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Weekly Update - A Harrowing Story







The Speaker said ...

You can find Mike Doig's excellent summary of the harrowing talk given to us by David Grant here.



President Donna thanked those who attended the Balibo movie evening, suggesting we will now understand why she chose Peace and Conflict as her theme. A lovely visitor for the movie night was 90 year old Cicely Tulloch who drove herself to the event in her BMW electric car. Cicely sponsored Joanna, who lived with her family in the jungle during hostilities, from age 7-23. Donna then showed a short video clip of the Balibo Centre.

Phillip Reidy needs help on Saturday to move books from one site to another, please. If you can help please contact Phil.

Don Johnston received his Board badge from President Donna, so that now all Board members have been formally introduced to the Club

Some recent Board decisions were not included last week:

Sergeant sessions will take place monthly on committee nights this year.
There will be a 3-minute slot reserved at each meeting when a member can express an opinion - with no right of reply, the old 'Viewpoint'. Please let Roster organiser, Phillip Mottram, know if you want to be excused.
The gift to visiting speakers will continue to be movie tickets. 
The District 9940 gazebo is now in the container at Ration Creek and Phillip Reidy has the roster set up to if you have solid booking dates, book in now.
The International Foundation team have been busy with Outbound Exchange Students, Rosie Darrah currently, and Annie Grenfell going to Argentina in January. Jenny will be the Mentor for both these students. 
The team is going to Taveuni, Fiji with the water system prototype 11-18 August.

Phillip Reidy explained that the Myanmar homework team have been enjoying the school holidays along with homework club participants. The homework club meets in the Salvation Army facilities in Canons Creek and there has been some discussion about Rotary finding funding to cover the rent being charged. There is in fact no rental being charged by the Salvation Army and they are very happy to continue this arrangement in to the future. On this basis the fundraising team has been stood down and the generosity of the Canons Creek Salvation Army was acknowledged.


Apart from speaker, David Grant, we had two visitors this week. Mike Doig's wife, Philippa, joined us as did Lynette Shum who came to support David.

This week’s happenings

This month's newsletter from Mana Zonta is jam-packed with interesting news and stories. You can read about their Convention in Japan. their dinner with Helen Clarke, their after dinner speakers, Ana Coffey and Anita Baker, and much more.  

What’s coming up in July, August and beyond?

This Saturday is the Virtuosa Strings concert at Te Manawa, Aotea College from 7-9 pm.

On Wednesday 28 July we are all invited to attend the Rotary Club of Porirua to hear all about the Dingle Foundation. Fellowship from 5.45; ;  Nibbles at 6.15 pm; Welcome and Presentation will be from 6.45 pm to 7.45 pm. There is a charge of $10.00 for nibbles.

On 31 July, Russell Jenkins from the Wellington Tramway Museum will talk to us about the work of the Museum and Wellington's tram history.

7 August is a night for Planning Meetings, a time to put on your thinking caps and do some strategic planning.

On 14 August, Judy Whitcombe will talk to us about Suffrage 125, drawing on her personal experiences and work, on the role of women in New Zealand.

The Mary Potter Hospice pop up shop will be open on 25 August. There will be a Cluster BBQ all day and we have booked the Cluster Gazebo between 1-4 pm.

For more upcoming speakers and events, go to the Events page.

The Outside World

Since 1993, Rotarians in Chile and the United States have teamed up to provide life-altering reconstructive surgeries.

Parting thought

Peter Sinke reminded us: "Thousands of people have donated thousands of hours of their time and millions of dollars, to assist people they will likely never meet or know, in places they have never heard of, let alone visited. They are Rotarians".


Who’s on duty for the next month?

Unable to do your duty? Please find a replacement and inform Philip Mottram.
Please arrive at 5.45 pm if you're on Door duty or on Introduction duty to greet the Guest Speaker and be his/her host for the evening.
Need to apologise or bring additional guests?
Advise the Receptionist at Professionals before 10.00 am on the Monday before the meeting on 233 9955 or email if you prefer.
Please provide the name (and spelling if necessary). The same applies if you're going to be late.

Weekly Update - A Harrowing Story

Guests are welcome to our Dinner Meetings. 
For apologies or additional guests, please phone or email Phillip Whearty before 10.00 am on Mondays (or before 10.00 am on Tuesdays if Monday is a statutory holiday) on 027 448 9094 or email


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