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Weekly Update - In Memory of Peter - 2 November 2021






President Kay gave a very warm welcome to Bev Lillico who was accompanied by her second son, Simon, and his wife, Carole. She thanked them for coming so that members, who hadn't been able to attend Peter's service because of Covid restrictions, could hear more about his life. Bev brought additional copies of the Order of Service so that members could take a copy. Kay also welcomed Honorary Members Christine Blick and Ron Lucas as well as partners, Velma Knight, Barbara Nicholls, Judy Parker, Sheryl  Perera, and Joy Tongs

Melbourne Cup

Peter Sinke did a great job of producing a video showing the 2021 Lexus Melbourne Cup at Flemington Racecourse in progress, The exciting result was a win for a New Zealand mare, Verry Elleegant, in a huge upset. The NZ Herald reported that the victory gives New Zealand trainer Chris Waller his first-ever Cup after fellow Kiwi jockey James McDonald piloted the six-year-old mare to a perfect position before she exploded down the final straight to blow the field away. Incentivise finished a very distant second with Verry Elleegant humiliating the rest of the field as she left them in her wake, the report continues. Bruce summed up and congratulated the eleven winners (Kay won twice) following the Sweepstake run last week. Kay also congratulated all the winners and thanked Allan, Barbara, and Bruce for their excellent organisation.

The speaker said …

We enjoyed two speakers this evening. Simon, on behalf of himself and his brother, Greg (who lives in Nelson) recounted both their memories of life growing up with the love, help, and support of their father and told how much he had been loved.

His memories were followed by those of Graeme Blick who told stories of Peter's Rotary life, most of which was news to many newer members. The Blick and the Tong families have been close to the Lillico family for many years and it would be hard to imagine a harder working and more respected member than Peter had been, always in the background, always cheerful and always putting his hand up for many and varied tasks, far too many to do justice to here. Graham Craig had prepared a marvellous visual representation of Peter's Rotary contributions and life which ran on the big screen while Simon and Graeme spoke. Graham has kindly converted the presentation into a format that we can all enjoy, so here it is. 

What’s coming up in November and beyond? 

On Tuesday 9 November, the AGM will take place, followed by a discussion meeting with DG Mark Wheeler and AG Kathryn Beattie who will provide an outline of the possible transformation of the structure of Rotary in New Zealand. Members are being encouraged to participate in this process and  President Kay asked members to contribute their suggestions and options on the night. Our understandings from this discussion will help us vote in an informed way when the Rotary Clubs of NZ decide on the direction they want to take next year. Secretary Graeme has already circulated all the AGM documents to members in preparation for the meeting. 

Remember that next Friday, 12 November, is the date of the Charity Golf Tournament. Chris will provide more details at next week's meeting.

Owing to a potential clash with the Golf Tournament, Friday Frolics has been postponed until the following Friday, 19 November. Kay will be letting us know the venue nearer the time.

As usual, you can go to the Events page or the Rotary Calendar at the top of the right column on the Events page, both of which will be kept right up to date. If you want to make changes or additions please contact Wendy for the Events Page, Nick for the Calendar for Tuesday nights, and Kay for the Calendar for social events and other activities.


And who could forget the pleasure that many members experienced on Saturday evening as they enjoyed being hosted for seven Guess Who's Coming to Dinners around the area. Not every group remembered to take a photo to record the occasion, but here are those that were captured. (There are two from the Couch party so as not to leave anyone out and because no one felt clever enough to take a selfie like Tony and Faye!)











This week’s happenings

With District Governor Mark Wheeler visiting us next week, you may want to read the October District Bulletin so that you are up to date with what else is happening (outside Plimmerton). If you haven't received it already, here it is.

Thanks to Secretary Graeme, the latest Board and Charitable Trust Minutes are in the 'Reports and Accounts' section of the Club Intranet. If you want to read them, you will need to log in as usual. 

Parting thought

Tonight's Parting Thought came from Peter Jackson. He said, 'Life's biggest struggle - I need to pee, but I don't want to get out of bed!'

Who’s on duty for the next month?

Unable to do your duty? Please find a replacement and inform Graham Wallace. 
If you're a late 'no show' please tell President Kay. 
Please arrive at 5.45 pm if you're on Door duty or hosting the Guest Speaker for the evening.
Need to apologise or bring additional guests? 
Advise the Receptionist at Professionals before 10.00 am on the Monday before the meeting on 233 9955 or email if you prefer. 
Please provide the name (and spelling if necessary). The same applies if you're going to be late.



Weekly Update - In Memory of Peter - 2 November 2021

Guests are welcome to our Dinner Meetings. 
For apologies or additional guests, please phone or email Phillip Whearty before 10.00 am on Mondays (or before 10.00 am on Tuesdays if Monday is a statutory holiday) on 027 448 9094 or email


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