The speaker said …
What an amazing young woman and what a story she had to tell. You can read what David has written about Leina Isno and what she had to tell us about how her life changed when she left Vanuatu and came to New Zealand.
Peter Cox has 5 volunteers and could do with 4 more to fill his roster for the Blind Week Appeal on Saturday 7 October. The time slots still available at Porirua New World are 10-11am; 12-1pm; 1-2pm; and 4-5pm. Just hold the donation bucket and charm the public into giving with a smile. Contact Peter at or 237 6642.
Several members committed their time to help at the Opening Ceremony of the Special Olympics which will be held at Te Rauparaha Arena from 7.30-12.00 on Monday, 27 November. Donna will provide more details soon.
Adrienne is attending a conference in Dunedin where projects similar to Playable Porirua will be discussed and will report back with her findings. One playground in Porirua is being upgraded. Under our MoU with the Council, we plan to start fundraising for a share of the cost of $3,000 for an accessible swing.
President Jenny reminded members of their responsibility to apply for Leave of Absence if they were going to be away for any period longer than four weeks. Please let Jenny know so that we can keep our records straight.
The Almoner said …
Almoner Jenny, in David's absence, reported that he is still suffering, possibly from a very bad dose of flu with attendant aches and pains. The medics have cleared his heart and he is now at home.
Richard Sherwin has another two weeks of non-weight bearing 'activity' so he's feeling pretty bored at home. The infection he sustained is on the mend.
The Outside World
Sustainability is the latest trend
Sustainable agriculture, a hot trend globally, refers to a method of growing or raising food without harming the environment, while providing fair treatment for workers and supporting local communities. Read about the Rotary, Heifer programme, which helps farmers provide healthier food to people in their own communities.
This week’s happenings
You can read the bios for all the children honoured in the 'Be a Gift Leadership Awards' on 4 September. Their photos have been included with each bio. It's worth noting that Sheila Tui from Brandon Intermediate won a leadership award in 2015, representing Canons Creek Primary School. If you go to the Gallery page, you'll be able to see many of the photos taken on the day.
Two senior students from Te Kura Maori o Porirua, Jaimie Andrews-Ngatoko and Te Uatorikiriki Solomon, spoke at the Leadership Event and did both themselves and their college proud. The primary students were spellbound. Both their speeches have been captured for posterity and can be found here.
A new membership list, dated 5 September, is now on the Intranet. When you've logged in, you will find it here.
Just in case you haven't received the September edition of 'Hot off the Press', you can find it here.
Geroge and Jill Wyman have changed their email address. It's now They send their best wishes to 'all who remember them' in the club.
We welcomed Trevor Yates, a 'motorhome' friend of Phillip and Janet Reidy, visiting from Pukekohe.
What’s coming up in September and beyond?
Remember that clocks go forward at 2.00 am on Sunday 24 September. You have been warned!
On 26 September, we will be hearing from Christine Ouellette, Au.D., who comes from Ontario in Canada. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in Communication Sciences and Disorders, General, from Wayne State University. She is a Doctor of Audiology, also from Wayne State University.
World Polio Day is on 24 October. President Jenny muted an idea to have only soup and rolls on offer for dinner that night with the money saved on the meal going to the Polio funds. If you are opposed to this idea, please let Jenny know. You may have heard that Gerry Brownlee, on behalf of the Government, has donated $5 million to the fund. Polio_letter_of_thanks
The date for the Christmas party has been confirmed for Friday 1 December at The Spine, Pataka. More details will follow.
And the Christmas party for members' grandchildren will be held on Tuesday 12 December at MCC.
Future events are on our events page here.
Parting thought
Rob Tinney gave us a quote from Mae West, 'You only live once but if you do it right, once is enough'.
Who’s on duty for the next month?
Unable to do your duty? Please find a replacement and inform Philip Mottram.
Please arrive at 5.45 pm if you're on Door duty or on Introduction duty to greet the Guest Speaker and be his/her host for the evening.
Need to apologise or bring additional guests?
Advise the Receptionist at Professionals before 10.00 am on the Monday before the meeting on 233 9955 or email if you prefer.
Please provide the name (and spelling if necessary). The same applies if you're going to be late.