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Weekly Update - Children get Arthritis too - 22 February 2022






The day before celebrating Rotary's 117th birthday, President Kay welcomed our Guest Speaker, Rachael Callear, and visitors Phillip Harris from Mary Potter Hospice, Tim Beere, former member, and Bruce Phillips.

Before proceedings began, Kay asked Chris Garrett to introduce Phillip whose job it is to raise millions for Mary Potter Hospice every year to augment what they are given by the Government. Chris reminded us of the great Golfing Tournament that had taken place in November that raised funds for Mary Potter. Phillip responded with his thanks for our support which he had been well aware of ever since 2014 when he joined the Mary Potter team. He said they really appreciated the contribution. 

President's Play Time

Kay decided that, in the absence of a Viewpoint this week, she would have some fun. A green dot had been placed under two of the chairs and members were quick to stand up and check. Tania and Bruce were the lucky winners and Kay presented each with a box of chocolates. They made a lovely treat at the end of the meal on Tania's table!

Last week, Rhondda and Donna had been the joint winners of the President’s “Bit of Fun”. Donna was absent but Kay presented Rhondda with a bottle of wine.  

Kay used her Presidential Prerogative to make a couple of extra announcements. She had decided to acknowledge some Rotarians this week. 'Last week', she said, 'we lauded Allan for his work for Rotary. We are all aware that a lot of our members work hard every week trying to make this the best club we can.  For example, every Speaker host we have had has taken on that duty superbly since we changed to this system and Dallas added a new touch last week by helping the speaker keep to time. However, this week I’d like to specially recognise someone who beavers away on our behalf at least three weeks out of four every month. Mike Doig’s Write-Ups in each week’s Update are crafted by an expert. Although Mike writes well every week, I felt he excelled last week.  I know we’re “in the 21st Century and all that” but this was a topic not heard before in our Club, nor in many Clubs, I’ll wager. Mike’s thoughtful and sensitive turn of phrase was outstanding in my opinion. Even if you attended and heard Helen Griffin speak, it is worth reading Mike’s Report. Thank you, Mike'. She then presented Mike with a box of chocolates. She asked members to make comments, in writing to Dallas or just verbally to her or a Board member, about if and how you see Days for Girls fitting into our Causes – especially in a year when our International President Shehkar Mehta has decreed support for enabling young women to be a feature of his year.  If members think it is an inappropriate cause for our Club she asked members to say so too.

In last week's Update, Kay had offered a prize for the first person to text her the Lucky Number that was lurking on the page. Sadly, no one took up the challenge (did anyone read the Update last week?) so she thought she might have to drink the bottle of wine herself … 

The speaker said …

This week Bryan Waddle introduced our speaker, Rachel Callear, daughter-in-law of member Les. Rachel is a Paediatric Rheumatology Physiotherapist at Hutt Hospital. where she works in a team of three with a doctor and nurse. Juvenile arthritis affects perhaps one child in 1000, so we have about 800 sufferers in the country as a whole. You can read Mike's account here. 

What's coming up in March and beyond?

The Drowning Prevention Fundraiser scheduled for Thursday 24 February has been postponed till April. Kay has advised all who booked places. Two of our cooks are in semi - self-isolation this week…

The next Drinks and Nibbles will be held on Sunday 27 February. Chris will send out details of the venue nearer the time. Everyone is welcome.

Next week, Tuesday 1 March, we will have our next Planning Meetings. 

For all future events, go here.


Louise Carr, our friendly barwoman, left this week to study a BCom at University. She will be working part-time in Wellington. Kay and Philip thanked her for her contribution to our Rotary evenings and wished her well.

The Hutt Valley Rotary Club has initiated a second District-wide raffle to try to reach the Children’s Hospital Rotary Fundraising Target. Our Club has been allocated raffle books and Bruce handed a half-book to each member at the door. Please make an effort to sell these. This is a wonderful cause and the raffle allows us to partly fulfil our original commitment to the Hospital. Kay feels sure that amongst our friends and acquaintances we each know five people who can afford the $10 per ticket cost and some members may like to take a few more books of tickets from Bruce. Kay thanked Bruce for organising the ticket distribution. 

Three members, Graham Craig, Joe, and Kay spent an hour or so planting the first seeds at the Porirua Garden on Monday. More will be planted shortly and a roster set up for those who wish to help with weeding and watering. The 700 mm height of the beds makes this a very easy task.

And just in case you haven't changed the AP for your meals yet, here's a final reminder. That's $30 a week or $120 a month if you pay monthly.

This week’s happening

Reminiscing this week, Mike writes that the Ukraine crisis has reminded him of things that he witnessed, just by chance, over 50 years ago. We are fortunate to hear thought-provoking Viewpoints and stories behind the badges of some of our members from time to time, but Mike's story raises the bar to a whole new level with this story. You can read about his experiences of the 'Prague Spring' of 1968 here. If you have a story you would like to share, please let the editor know.

District Governor Mark has asked us to keep Friday 8 April from 6.00-8.00 pm and Saturday 9 April from 9.00-12.30 pm free for activities around the District Conference. More details will follow in due course.

The Almoner said ...

Almoner John reports the very sad news from Jenny, Christine, and Brett Garner that it has been confirmed that Ross has widespread stomach cancer and is now receiving palliative care. Ross has agreed that members know. The thoughts and prayers of the Club go out to Ross, Jenny, and the Garner family.

And Donna has just had a very nasty accident when the pedal on her bike (which nearly fell on her as she was standing beside it in the wind) penetrated her calf. She was ‘seen to’ in hospital and is not allowed to walk so is confined to barracks – but as cheerful as ever! Visitors would be welcome.

Parting thought

Brian Greaves gave us the Parting Thought this week. He said, 'Some humans would do anything to see if it was possible to do it. If you put a large switch in some cave somewhere, with a sign on it saying 'End-of-the-World Switch. PLEASE DO NOT TOUCH', the paint wouldn't even have time to dry.' 

Who’s on duty for the next month?

Unable to do your duty? Please find a replacement and inform Graham Wallace. 
If you're a late 'no show' please tell President Kay. 
Please arrive at 5.45 pm if you're on Door duty or hosting the Guest Speaker for the evening.
Need to apologise or bring additional guests? 
Advise the Receptionist at Professionals before 10.00 am on the Monday before the meeting on 233 9955 or email if you prefer. 
Please provide the name (and spelling if necessary). The same applies if you're going to be late.




Weekly Update - Children get Arthritis too - 22 February 2022

Guests are welcome to our Dinner Meetings. 
For apologies or additional guests, please phone or email Phillip Whearty before 10.00 am on Mondays (or before 10.00 am on Tuesdays if Monday is a statutory holiday) on 027 448 9094 or email


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