The speaker said ...
Here is David Pine's excellent précis of what Sandie Ryan had to tell us about the explosion in Mental Health, which included her answers to the many questions from members.
Almoner David Knight reported that all our 'wounded soldiers' were recovering in various ways and would hopefully return to 'active duty' before too long.
Ron Lucas outlined the plan for 'Planting a tree for every Rotarian in the world' which is one of the goals that Rotary International President, Ian Riseley, has set for us. Porirua City Council is providing the trees, which will include 25 fruit trees. We will be working with members of Inner Wheel to plant 100 trees in Bothamly Park (Champion St) on 26 August, starting at 9.30am. Coffee/tea and sustenance will follow the tree planting. Ron will give us exact information about where we will meet shortly.
This week's happenings
You can find a little bit of history about Inner Wheel's 2017-2018 President, Christine Blick, on our Inner Wheel page, here.
Parting Thought for the week
The parting thought from Wendy Betteridge was a quote from Rotary International President Elect, Sam Owhiri who died recently, 'Optimism is what brings us to Rotary. But Rotary is not a place for those who are only dreamers. It is a place for those with the ability, the capacity, and the compassion for fruitful service.”
What's coming up in August and beyond?
A final reminder about Inner Wheel's Movie Night on 31 July at 5.30 for 6.15 pm. The film, The Big Sick, is a true story about intercultural differences. Tickets at $25 each are available from Christine Blick and Janet Reidy. Funds will go to 'Look Good, Feel Better'.
Next week is a Planning Meeting so come prepared with your creative thoughts, some of which you might have gained from a visit to the Rotary Forum on 1 August at St James, First Floor Foyer from noon to 5.00 p.m.
You will be able to find future events on the Events page.
The Outside World
RI President, Ian Risely wrote to us last week about RI President-elect Sam Owhiri's untimely death. This week there is a fitting tribute to him called 'Rotary remembers Sam Owhiri for his quiet confidence, integrity, and friendship' in My Rotary. You can read it here.