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Newsletter June 2018

A wrap-up of all the very many activities that the club has been involved with during the past year and a celebration of the help and donations that we have provided. There's still more planned after Janet's inauguration as President at Changeover on 26 June 2018.  June_2018 

Newsletter May 2018

Wendy from Land Information NZ gave us a very interesting talk about place names and how they came about. We have a new club activity called "try something new/different" and many members signed up. Later this month we will be holding our Pink Ribbon Lunch.  May_2018 

Newsletter April 2018

A number of ladies enjoyed a golf/shopping trip to the Wairarapa.  Lots of fun on the golf course and a great night at the Solway.  Still had plenty of energy for shopping the next day.  Several members attended the Inner Wheel Conference in Melbourne.  They enjoyed four full-on days of inspiring speakers, top-class entertainment, business sessions and good food.  April_2018 

Newsletter March 2018

A busy weekend planned for the Inner Wheel Book Fair Cafe and a challenge ahead to compete against members of Plimmerton Rotary at Whitby Bowling Club on 27 March.  March_2018

Newsletter February 2018

A good start to the New Year with help with the Garden rail and an exciting Pizza and Plonk night with fun games for all.  February_2018  

Newsletter November 2017

With Zonta, we collected Bras and Knickers for the prisoners in Arohata, a great assortment of styles and sizes. Together with Rotary, we had a pop-up shop in Porirua selling pre-loved clothes, shoes, handbags, and jewellery. Several members attended the District Meeting hosted by Inner Wheel Tawa.  November__2017  

Newsletter October 2017

Some wonderful pictures of our WOW evening which was a lot of fun. We held a fundraising evening for 3 students from Aotea college to help them go to Yale University to compete in world debating and speech competitions.  October_2017  

Newsletter September 2017

Members again helped with the annual Daffodil Day collection for the Cancer Society. Our District Chairman visited us and talked enthusiastically about her theme for the year "Bee the exception to the Rule".  September_2017 

Newsletter August 2017

'Spring is almost here', says President Christine. Working with other service organisations and sharing ideas and activities has begun in earnest and you'll find heaps of activities in the newsletter that you can join in with.  August_2017 

Newsletter July 2017

We had a wonderful Changeover - a great celebration of Inner Wheel and what we do in the community. There's lots going on. We have a great line-up of speakers and we're really wanting to start working together with Mana Zonta and Plimmerton Rotary.  July_2017 

Christine will 'Leave a Lasting Legacy'

The President for the 2017-2018 year is Christine Blick. You can read about Christine here.

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