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Weekly Update - Creating Neat Kids, not Street Kids

Weekly Update - Creating Neat Kids, not Street Kids


2017-2018 theme

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The Speaker said ...

Read David's article on what Life Education Trust's CEO John O’Connell had to say about how the trust was focused on helping children to understand how to live a healthy life through proper diet, exercise, and a positive mindset.


President Jenny offered a sincere vote of thanks to Bill McAulay and his team for their work on the Best Speaker Awards. She mentioned the gratitude expressed by the parents and supporters for giving the participants the opportunity. Katrina Sneath, our winner four years ago, is representing New Zealand in Scotland soon at the Down Syndrome Best Speaker Awards. The improvement in both speaking ability and confidence of those who have competed before was very clear at this year's event and Katrina herself bears testament to this.

The Interclub Quiz at Porirua Club last week was a very happy event and the Plimmerton team took out the winner's plaque so will contest the event next time.

In introducing John O'Connell, CEO of Life Education Trust, Allan Nichols offered the Club's thanks to the following supporters:

  • Pete and Phil from PandZ Decorating, Euon from Tommy's and Philip from Professionals for receiving and storing books and Philip for all the printing he does.
  • Papakowhai School helpers on Friday for putting books out on display.
  • Ongoing support from the Kennel Club who only charge us one-third of the total costs.
  • The PD people who help us with moving heavy boxes.
  • Ted Nation who provides us with two lock-ups free of charge every year.
  • Ian Turner for the use of his truck for moving trays, trestles, and books.
  • And to everyone in the club for their support throughout the lead-up and also on the final weekend. Over 40 club members plus family members gave support over the weekend.

Allan mentioned the spin-off for the community when left-over books are given to the schools and to prisoners at Arohata

President Jenny modelled a jacket made locally that could rival the one on offer from RDU. Please talk to her if you'd like to order one.

19 June is Inner Wheel's Changeover when President Christine will hand over the reins to President-elect Janet. This event may involve a number of our members. There is no speaker at the club at present so if you can offer an idea for a speaker or an activity on that night, please let Jenny know.

Graeme Tongs reminded members that he would like to know if anyone needed a replacement badge. He would also like confirmation about whether you want to receive your Rotarian or RDU in hard copy or digitally.

The Almoner said ...

President Jenny gave us the encouraging news that both Noel and Ian are comfortable and their overall health is improving. Noel is due to come home on Friday while Ian will remain in Ward 4 a little longer. Both would welcome visitors.

The Outside World

DG Mitchell Brown has formally announced the name of the District Governor Nominee Designate as Gillian Jones of the Rotary Club of Wellington. Any objections to the appointment need to be with DG Mitch by close of business on Friday 8 June.


It was great to welcome Kapa Te Aho, Lead Educator for North Wellington Life Education Trust, who bought Harold, Ian Smith from Waste Management Limited who provides a huge bin each year for surplus books from the Book Fair, Kevin Temperton, past member of Porirua Club and Don Ferguson who spoke to us briefly about the funds we are about to donate for a new generator to the NGO Charity, One2One in Cambodia

This week’s happenings

You may have seen this article, written largely by Phillip Reidy, with the latest news about Te Ara Piko. In case you've missed it, it's posted here too.

There are some new photos on the Gallery page. It's been a mission getting the photos from the Book Fair so thanks for your patience. Those from the Best Speaker Awards on Saturday, however, made it very swiftly so you can enjoy those too.

Sincere thanks to Brenda Callear for catching us up on all the Inner Wheel news. The whole year's newsletters are now on their page and there's some great reading there.

You had to be there on 26 May to appreciate the courage and confidence of the 25 intellectually handicapped young people who put themselves out there to perform in front of an audience. Read what Mike Doig had to say about it.

In case you don't subscribe to the GMRI newsletters, here's Issue #15 for you to read at your leisure.

What’s coming up in June and beyond?

Next week on 5 June we will hold our last planning meetings for this Rotary year. Let's make it memorable before we hand over to the 2018-2019 teams.

On Wednesday 18 July, the Light House in Pauatahanui has been booked for a showing of the Balibo movie.

On 12 June we can enjoy the final presentation from our own Amandine as she rounds off her year with us and prepares to return to France on 7 July.

You can find information about all future events here. Although the 19 June meeting appears to be 'empty' watch this space as something may appear. 

Parting thought

President Jenny mentioned that Mayor Mike had not only been a great success with the audience on the day and concluded by doing a fun Rap but that he had then called on the chief judge to join in. For those who missed the RBSA on Saturday, she asked Wendy to give the club a taste of what they had missed so here's the Rap she delivered!

You are the speakers and I am the judge
You’ve got the talent and I've not got much
We all salute you ‘cos you are the stars
The words that you spoke we will hold in our hearts.
As we were watching you speak standing here
I saw the Mayor shed more than one tear
All of the courage we saw you display .. made
Everyone proud that we heard you today.

Who’s on duty for the next month?

Unable to do your duty? Please find a replacement and inform Philip Mottram.
Please arrive at 5.45 pm if you're on Door duty or on Introduction duty to greet the Guest Speaker and be his/her host for the evening.
Need to apologise or bring additional guests?
Advise the Receptionist at Professionals before 10.00 am on the Monday before the meeting on 233 9955 or email if you prefer.
Please provide the name (and spelling if necessary). The same applies if you're going to be late.

Guests are welcome to our Dinner Meetings. 
For apologies or additional guests, please phone or email Phillip Whearty before 10.00 am on Mondays (or before 10.00 am on Tuesdays if Monday is a statutory holiday) on 027 448 9094 or email


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The RI theme for 2017-2018
Rotary: Making a Difference

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