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Weekly Update - An evening of Information - 11 October 2022

Weekly Update - An evening of Information - 11 October 2022









President Denise welcomed members, especially Craig Williams, visiting to check us out. She also welcomed back Euon, and Jenny and Ron from holidays, and Ron as an Honorary Member. 

Reports from Directors

Following the Board meeting the previous evening, the Directors reported on what's going on in their various areas of concern.

Youth – Colin reported

  • They are interviewing a couple of people for RYLA. 
  • They’ve had another rejection from the Science Summer School and are going to try and find out the criteria
  • The Parumoana Speech Competition will be on Friday 2 December at 9.30.
  • The Pre-school clothing project is going well, funded by some generous sponsors from Wellington who have recently paid $10,000 and persuaded their neighbour to contribute as well.
  • They are currently working on the Duffy Books programme, and a Christmas function for the Holy Family School in Porirua are ongoing projects.

Communications - Phillip reported

  • Wendy is refreshing the web site.
  • Rhondda is doing a lot of work on Facebook.
  • Mike is dealing with a new agreement with Ethify. A new third party, Breast Cancer,  is now involved so we have lost part of our potential future revenue.
  • The De-Clutter initiative has brought forward a number of donations and Mike has already sold some and handed proceeds to Bruce.

Administration - Tania reported

  • She thanked each of her team individually for their hard work.
  • Peter is looking for a second helper for the technology. Dieter has offered to be involved but they would like another volunteer. Peter comes week in and week out and they need to make sure that someone else can do it so that he feels that he doesn’t have to come if he’s sick or on holiday. Stop Press, Mike Scott offered to become the second helper immediately after the meeting. 
  • Allan reported that GWCTD will be on 29 October. 45 members are attending and 6 hosts have kindly volunteered. Chateau Caterers in the Hutt are providing food. 
  • The Melbourne Cup and Casino night will be on 1 November. 4.00 Bar, 5.00 race 6.00 dinner 7.00 Casino night. Heaps of prizes as usual with funny money and best dressed man and most fascinating fascinator – see details on the Events page

Membership - John reported

  • He needs help to find new members. Six people are going through the process at present.
  • Rachel has moved house and will join a club in the Hutt. He has told her that she needs to replace herself. When the ducks are in a row, John will be organising an induction night. 

Social Committee – Kay reported

  • The next major event is the Golf and Garden and Glass weekend in Wanganui, starting this Friday.
  •  The Children’s Party will be on 6 December, organised by Allan – again – he’s doing a lot. 
  • Arrangements for the Christmas Party on Friday 9 December are underway and entertainment has been arranged. Phillip will send out invitations soon.

Environment – Bill reported

  • The new committee has been working hard. Rotary Forest of Peace and Remembrance is in its third year of planting, and 900 more stems will be planted next month.
  • We will be joining PCC with the riparian planting around the Harbour with $3m of funding that has come from Central Government.
  • We will be using corporate planting days next year supported by Rotarians and the PCC. Andrew Clark has organised the planting 90,000 trees around the Harbour. We hope this initiative by Rotary will appeal to younger members in the community.

 President Denise summed up

  • A business breakfast is being considered for April
  • She reminded members about the Club's 50th Anniversary will take place in May next year. She asked members to consider what we might do for the Anniversary and asked for volunteers to join a sub-committee. How will we celebrate and acknowledge 50 years of service and how can we come together to make this happen? Will it be a Champagne Chandelier affair, a formal black tie event on a Tuesday night or something else? How will we publicise this in the media?
  • Denise then presented the results of the survey which she, Tania and Colin will be analysing and seeking agreement from members on the "What?"  Bruce Phillips commented that it was disappointing – and had perhaps skewed the results – that so few Rotarians had contributed. Phillip has sent the Survey Results around to members as a pdf.


Nick Walmsley gave us his Viewpoint tonight. It's time to review, he said, not just the way New Zealand votes but the overall purpose and scope of Local Government i.e. what system we vote for.

What’s coming up in October and beyond?

We hope all those going to the Garden and Golf (And Glass) Weekend on Friday will have a wonderful time. Kay will have provided all the information you could possibly want. Drive safely and keep fit and well.

Next week’s speaker on Tuesday 18 October will be the Reverend Lance Lukin who will be speaking on the tantalising subject, “How Feeding your cat could be killing people”. You can find quite a bit of information about Lance, highly recommended by Joe, here.

Remember that Kay needs to hear from you by Friday 14 October, whether or not you are planning to go to the International Rotary Convention in Melbourne from 27-31 May 2023

Chris Garrett is looking for support for the Mary Potter Hospice Charity Golf Tournament on Friday 18 November at Judgeford Golf Club. If you can help in any way, by way of sponsoring a team, a hole or a raffle prize, or helping on the day, please let him know.

 You can find information about all future events here.

This week’s happenings

Last week Kirk Mander, owner of Whitby New World, generously donated a 2x1 metre VegePod to our Porirua Garden. We will be having a working bee to construct it very soon. Along with the VegePod, Kirk brought potting mix and about 100 Little Gardens (New World vegetable promo) which will make a welcome addition to the vegetables we give to the Food Bank. The vegetables include carrots, cauliflowers, cabbages, snow peas, lettuce, corn, onions etc.  Kirk has been very supportive of our Rotary projects and we are appreciative of his generosity.

Secretary Nick has submitted the approved August Board and Charitable Trust Board Minutes and you can find these in the usual place in the Intranet (you will need to log in).

The Almoner said …

Rhondda is happy to let us know that she doesn't expect to be at Rotary until the beginning of December. Many of us know that she suffers from an Essential Tremor and she is about to leave for Brisbane to have a Deep Brain Stimulation operation, provided she is accepted for it by an interview panel. We wish her all the very best and look forward to welcoming her back in time for Christmas.

Parting thought

Tonight's thought was from Alan Nichols who attributed it to George Bernard Shaw. "People are always blaming their circumstances for what they are. I don’t believe in circumstances . The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for the circumstances they want, and, if they can’t find them, make them".

Who’s on duty for the next month?

Unable to do your duty? Please find a replacement and inform Leigh Corner.
If you're a late 'no show' please tell President Denise.
Please arrive at 5.45 pm if you're on Door duty or hosting the Guest Speaker for the evening.
Need to apologise or bring additional guests?
Advise the Receptionist at Professionals before 10.00 am on the Monday before the meeting on 233 9955 or email if you prefer.
Please provide the name (and spelling if necessary). The same applies if you're going to be late.

Guests are welcome to our Dinner Meetings. 
For apologies or additional guests, please phone or email Phillip Whearty before 10.00 am on Mondays (or before 10.00 am on Tuesdays if Monday is a statutory holiday) on 027 448 9094 or email


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