The speaker said …
CEO of Surf Lifesaving New Zealand, Paul Dalton, told us that surf lifesaving in NZ is a voluntary service which has no direct support from the government. It has a strong sporting and youth development focus, and fierce competition among the 74 clubs around the country. You can read Mike Doig's report on what he told us.
President Jenny thanked everyone who had helped with the inlet cleanup, and especially organiser, Angus Langbein, barbeque maestros Terri and Ian Turner, and Toyota and Mana New World.
Allan Nicholls reported that the pop-up shop was going well for both Inner Wheel and ourselves. It closes on
Sailability has raised the funding it needs for a new jetty at Onepoto.
The Almoner said …
David Knight reported that the Akeroyds are back from their cruise but have contracted a mysterious infection. They are recovering
The Outside World
Movie producer Jonathan Cavendish tells the story of his parents in new movie '
President Jenny welcomed our guests: Honorary Member Ian Catherall and, from Pakuranga Rotary, Chris Ward and Graeme Houston.
This week’s happenings
Donna has photos taken from Aotea's prizegiving when she presented Plimmerton Rotary's Service Above Self Awards. At the event, Amandine got 3 awards for French, English and Te Reo. When all the photos have been collected, we can tell you more ...
We reported on the visit of GMRI Executive Director Dr Swee Tan and Chief Scientific Officer Dr Tinte Itinteang to our meeting in August to receive a donation from our own club in company with Eastern Hutt, Johnsonville, Karori, Petone, and Tawa. Their latest newsletter contains an article headed 'Generous donation from Plimmerton Rotary Club will “supercharge” stem cell research' and, although not entirely accurate, it's good to know that we've all made a difference.
We continue to get almost daily updates from progress being made in Nepal. It's clear that Denise and Peter are making a real difference to the village, far up in the mountains. The donations they received before they left are being turned into buildings, children's clothing, books for the library and much more.
You've probably received your personal copy of DG Mitch's latest bulletin but just in case, here it is.
What’s coming up in November and beyond?
The Children’s Christmas party at the Police College is this Saturday from 1.00 to 4.00pm.
David Knight reminded us that the 15th Parumoana Schools Speech Contest is on December 1st; 9.30am at the Aotea College Library.
Parting thought
Joe Perera said, 'There’s always light at the end of the tunnel- just make sure it isn’t a train…'
Who’s on duty for the next month?
Unable to do your duty? Please find a replacement and inform Philip Mottram.
Please arrive at 5.45 pm if you're on Door duty or on Introduction duty to greet the Guest Speaker and be his/her host for the evening.
Need to apologise or bring additional guests?
Advise the Receptionist at Professionals before 10.00 am on the Monday before the meeting on 233 9955 or email if you prefer.
Please provide the name (and spelling if necessary). The same applies if you're going to be late.