President Kay gave a warm welcome to tonight's speaker, Dr. Gavin Knight.
President's Announcements
President Kay's 'wine for hard worker behind the scenes' award went to newsletter editor, Wendy Betteridge for her weekly efforts to keep members and the world at large informed about Plimmerton Rotary's activities.
The speaker said …
Thirty years ago, workers were workers, managers were managers and workplace bullying hadn’t been invented. There was no privacy legislation. Dr Gavin Knight told us tonight that the Pi's role today is to “find the truth and the evidence, if any, needed by decision-makers” and to do so using just procedures in a spirit of fairness. You can read Mike's report here.
Bob Austin gave us his Viewpoint tonight. And it was a salutary lesson. He told a personal story and concluded by saying So the moral of the story is let the buyer beware. If in doubt, do the research as all may not be as it seems.
What’s coming up in May and beyond?
Drinks and Nibbles will take place this Sunday, 1 May at 4.00 pm. Chris will send out more details soon.
Next Tuesday, 3 May is Committee Night, an opportunity to work on those plans for this Rotary year and next.
On Tuesday, 10 May we will be cruising on Sweet Georgia. Please remember not to turn up to the Cruising Club by mistake! Arrive at the wharf before 5.15 pm to give yourself time to board. Sweet Georgia will leave the wharf at 5.30 pm sharp. Jenny needs a full complement to fill the boat. If you didn't complete the list that went around, please contact Jenny so that she can give the final numbers for catering purposes.
You can see future events here.
Giving advance notice, Kay announced that Dallas will be moving to a Rotary club in the Hutt at the end of the Rotary year to be closer to where she and her husband have bought a house.
Treasurer Bruce congratulated members on their outstanding efforts in selling raffle tickets to raise money for the Whanau Rooms at Wellington Children's Hospital - rooms that will include kitchens, pantries, dining rooms, etc. The Club was allocated 300 tickets of which we sold 226, putting $2,300 into the 'kitty'. The Board has decided to subsidise the balance and a donation of $3,000 has been sent to the organisers who were full of admiration. Bruce said that members should be very proud of themselves.
Bruce also mentioned that if anyone would like to donate their meal refunds to the Charitable Trust, he would be delighted to receive it.
Graeme Blick reminded members that the fishing trip will take place on Thursday 19 May. The cost is $100 per person and you can hire your own fishing rod on the boat if you haven't got your own. If you need more details, please speak to Graeme.
The Almoner said …
In Almoner John's absence, Kay announced the sad news that Euon's brother passed away this week.
Parting thought
Ann Scannell gave us the Parting Thought tonight quoting a Chines proverb from Lao-Tzu. 'The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step'.
Who’s on duty for the next month?
Unable to do your duty? Please find a replacement and inform Graham Wallace.
If you're a late 'no show' please tell President Kay.
Please arrive at 5.45 pm if you're on Door duty or hosting the Guest Speaker for the evening.
Need to apologise or bring additional guests?
Advise the Receptionist at Professionals before 10.00 am on the Monday before the meeting on 233 9955 or email if you prefer.
Please provide the name (and spelling if necessary). The same applies if you're going to be late.