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Weekly Update - 1 August 2017

Weekly Update - 1 August 2017








President Jenny introduced the new exchange student from France, Amandine Veine (pronounced Venn). She will be visiting regularly, so all members are encouraged to welcome and get to know her.

Visitors to the club tonight included Adrienne and Mark Darrah who have moved down from Thames, along with their daughter, Rosie. Rosie is our Outgoing Exchange Student, from Aotea College, who will be going either to Norway or Sweden. She's not sure where yet but it will definitely be somewhere cold and snowy.

Adrienne Murray updated members on the progress of Playable Porirua one of our joint ventures with Porirua City Council. The report has come through and the results are not good. Most playgrounds have major issues or problems that need fixing. The question is, what do we as a club do next? The options are to make one playground totally accessible to all both disabled and able, by upgrading all facilities to make it a focus as the Plimmerton Rotary playground or to do bits to a number of playgrounds. When the subcommittee has decided what they wish to do, they will meet again with the Council and representatives from Otago University to decide on the next step. 

The future leaders' seminar will be held at Waipuna Hotel in Auckland on 9 September. Please see President Jenny if you want more details than are contained on the flyer.  Future_Leaders_Seminar_-_September_2017_

In Almoner David Knight's absence, President Jenny and Ron Lucas visited Richard Sherwin. He is 'bored to tears' but has a new purple cast which apparently was a special order from some family members, that will make him stand out!.

Bryan Waddell is now at home, slowly recovering from his fall. President Jenny spoke with him on the telephone and they had a good conversation. He is awaiting a specialist concussion test to ascertain what is happening and determine further treatment.

The speaker said ...

No speaker this week but the meeting finished early so that members could go and share their wisdom at their various committees.

What's coming up in August and beyond?

On Tuesday 8 August Fraser Carson will talk to us about three Cs that are building better organisations and communities.

On Tuesday 15 August, Wendy Betteridge and Donna Reed will tell us what twelve dynamic speakers had to say about their Impossible Dream for Wellington at the Rotary Forum on 1 August.

You will be able to find future events on the Events page.

This week's happenings 

Amandine has settled in well with Jenny and Ron Lucas. Her counsellor is Cath Berryman. You can read a brief story about her arrival here.

The Rotary Club of Port Nicholson is holding a Monte Carlo fun night on Saturday 12 August at 6.30 for 7.00 pm at Wellington Bridge Club, 17 Tinakori Road, Thorndon. If you would like to go to this event, please contact Darryl Ross. They are raising funds for Rotary's ongoing community housing project in Fiji, which you can read about here.  truck_replacement_project

In case your copy didn't reach you, you can find the Our Porirua E-Newsletter for July here.

The Outside World

Gabrial Kenji, a member of the Interact Club of Pinhais, Parana, Brazil, decided to do something to combat an online suicide game called Blue Whale that originated in Russia. He devised a social media game that he named White Whale to help boost self-esteem, self-worth, and peaceful interactions among young people. Keep reading >>

Parting thought

Philip Mottram brought us this week's quote from Dr Spock. 'When you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth. Live long and prosper'.

 Who's on duty for the next month?





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