19-21 February 202 1 at 4 Lydney Place, Porirua. Phillip Reidy is organising this so expect a tap on the shoulder if you haven't already had one! If you are asked about accepting donated books, please refer people to Phillip as they can be dropped off at Ration Creek Orchard. This will be the last Book Fair the Club will hold, so please let everyone know the dates and location as the aim is to generate some needed revenue for the Charitable Trust. If you want more details, you can find them on the Events page.
If you want to take advantage of the early bird tickets for the District Centennial Conference at Carterton Events Centre from 19-21 March, you only have two weeks left. Go to this link. And Kay would love us to have a good sized Club group attending (and needs your company). Why not make this our social event for March?!! The Saturday Night theme is the year was chartered. Golf, sunshine, some excellent speakers. What more could you want?
To see some of our future events, you can go here.
President-Elect Kay says, 'In 2021 we will continue to have a great speakers' programme and lots of social events to choose from as well as giving you the chance to provide service in many ways to our Community. Let's make the second half of President Bill's year a time to remember'.
What's been happening over Christmas?
The District is asking for our help in other areas. Go here to find out of you can offer yours. And wait, there's more. While some of us have been away enjoying a break, DG Gillian has been busy keeping us all in the loop. You can read her December District Bulletin here.
Graeme Tongs and Wendy have a copy of the latest membership list. The only change is to Bob Austin's email address.
If you can help with the great work done at the Myanmar Homework Club each Tuesday from 4.00-5.30 pm, please let Donna know. There are now 60 students in both Newtown and Porirua Homework Clubs. One highlight is a student who valued the support she received and is now a first-year nursing student. There was a fundraising event on 19 December, attended by Mayor Anita. You can read about it here.
The Rotary Club of Wellington is holding a fundraiser to celebrate the Chinese New Year of the Ox celebrations. It will be on Sunday 21 February at 5.30 for 6.00 pm at Dragons Restaurant, 25 Tory Street, Te Aro. There will be a 10 course Chinese Baneut and the speaker will be Professor Michael Baker from the Universit of Otago, Wellington. Tickets are $75 each and all proceeds will go to Give Every Child a Future. Places will be limited and you can book through their website.
Who’s on duty for the next month?
Unable to do your duty? Please find a replacement and inform Graham Wallace.
If you're a late 'no show' please tell President Bill.
Please arrive at 5.45 pm if you're on Door duty or on Introduction duty to greet the Guest Speaker and be his/her host for the evening.
Need to apologise or bring additional guests?
Advise the Receptionist at Professionals before 10.00 am on the Monday before the meeting on 233 9955 or email if you prefer.
Please provide the name (and spelling if necessary). The same applies if you're going to be late.