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Keeping everyone informed

We believe that it's critical to keep our own members informed about what is happening within our club, in other clubs, within our District, our country and Rotary internationally.

We keep our own members informed:

  • We write a weekly Update which is also available for anyone and everyone to read
  • We keep a Programme of our future events on our web site
  • We send some of our articles to appear on the Rotary South Pacific Blog which can be read by all the other clubs in New Zealand.
  • We send some of our articles to appear in the Rotary Down Under magazine which is published monthly. When we have finished reading our copy, some of us take it to various waiting rooms so that others can read some of the great stories from Australia and New Zealand.
  • We put outstanding projects, like Te Ara Piko, the meandering pathway around the Pauatahanui Inlet, into the Rotary International's Showcase so that other clubs round the world can see our projects and perhaps emulate them.
  • There's also a great deal of information in our Intranet which is only relevant for our members.

So, how do we keep our community informed about what we get involved in and when and why we would like the community to become involved with us?

  • We get articles about our activities printed in Kapi Mana and, occasionally, The Dominion.
  • Local television and radio stations broadcast our events.
  • We use our Facebook page and Neighbourly to promote as many things as possible that we think others might be interested in. These things appear on Stuff which is read all over the world.
  • We broadcast all our future events onto Our Porirua website as well as to other sites such as ShineLiteracy Success for All, Porirua College, and others so that people reading their sites can find our events easily.
  • We make sure that when we run events, we wear our Plimmerton shirts so that we are easily recognisable if anyone wants to come and talk to us about Rotary and what we do.
  • We liaise with other voluntary organisations such as Mana Zonta and Mana Lions to share experiences and have fun.

And how do we keep ourselves informed about what our community is doing and how we might be able to help?

  • We talk to people in the community, to principals of schools, to the Mayor and Councillors, in fact, to anyone we meet, and ask questions.

We're always open to ideas about how we might serve our community better. So if you have any ideas, make contact with us. Or, better still, come and meet us, either on a Tuesday evening when you like the look of the speaker who will be talking to us, or at one of our many events.

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