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Weekly Update - Level 3 lockdown - 31 August 2021

Weekly Update - Level 3 lockdown - 31 August 2021





As we're still in Level 4, our meeting was cancelled this week.

We can all do with a laugh to lift our spirits, so here's a goodie for you.  

Message from the President …

My thoughts have been with Leigh a great deal over this last week or so. Covid prevents us from giving more practical support but I know that he has appreciated your many kind messages in this most difficult time in his life.

There is much we cannot do in our Rotary lives even at Level 3 so it is heartening for me to note that several of our projects are continuing with planning. However, there is one thing everyone can do: from time to time you are asked to update your Plimmerton Rotary website profile. Or for quite a few of you - to actually begin it. Most of us have time at present to do this. Please would you take a few minutes to write some detail about yourself? It is very helpful for new members and certainly for your President and Board members to be able to access these. Thank you for this small service to your Club. And, if using the website is at all difficult, please just write up your profile in an email or Word document and send it to Wendy. She will magically do the rest. She will even update your photo if you think yours is out of date, that is if you send her a new one!

Enjoy the sunshine. Walk. Bike. Garden. Read. Solve puzzles. Golf. Relax and binge on Netflix. And write those profiles, please. 


Enjoying some precious time in the garden on a lovely spring-like morning during a Level 4 lockdown, Wendy's thoughts turned to how others, particularly those living alone, were coping with the lockdown. Was anyone lonely, isolated, afraid, she wondered? You can see where those thoughts took her here.

What’s coming up in September and beyond? 

Next week's meeting will be via Zoom beginning at 6.15 pm for a general conversation. The formal agenda will begin at 6.30 pm. Kate Strain and Gerry Lambourne, both members of our Sister Club, Brighton North in Melbourne, will talk about their Club and some of the many wonderful projects they've been involved with over the years and at present. Both Gerry and Kate have given enormous service to the community over many years - both in Melbourne and around the world. Rhondda Sweetman will present the Person Behind the Badge - she and Les have led a very interesting life that has been rather different from the norm. Directors will have a chance to report on current projects if they wish. It will be a full agenda so have your wine and nibbles ready. 

Meanwhile, there are uncertain times ahead. President Kay and Communications Director Phillip will continue to keep you informed by email if there is any news between Updates. In the meantime, you can go to the Events page or the Rotary Calendar at the top of the right column on the Events page, both of which will be kept right up to date. If you want to make changes or additions please contact Wendy for the Events Page, Nick for the Calendar for Tuesday nights, and Kay for the Calendar for social events and other activities.


Thanks to Secretary Graeme, the 12 July 2021 minutes of the Charitable Trust and those of the Board are now on the Intranet.

The Rotary Leadership Institute meeting has been changed to an online seminar on 26 September. If you are interested please just look in the latest District Bulletin for details. This s a great opportunity for new Rotarians to learn more about Rotary; members aspiring to Leadership positions and even long-standing Rotarians to learn of the latest changes to Rotary.

In case you didn't receive the August District Bulletin, you can read it here.

Many of us have been tidying our winter gardens during this Lockdown. For those who haven't found out yet, Palmers have opened their drive-through from 9.00 am and if Kay's and Wendy's experiences are anything to go by, the queues are not too long! 

This week’s happenings

Past-President Bill and Barry have provided an update on the planting work. Bill says, 'We have completed the 2021 planting work for the Rotary Forest of Peace & Remembrance at Plimmerton Domain. PCC contractors completed the plant protection work just prior to the lockdown. Since commencing in October 2020 we have now planted about 11,000 stems and have had about 95% survival which is quite a good survival rate considering that the most recent plantings got slammed by southerly storms, northerly storms, and a tremendous amount of rain. 

The western and southern boundaries of the planting area are prone to flooding from overflow out of Taupo Swamp so are now nicely protected with Carex grass plantings as can be seen in the photo of the drain area on the southern side.

After lockdown, we will need to have a Rotary morning working bee to 'lightwell' some of last year's tree plantings to give the trees an opportunity against the weeds.

Porirua City Council is very committed to riparian planting for harbour protection so next winter we expect to be planting again. 

The Almoner said …

As we've all been informed, Leigh Corner’s wife, Laurie Lawler, died peacefully in Wellington Hospital after a short time there. Leigh has been appreciative of the support he has received as he has worked through this difficult period which Covid has made no less easy during it, and over the next few days. Our very kind wishes are with Leigh and his family as their lives shift to being without Laurie.

The Outside World

Rotary joined its partners in the Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI) to mark the first anniversary of a historic public health milestone: the World Health Organization’s African region being certified free of wild polio. The anniversary was celebrated on 25 August during a WHO Regional Committee for Africa meeting, which also addressed current challenges to eradicating polio and new tactics to achieve a polio-free world. You can read more about this important milestone here

Thought for the week

Dallas has provided her thought for this week: 'Life is like a piano; the white keys represent happiness and the black show sadness. As you go through life's journey, remember that the black keys also create music'. 

Who’s on duty for the next month?

Unable to do your duty? Please find a replacement and inform Graham Wallace. 
If you're a late 'no show' please tell President Kay. 
Please arrive at 5.45 pm if you're on Door duty or hosting the Guest Speaker for the evening.
Need to apologise or bring additional guests? 
Advise the Receptionist at Professionals before 10.00 am on the Monday before the meeting on 233 9955 or email if you prefer. 
Please provide the name (and spelling if necessary). The same applies if you're going to be late.

Guests are welcome to our Dinner Meetings. 
For apologies or additional guests, please phone or email Phillip Whearty before 10.00 am on Mondays (or before 10.00 am on Tuesdays if Monday is a statutory holiday) on 027 448 9094 or email

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