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Weekly Update - It's in the Bag - 12 October 2021






A wealth of visitors tonight. President Kay welcomed Rachel McKinnon (who was later inducted) and Nigel Brown (guest of Peter Sinke), Honorary Members, Christine Blick, Peter Cox, and Ron Lucas, and partners, Brenda Callear, Sue Couch, Annette Craig, Glenys Greaves, Velma Knight, Faye Raffin, Barbara Nichols, Linda Sinke and Tony Sutorius. 

Comings and Goings

Graeme Blick gave a very warm welcome to Rachel McKinnon who was duly inducted by President Kay as our newest member. Rachel is very interested in youth and will be a welcome addition to the Youth Committee. Members stood to welcome her with approbation.  She will join Marsha Chiet in her presentation to us next Tuesday. As with all members, Rachel's details are available in the Membership Directory. Remember that you can find any member's details by going to the Intranet button. At this point, you will be asked to log in. When you have, go to Club Members' Directory (in orange) > Alphabetical Directory of Club Members. Here you will find a box and directions that say, 'If searching for a name, enter one name at a time separately, e.g. 'John' or 'Smith' - not 'John Smith'.

It's in the Bag

Could anyone, other than Bryan Waddle, have given us a more entertaining, funny, and fast-moving evening? He entertained, he challenged our intellects (yeah right!) he poked fun, he encouraged, he ridiculed and all in the best and funniest way. It was definitely an evening to remember and certainly lifted our tired spirits for an hour so that we could be transported and reminded how to laugh at ourselves and forget what was happening in the world outside. Many members had the opportunity to shine, or not, and prizes, booby and otherwise, (such as a copy of the Kama Sutra won by Les or the $100 dinner voucher won by Rhondda) were handed out when correct answers were provided, albeit not necessarily by the candidates. 


Donna Reed gave us the Viewpoint this evening with a comprehensive history of the evolution of the bicycle, both socially, and as a vital tool of war. She concluded by encouraging everyone to 'Get out on yer bike'.

What’s coming up in October and beyond? 

Next Tuesday, 19 October, Marsha Chiet, Educator at Life Education Trust for North Wellington, will come to talk to us.

Advance notice that on Tuesday 26 October, Marilyn Garson will talk to us about The reality behind the Gaza Blockade. In 2019 her book, 'Still Lives : A Memoir of Gaza', was published and during her presentation she will tell us about some of her experiences.

Porirua Club has limited tickets in the big theatre at The Lighthouse (35 capacity to fit with COVID level 2 seat conditions) for the latest James Bond Movie, 'No Time to Die' on Monday 1 November 2021 at 5.30 pm. If you can support this fundraiser, please pay $20.00 to A&J Blair, Account number 38 9007 0729655 10  with your name in the reference slot. Seat details will be available at the counter on the night.  All proceeds will go into the development of youth from our Porirua community. Please email Angela Blair to confirm.

In the meantime, you can go to the Events page or the Rotary Calendar at the top of the right column on the Events page, both of which will be kept right up to date. If you want to make changes or additions please contact Wendy for the Events Page, Nick for the Calendar for Tuesday nights, and Kay for the Calendar for social events and other activities.


President Kay gave us an update on the virus as it relates to members asking anyone who is sick, not to attend Rotary or Rotary sponsored events. We all need to protect and respect our more vulnerable members, including those with underlying conditions and Kay urged everyone to get vaccinated if they haven't already done so. 

Peter Cox asked for help with the Blind and Low Vision Appeal on Saturday 23 October at Porirua New World. He still has a couple of afternoon slots that need filling so please get in touch with him if you can spare an hour.

Members who had partaken of the event joined with President Kay to express how much they had enjoyed the Golf and Garden Weekend in the Wairarapa over the weekend. Kay gave special thanks to Chris Garrett for his excellent organisation and to Sue Couch for the time and effort she had expended in choosing gardens and arranging food. She also gave special thanks to Dexter and Denise Traill for their wonderful hosting of the BBQ event on Friday night on their property in Opaki. Chris has kindly provided a number of photos which are loaded on the Gallery page here. You have some choices now! You can go to the Gallery page and click either on the heading or on the photo (the same as the one on the left) on that page. Or, to make things really easy, you can click on the photo on the left and it will take you straight to the photos. If you click on a specific photo in the Gallery, the photo will enlarge. 

Kay reported that the Board has agreed to continue our support for Rangikura School with another donation towards their Duffy Books in Homes Scheme.

The Board has also endorsed a request from Euon Murrell for a six-month Leave of Absence.

Directors' announcements

Treasurer Bruce explained that in order to comply with the current licensing laws, we are required to hold a Liquor Licence. This means that meal costs will increase to $105 monthly, effective 1 November 2021. He asked members to increase their automatic payments accordingly, making this effective from 1 November 2021 (not a moment before!).

Youth Director, Colin, asked members to put on their thinking caps and, if possible, come up with the names of potential future leaders who would benefit from RYLA 2021 which will happen in January 2022. If you can think of a suitable candidate, please get in touch with Colin or Donna. The age range for this great programme is 18 to 24. Those of you with a sense of history will recall Plimmerton ran this programme over three years for the District a number of years ago.

Communications Director, Phillip, drew attention to the placemats, urging all members to provide information about any and all upcoming events to Wendy as soon as they are known. It's easy to forget that last step when organising an occasion of any kind. Chasing up information is time-consuming. With tongue in cheek, he distributed placemats to encourage members to be helpful. He also reminded members that our 50th anniversary is coming up in 2023 and there are many gaps in the Intranet which need filling. He asked members to check their personal data (and perhaps update their photos) and also check whether reports on events are up to date. 

A Memorial Service

A Memorial Service for Laurie Lawler will be held at 2.00 pm on Sunday 31 October at 31 Hobson Crescent, Thorndon (Wellington Meditation Centre). The arrangements are based on us remaining at Lockdown Level 2. The service will be live-streamed so that those who cannot attend can view it. Please let Leigh know if you intend to attend.

Parting thought

Bryan Waddle gave us the Parting Thought tonight. He said, 'We hear much these days about the need for gun control and firearms licensing but it led me to consider ...  We probably have enough gun control. What we need is idiot control'.

Who’s on duty for the next month?

Unable to do your duty? Please find a replacement and inform Graham Wallace. 
If you're a late 'no show' please tell President Kay. 
Please arrive at 5.45 pm if you're on Door duty or hosting the Guest Speaker for the evening.
Need to apologise or bring additional guests? 
Advise the Receptionist at Professionals before 10.00 am on the Monday before the meeting on 233 9955 or email if you prefer. 
Please provide the name (and spelling if necessary). The same applies if you're going to be late.

Weekly Update - It's in the Bag - 12 October 2021

Guests are welcome to our Dinner Meetings. 
For apologies or additional guests, please phone or email Phillip Whearty before 10.00 am on Mondays (or before 10.00 am on Tuesdays if Monday is a statutory holiday) on 027 448 9094 or email


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