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Weekly Update - Bedside Singing - 16 November 2021






President Kay welcomed our speakers and singers tonight, Ian Brewer, Sue Chamberlain, Jiko McIntosh, and Angela Roestenburg representing the Whakaahuru Singers. She also welcomed Herman Attenbach and our welcome fairly regular returnee member, Philip Mottram.

The speaker said …

This week we were entertained and informed by four members of Whakaahura. Their singing is a gift, not a performance. Their mission is to ease the suffering of those at the end of life, or perhaps those with dementia or other illnesses. you can read Mike's report here.


Mike Doig gave us a very thought-provoking Viewpoint tonight about euthanasia. He concluded by asking, 'would you live your life differently if you knew it would end on your 75th birthday?' 

What’s coming up in November and beyond? 

Friday Frolics this month will be happening this Friday 19 November. The venue is The Supply Room at 5.00 p.m.

Next week, 23 November, our speaker will be Sir Jerry Mateparae. He will be talking to us about Healthier Lives - He Oranga Hauora National Science Challenge. Partners and guests are very welcome to come to this meeting. 

Phillip Reidy made three announcements. He offered members the opportunity to purchase a box of hand sanitisers, each box containing 25 packets, for the very low price of $25 a box. Bruce suggested that members could buy a box, the proceeds of which will go to the Children's Hospital, or you might donate it to a local school.

He then outlined the details of the GOPI Inlet Clean-Up that will take place on Sunday 28 November (wet or dry). Register at Browns Bay car park at 10.30 am for instructions. A free family sausage sizzle will take place there at 12.00 noon. Plimmerton has been a very long-term supporter of this community event. Members can volunteer to help either with the Clean-up itself or with the BBQ at noon.

Finally, he brought members up to speed with the communications initiative that is progressing well. It has been given the 'go-ahead' and those who have volunteered to participate in the trial will be contacted soon. There are sufficient volunteers but any member wishing to participate should get in touch with Phillip

Unfortunately, Jason Pine is unable to speak to us on 30 November. President Kay announced joyfully that she had a special treat in store for members - the evening would be set aside for Committee Meetings. 

Allan Nichols reminded members that Father Chrismas will fly into the Children's Christmas Party on Tuesday 7 December. Festivities and activities will start at 4.30 pm. Nigel the Magician will entertain the children (and adults) from about 4.45. He asked the adults to write the labels on each present with larger writing so that Father Christmas has no difficulty reading them. Allan is still looking for a face painter please. 

As usual, you can go to the Events page or the Rotary Calendar at the top of the right column on the Events page, both of which will be kept right up to date. If you want to make changes or additions please contact Wendy for the Events Page, Nick for the Calendar for Tuesday nights, and Kay for the Calendar for social events and other activities.


Probably a final reminder to change the AP to $105 for your meals if you haven't already done so. Next week will undoubtedly be too late!

President Kay reminded members that they can receive their copy of Rotary Down Under digitally if they prefer to, rather than by post if they let Secretary Graeme know their preference.

This week’s happenings

Chris Garrett reported on the very successful Charity Golf Day that took place last Friday, 12 November. Sixty-eight golfers took part and enjoyed an excellent afternoon. He thanked all the hole sponsors, those who donated prizes, and all the helpers on the day. He was delighted to announce that $8-10,000 had been raised for Mary Potter Hospice. He was enthusiastically thanked for his efforts in organising the event. Graham Craig has taken some photos and you can find them here.

Parting thought

Bob Austin gave us the Parting Thought tonight. 'Time decides who you meet in your life. Your heart decides who you want in your life. Your behaviour decides who stays in your life.'

Who’s on duty for the next month?

Covid restrictions may have caused some members to delay their arrival at the Club for the Tuesday meetings. Those who arrive early may find Philip standing alone, waiting for some company. Summer is going to arrive sooner or later and he would definitely appreciate more drinking time and conversations in the beautiful environment we all enjoy.

Unable to do your duty? Please find a replacement and inform Graham Wallace. 
If you're a late 'no show' please tell President Kay. 
Please arrive at 5.45 pm if you're on Door duty or hosting the Guest Speaker for the evening.
Need to apologise or bring additional guests? 
Advise the Receptionist at Professionals before 10.00 am on the Monday before the meeting on 233 9955 or email if you prefer. 
Please provide the name (and spelling if necessary). The same applies if you're going to be late.






Weekly Update - Bedside Singing - 16 November 2021

Guests are welcome to our Dinner Meetings. 
For apologies or additional guests, please phone or email Phillip Whearty before 10.00 am on Mondays (or before 10.00 am on Tuesdays if Monday is a statutory holiday) on 027 448 9094 or email


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