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Weekly Update - Au Revoir Laurie






The speaker said ...

'I had a dream to spend time in a new country, and here I am at the end of my year in New Zealand'. Read more about what Laurie had to say here.


MC Philip Wearty noted that Alistair Taylor was back among us after his hair-raising sail to Tonga, and he could be reinstated on the members’ spreadsheet. Alistair will tell us whether it was a near-death experience at a future date.

It was partners’ night, and a good number turned up to farewell Laurie Boytard. President Peter Cox welcomed them all, and special guests Gaëlle Ibargűen (who is an exchange student from Belgium, hosted by the Tawa club), and Gaylene Lines, a member of Tawa Rotry  and Incoming Student Exchange Co-ordinator for our district.

Donna Reed noted that Fonterra have donated a tonne of milk powder to help feed pygmy elephants and orangutans. “Generosity comes from connectedness”, said Donna.

Donna Reed thanked Laurie for her address to the club, and had warm words for Laurie’s contribution and companionship over the last year. She presented Laurie with a well-chosen gift from the club: a pounamu pendant in the shape of a fishhook. By coincidence, Donna’s forebears had connections with the Ngai Tahu pounamu-gatherers, and Donna explained the significance of the fish-hook motif: it would ensure a safe over-water journey for Laurie when she returns to France next month. Both President Peter and Gaylene Lines also presented Laurie with gifts until we wondered if her suitcase would close.

Parting Thought for the week

“Things you do for yourself are gone, but things you do for others are your legacy.” John Gillon

This week's happenings

The Final Hot off the Press has probably arrived in your In Box, but if not, you can read it here. Adrienne thought it was the last one for the year, but apparently there'll be more - an Absolutely Final perhaps?

You can find Plimmerton Inner Wheel's June newsletter here. It contains the date and venue for their Changeover so you will want to read it.

What's coming up in June and beyond?

Friday 16 June - David Knight reminded the club about the Porirua City Secondary Schools Speech Contest at 6.30 pm.. at The Anchor Church in Whitby and urged members to come along.

Tuesday 20 June - The last Committee night for this Rotary year. A good time to do a smooth hand over of important information.

Tuesday 27 June - Come along to watch the British & Irish Lions take on the Hurricanes on the Big Screen at the MCC.

Saturday 1 July - For those of you who are going to the DG Changeover in Palmerston North, here are the details.

Tuesday 4 July - Our own Changeover as President Peter hands over to President-elect Jenny. $30 a head. Please RSVP to Professionals or ring Philip Whearty on 027 448 9094 by 23 June please with any additional gusts, for catering purposes. The Changeover theme is ‘Kiwiana’, but members need not go overboard (Alistair Taylor please note).

Tuesday 11 July - Former Captain in the RNZN, John Granville, will talk to us about naval and maritime slang.

The Outside World

At the Rotary International Convention held at the Georgia World Congress Center in Atlanta, Bill Gates highlighted the extraordinary progress that's been made towards a polio-free world, along with challenges ahead on the path to reach a polio free world.

Who's on duty next week - 20 June?

Please arrive at 5.45 pm if you're on Door duty.
Please arrive early to greet the Guest Speaker and be his/her host for the evening if you're on Introduction duty.
Unable to do your duty? Please find a replacement and inform Peter Turner.
Need to apologise or bring additional guests? Email the Receptionist at Professionals before 10.00 am on the Monday before the meeting. Or you can ring on 233 9955 if you prefer. The same contact details apply if you need to let someone know that you're going to be late.

Weekly Update - Au Revoir Laurie

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